Sunday, April 28, 2013

Like a Pond to the Sky

Howdy, I'm takin' a break from the "daily" where it's spring and I got a bunch a horses need work and a fair lot of fencin' needs fixin', but if your lookin' to order a copy of the book, first edition, signed copy, here's the way:

Send a check or money order for $24.95, plus $5.95 for shipping. The five-ninety-five, gets us "priority" shipping, in a padded envelope, complete with delivery confirmation. (first class was over seven dollars). I got together with my bookkeep, and got it all straight, where we can use my livestock operation, handle the checks, so make 'em payable to GRATEFUL HERD MGMT., at the address below:

Grateful Herd Mgmt.
HCR74 BOX132
Lindrith, NM 87029

BE SURE and MAKE IT PLAIN, where you want your book(s) sent and consider it's a fair package, so ya want an address where it won't get lost or stolen. If you're uncertain about the size or safety of your mailbox, certified, which requires a signature, would add $2.95; the advantage there bein', if you weren't home, they will take it back to the post office for safe keepin', 'till ya come by and sign for it.

Any questions, feel free, email or call and sincere thanks for your interest!

Best, always!


Like a Pond to the Sky; day in the life of a cowboy, lost in the learnin' of found. Jeune Bailey Hall, with photography by Brandon Johnson; poems, pictures and story. 70 pages, 26 color plates, 8x10 hardback.

"This is the gift of a life; our chance to know and remember, trust, what's good. Not some big idea, but the flavor. This is the gift of a heart; a place where we know and savor the flavor!"


Like a Pond to the Sky

So, here's the detail: send a check or money order for $24.95, plus $5.95 for shipping. The five-ninety-five, gets us "priority" shipping, in a padded envelope, complete with delivery confirmation. (first class was over seven dollars). I got together with my bookkeep, and got it all straight, where we can use my livestock operation, handle the checks, so make 'em payable to GRATEFUL HERD MGMT., at the address below:

Grateful Herd Mgmt.
HCR74 BOX132
Lindrith, NM 87029

BE SURE and MAKE IT PLAIN, where you want your book(s) sent and consider it's a small package, so ya want an address where it won't get lost or stolen. If you're uncertain about the size or safety of your mailbox, certified, which requires a signature, would add $2.95; the advantage there bein', if you weren't home, they will take it back to the post office for safe keepin', 'till ya come by and sign for it.

Any questions, feel free, email or call and sincere thanks for your interest!

Best, always!


Like a Pond to the Sky; day in the life of a cowboy, lost in the learnin' of found. Jeune Bailey Hall, with photography by Brandon Johnson; poems, pictures and story. 70 pages, 26 color plates, 8x10 hardback.

"This is the gift of a life; our chance to know and remember, trust, what's good. Not some big idea, but the flavor. This is the gift of a heart; a place where we know and savor the flavor!"


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spring Break

Good Evenin'

Cold, cold, today! Fair breezy and cold.

And, I am wonderin' if I can keep up with my "column", here and spring, so I'm thinkin' to give it a rest; maybe try a few days or a week.

The critters are good and the weather supposed to shape up, here, with the week to come, but I end up goin' ta bed way too late and missin' the best of the day.

I don't reckin' anyone'll suffer and it might be a big plus for the critters and fences, etc.

Stay well and I'll keep ya appraised a developed mints!

Best, Always

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rosey Sunset

Good Evenin'

Tarred! The headache went away last night, but stomach is still on the blink. Didn't do too much today; mostly a little paper work, feedin' and firewood. All that wind we got, past few days, sure brought in the cold air.

Anyway, quiet day, and time for a little more reflection; beautiful longin' just to go deeper, really understand and appreciate life and all the gifts it holds.

I remember a nice old story about two young girls, growin' up with their grandmother down on the bayou. One was real pretty, the other more plain. The grandmother really spoiled the prettier one, even though the other was a hard worker and always did more than her share.

One day the plainer child was out lookin' for berries in the forest when she heard a cry, not faar from where she stood. The young girl ran to help and found an old woman who had fallin' in a small bog. She helped her out and helped her home, but when the old woman was settled and well, confessed she better return to her chores. The old woman, so pleased with her help, told her to look in the basket, propped in the corner and take some eggs before she left. The young girl declined any sort of reward, but the old woman persisted and the young girl relented. When she looked in the basket, to her great surprise, among the eggs, were some, covered with jewels. Stunned she turned and look at the old woman.

"Yes", she said, "they are beautiful, but I'll tell you a secret; take only the ones that talk to you, and you'll never be disappointed". The young girl modest and trusting, looked back at the eggs and tipped her head to listen. To her surprise, she could hear the plain eggs talking; ever so sweet and gentle. She gathered a few, thanked the old woman and hurried on back to her house.

Her grandmother greeted her at the door with a frown, asking if she knew the hour, but softened a bit when she saw the eggs and took them to the sink to wash. "Eggs tonight, to go with our soup", as she cracked the first in a bowl. But, to her great surprise, when she cracked the egg, diamonds and rubies came out. The grandmother was thrilled and jumped about, before cracking the others with the same result.

The pretty sister who'd been watching the fuss, became very jealous and demanded that her sister tell her where she got the eggs and once told, ran out the door and all the way to the old woman's house. She barged right in and demanded some eggs for herself. The old woman, with a knowing look, motioned to the basket in the corner. The pretty young girl, looked in the basket, saw the ones that were jewel encrusted, grabbed as many as she could hold and left without a word.

She ran home to show her grandmother and reclaim her privileged position, but when her grand mother cracked the eggs, they were only full of bugs; the jewels on the surface, only made of paste.

Always remember that story, when it comes to gifts, 'cause there's a million for sure, but I never wanta forget to listen, for the ones that speak to me.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always

A Question of Peace

Good Mornin'

Very mornin' here! But, I kinda had an upset stomach and a headache when I got back from town; fed the ponies and took a nap. Topped it off with some heart time and didn't start dinner 'til late.

Then I got drawn into a conversation on "the book"; good friend asked a question about what ya might say, that might make a difference, day after "Boston". It got pretty interestin' and I got pressed to say what I really felt; kindly but surely. It was really fascinatin' to follow it through and just watch the changes I went through. I'm not inclined to re-construct the whole thing, don't know if I could, but here's a sort of poem that came out at the end:

A river is made of drops
The world is made of people
A river can't run where the drops will not.

Peace is possible and it begins with you and me.

Have a nice day!


Thanks to Brandon Johnson Photography

Monday, April 15, 2013

Letter to a Friend

(Concerning the Wedo Dog and his curious, early mornin' disappearance.)

A bit of a mystery, but I went to give the boys a flake and here comes Wedo, all excited; seems he mighta been over at the log house. Don't know what got into him but, all's well and he's back in bed.

He's just a funny dog, every which way. Kinda like he's from another planet, with a culture, history, "religion" and sense of society all his own. As I may have mentioned, even the way his body's put together and the way he moves, all, just plain curious. I suppose on some level, it just makes sense; Australia, in many ways, might as well be another planet, what with the aboriginal people, strange animals and the vast wilderness. Maybe Wedo, just got a very high "Dingo" content, with all the curious magic, story and culture of the outback; I think I'm a big believer in "genetic" memory, just like the mustang boys.

I suppose also, why I love spendin' time with the critters; when you get into their "wordless" zone and just pay attention, somehow those stories get "told". And, somehow, I am transformed and enrichened; my own ancestral roots and stories awoken, deeply buried, perhaps, as they are. In all our bones, I suspect is the faint voice, of a time when we knew, we were all family; respect and appreciation, conversation, far more a part of our journey together through time.

Have a nice day!



Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Jewel

Good Evenin'

And, another fair but breezy one. Did get to enjoy a bit, but "free minutes" on the phone, I do take advantage to catch up with friends and "boosters".

Anyway, passed it fairly well, made some nice connections and still had time, spend a few with the "Jewel"; Julio-Jewel. And, things are gettin' so nice between us, I'm thinkin' ta raise the bar just a tad; see if he might be willin'. He is a wild horse and I believe he's only seen a woman on a horse once, I arranged a "ride-by" one day, and I'm not one, bound and determined, every horse should be rid, but there's somethin' about the challenge, I believe would serve him well; somethin' about his self esteem, I can't figure a better way to address. And, where him and Ruben are both stud colts, it'd be a great way get him out for exercise and education. Could be there's little more touchin' than any critter's, come to believe in themself; anyone of us, comes to believe, we're loved and loveable.

I'll keep ya appraised a de-veloped mints!

Have a nice night!

Best, Always


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Weather or Not

Good Evenin'

And, a pretty nice day; blue sky, sunshine, 60 some degrees, big puffy clouds, the wind kickin' up just a bit, afternoon.

Lot a correspondence today; checkin' up on boosters and friends. Did salvage some time for the ponies; boys got out for a romp and the bunch come in for a scratch and a flake.

All in all, a fairl lovin' day; even found time for some quiet with the Maker, which always redoubles my thanks.

I remember a wise man once telling me a story about someone that did little and accomplished a lot; sometimes I wonder if I'm not beginning to understand. That happens lately; some sense of a heavy dream breaking up, like clouds after a storm. Glimpses of blue sky and sunshine; fleeting but sure.

Have a nice night!


Thanks to Brandon Johnson Photography

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yes, I'd Be Jules

Good Evenin'

Nice as a day can be! 60 some degrees, big puffy white clouds, sailin' about and calm.

Didn't make it over ta see Sunny, his pickup's still dead, in front of the trailer, but I did get to some paperwork, a toot in the woods with the pups and a nice little workout with Julio.

I know there's some might criticize our progress, but short as we are, we sure have fun. And, I don't suppose most folks'd notice how far we've come; old Julio, when we first started, you couldn't even get near the pen, 'fore he shut down and withdraw inside himself, just like a turtle.
Every now and then, someone'll ask and I try to explain, but if ya haven't worked with horses much, it's so easy, assume that they're all the same. But, not only is every horse different, a truly wild horse, rounded up, goodness knows how and run through the forest service pens, well, that'll take all those differences and multiply 'em by tens. But if everyone understood, I mighten have the chance, so I'll just accept the remarks and sidelong glances, thank my lucky stars and take my time with Jules.

Gotta figure a way, squeeze a few more hours inta the day, but, life's always good for a challenge.

Have a nice night!



Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Blustery Day With Big Puffy Clouds

Good Evenin'

And, yes, heels of the storm, a cool and blustery day.

And, to my great surprise, the ponies didn't even come in for breakfast. Frosty mornin', but the grass is comin' and they musta got a taste. Just as well, as, whatever hay we got, it's gotta last to August.

Correspondence, feedin' and firewood, otherwise; figured I'd give the weather a chance, warm up and settle down, 'fore I go back see Sunny. See what tomorrow brings.

And the Wedo dog's gettin' down right casual, almost, come time ta head for the woods. He sure makes me laugh; there's somethin' very "bear like", the way his body's put together and the way he moves. Then, a course his disposition, which is just plain goofy; Whichy does "not notice" pretty much, but sometimes I even see her starin' in disbelief. Anyway, sure makes fun outta gatherin' wood.

So, we'll put us ta bed and see y'all tomorrow.

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sunshine Lights the Heels of the Storm

Good Evenin'

Kinda cool and overcast, but no more precip.

Simple day; correspondence, feedin' and firewood. Opened the gate for the bunch last night, where the snow was fair deep and the night fair cold. They came in for breakfast, a nap and a light lunch, but headed on out, there after; those green sprouts a grass must be callin' their names.

Even cool, as it was, we likely lost three quarters a that snow and it's supposed to be warm tomorrow; gear up and see what we might get done, if it ain't too muddy ta move. Appreciate the quiet days of weather, where they're far fewer come summer.

Have a nice night!

Best, always

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Behind The Front

Good Evenin'

And, ya, that's the way it looked this mornin'; and, it kept up all day! We must a got six inches or better, figurin' that the first of it melted when it hit the warm dry dirt.

Hauled a bale a hay out to the bunch, concerned about the old folks, Big, special. Used the hand cart, and headed out, lookin' back ta see the dogs opt "out"; too warm by the fire. Hauled it out a half mile or so and laid it out in seven piles, down by the pond. Whistled some but no ponies. So, I hiked over the hill, figure they might be hole up in the lee, where the wind was comin' from the southeast. Top a the valley I whistled again, hopin' the wind'd carry it out. No ponies. Dropped down into the valley and headed south see if they was in the pocket under the high pond. All of a sudden, here they come, out of a grove just west. They all come up on a trot and like ta smell the hay I'd packed, so, with little a do, they headed on home; didn't even offer a lift!

Took me a while catch back up, out another half a mile there, but, a course, they stopped when they spotted the hay in the clearing down by the Low Easter Pond. I stopped to check, everyone had a pile, when all of a sudden I hear this whinnin'. Looked around and there was Wedo, up under the trees, just south a the clearin'! He'd come all the way out, and look a things, all by his self. He was some excited, but there he was, a little shy a the ponies, but lookin' quite prouda his self!

The boys breakin' loose!

Have a nice night!


Monday, April 8, 2013

The Front

Good Evenin'

And, yes, it's spring; "freight train" winds today, as this front moved through. 70 degrees yesterday, 40 tomorrow with a possibility of snow. (Just so my friends to the north take heart!)

Anyway, side from feedin', firewood and a little collectin' debris, pretty much, me and the pups just "hole up" and took advantage for some extra prayer time. Nice thing about that relationship, I don't believe ya can ever get too much and like wine, it just gets better with age.

And, yes the Wedo dog's gettin' just a little more casual 'bout our daily trip for wood. Still a little unsure and he still appreciates his reassurance rub, now and then, but change afoot, no doubt. I suppose it's kinda like me and the city; an awful lot of input, he just ain't used to. See how it all works out; with the comin' a summer, me and Whichy'll sure get about.

So, I reckin' we'll call it a night. Love and Best Wishes, to one and all!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Queendom

Good Evenin'

And, another fair day! Kinda carbon copy, here recent; sunny, breezy, 60 some degrees and cloudin' up toward dark.

Tried ta keep it simple today, after all my peddlin' yester; got up slow, fed the ponies, made some coffee and drifted again 'til noon. Got up, fed the ponies, made some breakfast and drifted again 'til four. Another cup a coffee and eased on back to work; feedin', firewood, a little correspondence, and a wee romp with the boys.

When we went for firewood, Wedo tagged along, with only a little encouragement. I thought to cross the crossroad, on the edge of the woods, see if he'd go down to the pond; I knew Whichy was due for a swim. And, he did, but only made it a little, for the "wide open", was a little to open and he hightailed it back to the woods. We were close enough, where Whichy got her swim, and I headed back ta comfort the boy; assure him we hadn't gone off and left. Little by little. Whichy's so confident, I mean queen of all she sees; sooner or later the boy's gotta figure, he's big enough for the job.

Anyway, patience; no tellin' what his life was before and nothin' grows courage like love. And, so

Have a nice night!



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Round and Round, The Neighborhood

Good Evenin'

And, kinda similar; 60 some degrees, sunny and breezy. Cloudin' up toward dark.

As I mentioned to a friend, kind of an upside down day. Woke up this mornin' with five messages from four neighbors, all with an idea of what I should do today, none of which I'd planned on. So, I proceeded to sit there for about an hour, collectin' myself and figurin' how many birds I could get with one rock.

Anyway, we got most, but I had to cancel my rendez-vous with the Sunny colt and re-schedule for Monday. Don't like to do things like that but the owners truck was still down and the trailer's still loose, so we'll get it right this week.

Upside, I reckin', Ol' Larry sold two more books at the store, I re-cooped the neighbor's re-paired tractor tire and got to say "hey" to my friend that's got ta move. All said and done, just got home in time to feed, call it a day and make some sup.

I do what I can for folks, but truth be told, I sure miss my time with the critters; they don't talk or gossip, they're always glad ta see ya, they don't care much for yesterday or tomorrow, wouldn't know a politician from an electrician and just plain fascinated with what kinda fun, we can have right now! And, that's always a breath a fresh air.

Have a nice night!


Friday, April 5, 2013

Wedo's New World

Good Evenin'

And, another fine day! A little windy, but sunny and mild.

Got my correspondence done, talked to my tax lady, checked on the bunch, started my first load a laundry for the spring and spent some time with the boys.

Oh, ya and firewood. Almost forgot, but the Wedo Dog is gettin' where he likes a little romp in the woods. (For those of you just tunin' in, Wedo's a rescue dog, come up around Christmas) It started about a week ago; he used to watch me and Whichy go, then go back to bed. But, last week I started goin' out about 30 yards and kneelin' on the ground; just close enough where he couldn't resist, he'd come runnin', I'd give him a good rub, then he'd run home. Anyway, then it got to where he'd wait to see if I'd do it again, another 30 yards, then again, another 30 yards and now we're out to the cross road. He gets pretty excited and talks a lot, maybe more like singin', but now he'll come all the way out, runnin' back and forth 'tween me and Whichy, make sure both of us are payin' attention. Pretty funny, but I just never thought a dog could get so used to a "backyard" that a walk in the woods, might be too excitin'. He's just a funny kid! But, he's makin' effort and really it's no small deal; I notice he's got quite a "nose for news" and he's likely smellin' critters out here, he'd never a met in his yard.

And, tomorrow's another day, with Sunny Boy. I'll keep you appraised a developed mints.

Have a nice night!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love and Trust

Good Evenin'

Well, another peach of a day; 60 somethin', blue sky and sunshine.

Did make it over to the neighbors, play with the Sunny colt. Turned out her truck wouldn't start, so we didn't do much with the trailer, 'cept put our front feet up on the tail. He was all ready to climb in, but, personal rule a thumb, "never load a young colt in a trailer that ain't hitched up"; stuff happens and a trailer flips up, or wiggles and slides on a young horse, it can take some doin', ever get 'em ta load again. Which takes us back to my other favorite, "ever find trust, don't break it; it is more precious than gold".

That's the thing about trust, when ya start ta see and feel, just how precious it is; it is a gift, but it sure comes with responsibilities. And, I reckin' that's true with just about any kinda real gift. And, that's a funny one, too. We might give each other presents; a watch, a sweater, a pair a sox or a car. But, it just occurred to me that a real gift, is something that can never be manufactured; like life. That's where those responsibilities come in; things that are alive, keeping them so, that's a delicate thing and dead one day, alive the next, well, life just ain't like that.

So, we just worked on "free forward motion", attention and feel, so's to build a good foundation and not to waste a trip. Toward the end, I give him a brush, put on his halter and went ta visit the trailer. And, like I said, he was ready to go, but once he put his front feet up, I figured it "good" and asked him to back on out.

That's likely the hardest part of workin' a young horse; ya even come close ta gettin' it right, special with a fine young one, and they get so tickled and pleased with themselves, they ready to friend you for life. Makes it kinda hard to go home.

Have a nice night!



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sky Dance at Sunset

Good Evenin'

Well, that stormy weather, they been predicting all week, finally come together around sunset. Fair dark up toward the divide, thunder and lightin'; all we got was a sprinkle. But the clouds put on a nice show; kinda meltin', like veils and turnin' all kinda colors, reflectin' the settin' sun.

And, just today, I started feelin' like I'd re-grouped, after my first outtin' of the spring, with that Sunny colt from down the way. And, tomorrow I go back, see if we can't get him comfortable with the whole trailer deal.

I been thinkin' about him and workin' other people's horses in general and speculatin' how, this might be my last go round; least for a good while. Maybe similar to a question I once heard an elder ask; "in this world, where everyone holds the banner of truth and lies underneath it; you're gonna teach your kid to tell the truth?". Haven't sorted it all the way out, but it is a good question.

It's just that there's so many other questions I have about me and horses and how we get along; what's honest, what's respectful, what's fair and they're so meaningful. Other horses that belong to other people, there's so many variables in there, the answers aren't so clear and even if the money mattered, all said and done, yer lucky, breakeven. I'm laughin', it's kind of the story of my life; never found money and meanin', happily married and meanin' was not negotiable.

Anyway, wonderful day in the neighborhood; ponies fed, the bunch are good, firewood's in, the pups are fine, my heart is close and clarity, ever more, yet.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weather or Not

Good Evenin'

Well, aren't exactly sure, why I paid so much attention to the weather people about this little storm, was supposed to come through, but, another fair day. A little overcast this after and some windy, but nothin' of major consequence; temp mighta dropped a few degrees. Anyway, maybe it was wishful thinkin', where I've been kinda busy with spring doin' and missin' my extra prayer time just a bit, when it gets messy it's way easier justify a little quiet time.

Fair bit a correspondence this mornin', lettin' folks know, our little book my make the May issue of Enchantment Magazine, then feedin', firewood and playin' with the boys. All went fair well and I did spot the bunch, when I was gatherin' wood; ya, they were hangin' in the low pasture, just in case I come by with a flake. And, so I did; well, it had cooled off and they said it might snow tonight, so I figured one flake a piece wouldn't brake the bank, least anymore than already. Laid it out on the dirt road, headin' up the hill. Sat myself down and enjoyed my upwardly mobile "approval rating"; it is a "mutual admiration society".

Late again, so we'll caller a day.

Have a nice night!



Monday, April 1, 2013

Dot's Ruben

Good Evenin'

And, not a bad day; bright and sunny for starters, then a layer of thick clouds come in on the wind, but all in all, not too windy and fair pleasant.

And, first of April, I fed the bunch their last flake, led 'em out to pasture afternoon and closed the gate; we gotta save what hay we got, get the boys through to August. Already stretched it, but god willin' we'll make it work.

Hate ta close 'em out, but I think for most it was time. And, sure was nice, see 'em all grazin' in the warm spring wind; Tubby and Funny, takin' a roll in the pond. Just peaceful, peaceful. And, I don't believe it'll hurt any one, they lose a pound 'fore the grass gets strong.

And, got to play with the boys again; Julio workin' on trimmin' his hooves, Ruben just lettin' him move, lookin' for the "feel". Think they both enjoyed themselves; Ruben, maybe most, but Julio too. They sure are different and I got a ways, unlock 'em both, but kinda like night and day; opposite ends a the rainbow, see about findin' the middle. Ruben's response to things that spook, is move, move, move. Julio, he's more inclined to stay real close, figurin' I'm the lesser of "evil". Some might figure Julio easier, but all that life in Ruben and his inclination ta move, could be, Ruben'll come around first. No doubt about it, either way, they ain't no domestic ponies; whole thing of workin' with people, not a thread in their dna.

Anyway, long day, it's late and I'm tarred. Try again tomorrow.

Have a nice night!
