Howdy folks, been a while; up to my ears in horses, which happens to be the topic of this short piece.
My good friend Poss Chapman and I, been tryin' to raise some dough to feed our domestic bunch and the band of wild horses we took on from the sanctuary up north, lost their lease.
He's been postin' a fundraiser on behalf of Monero Mustangs with whom we've been involved, some ten years now, but we only raised $200 dollars and we're gettin' desperate for hay.
While the $200 will allow us to get a small load a local hay, last us a few days, we really need two large loads to make the winter; a load being 240 bales and running $2400.
Short term, we did get a grant from an equine assistance organization from back east and it rests with our hay man, up in Colorado. Trick is, normal he'll only deliver a full load and the grant was only 1/3.
He called last night and said he'd bring us a half load special, just to help us out, if we could raise $400 by wednesday; that would get us about a month closer to spring!
If anyone or everyone, could help us out, a little or a lot, please contact me at:
And, please feel free to pass it on!
Behalf of all the horses and us, thanks very much!
Best, always
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