Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rescue Horses?

Good Afternoon

Well, our momentary cool, switched back to heat, but we do have some big puffy white clouds, a little breeze and 'fore too long, it's got to rain; I think the heats even gettin' tired of itself.

All to avoid the question of horses! I sure got tangled up in the pros and cons, the trauma and the trajedy yesterday, but lucky, the horses came to save me from myself. Late afternoon, I'd finally broke free from the phone and email and details of "The Bend", the final stages of the transaction, not to mention the book, also final stages of "format for press" and I had just come back from feedin' the critters, over at the neighbors, when "the bunch" showed up.

Funny, really, I was splittin' a little wood for cookin' and I hear hoofbeats. I stop, double check and peer off through the trees; sure enough, dust and legs and hooves, swirlin' and flashin' mid the low branches, where it's easier to see. And, here they come, bouncin' and prancin', spinnin' and buckin'; all up on a grand adventure. They musta found a low spot on the cross fence, separates the north, summer pasture from the south, winter, crossed over and come up over the hill. And, I'll betya, dimes to dollars, Queenie was behind it; we are comin' up on another full moon and "the boys" are still, here by the barn. Big and Tubby kinda had that "pretend thing" goin' on; "like" they knew why they were there and meant to be. But, Queenie and the girls, they just knew and Queenie was doin' her best, run the young girls off a the front row, so she could put her head over the gate, which uniquely, provided a line a sight, down to the boys.

Never the less, they were all havin' a ball, knowin' full well, their ideas and mine, might be some contrary, thus doublin' the fun. And, come ta think of it, there, too, Queenie like ta take the lion share; the rest, I'm just not sure if they'd appreciate, quite so much, the fine genius, of figurin' out, exactly how the cowboy sees things and doin' just the opposite. I further, suppose, it was her, figured out a way, convince Big, it was all his idea and quite important for some security reason, where both those issues appeal to his "bossiness". I say this, account a the way she even had Tubby cut out and was playin' up on Big, who she normally leaves alone. And, all this, precisely why, I suspect, she kept gettin' sold, 'till we rescued her from Oscar Myer; the girl's just, way too smart and, odd enough, most folks hate that.

Anyway, I got a halter and lead, and convinced Tubby, drop a nose, tied it up over his neck and headed out; Tubby been handled the most and, first lieutenant, me and him head out, the rest fall in. With, of course the exception of Big; no matter what we do, Big'll try and catch up, get in between me and Tubby, as it kinda rubs his "bossiness" the wrong way, seein' everybody followin' me and Tubby. Poor Tubby, bless his heart, he don't know what to do; he wants to come along and get along, but he does love Big and knows, he's the boss, when I aren't. Not to mention Big's ability, raise an eyebrow or cock an ear, lettin' everyone know, "get outta the way". Worse part is, I put the halter on Big and he don't wanta go anywhere; like it don't suit his "boss" image followin' no human. No win!

So, general, we strike a balance. We let Big go first and Tubby and I fall in behind, given Big a little bump with the leadline, he gets doubtful about where and why we're goin'. It works and Tubby relaxes.

Anyway, I got 'em out through the gate, back up on the north, but soon as I turned 'em loose, they headed east down to the low gait, the other angle on the mustang boys; again, Big out in front, brainwashed or "conned" by now I'm convinced, Queenie in second, somehow, momentarily, edgin' Tubby outta second, for another consideration, those mysterious "boys".

So, once more I follow 'em down, gather up Tubby and head northwest, up toward the ridge, separatin' us from the big valley and summer patch. Everybody still, quite amused and enjoyin' all the excitement. And, by now, Big's comin' back to his senses, realizin' this all, has very little to do with eatin' and they're quite a ways from water, so he takes the lead with renewed purpose. And, once again, I turn Tubby loose, and they all fall in; Big, Tubby, remindin' Queenie, "third IS your spot", Queenie, Funny, Big Missy, Graceful and Rusty. Happily trottin' over the hill; quite satisfied, seems, that, whatever the mission, it all went quite well.

And, so, I head home; chucklin'. All my drama and trauma washed down stream; simple fact of a horse. A bunch actually, and all quite capable of makin' the best and findin' the fun; save a cowboy like me from hisself.

Have a great day!


Friday, June 29, 2012

His Story

Good Afternoon

Well, there was a softness in the air this mornin'; kinda like someone pulled the plug on the heater, been on a month or better. Right now, it's not even 2pm and it's clouded up and sprinkled a bit, which ain't really rain, but even clouds are a welcome relief and a sprinkle is a sprinkle.

Got a lot of wonderful feedback on that note I posted about Queenie, yesterday. One a my friends, another guy, that also liked the question of "the lead mare" and the comments that were left, asked if I'd say somethin' about the male horses. I got quiet; he'd just touched on a question I'd been thinkin' on, quite some recent. Don't mean to be graphic, but societal norm is "castrate the boys."

And, it ain't hard ta figure, special with horses; a twelve hundred pound horse, bound ta "get that mare", well, that can be a problem. And, the world gettin' smaller as population grows, cities and neighborhoods expand; it's no small question. Look at all the commotion about the wild horses, price a real estate, ranchers tryin' ta make a livin', climate change, grass and water supplies low; and lower yet, for some want it all.

So, 'out pretendin' we'll sort it all out, right here, I'll just say, I got two mustang stud colts in the corral and three "geldings" out on pasture with the mares. And, I think about all of 'em; the stud colts I can't turn loose, price a hay, more mouths to feed, the geldings and the parts they lost, that surely affect their whole experience of life, from metabolism to social and family life and the mares, their wantin', knowin', "life must go on", my knowin' there's implications and bills ta pay.

And, so, ya might can see my dillemma; the boys that are "natural" I can't let out and the one that are out, well, they aren't exactly "natural". I suppose only thing I can hope is to sell a lot of books, buy a lot of land, but even then, I reckin', a point'd come, where "geldin" some colts'd, sooner or later, come due.

So, what's "natural" and what'd Creator intend? I guess there's a point where we have ta manage and Creator knew it well in advance; and so, we do and so, hopeful, we all adjust, geldings, mares, studs and humans.

And, meantime, I'll be thinkin' 'bout stories, might illuminate the boys, just some, both the geldings out yonder and stud colts, here by the barn; me in the middle, tryin', make it work for all.

Have a great day!



Thursday, June 28, 2012

Misstery of Life

Good Mornin'

Well, sunny and hot; just a gentle breeze, this mornin. Quite a squally afternoon, yesterday and we really did get a shower; nothin' ta fill the ponds, but, maybe fifteen minutes, a fair shower!

Otherwise, sizin' up the yard and fixin' to haul trash. Got the tank full enough, for the bunch out yonder, last a day; pull the tank, out the truck, loader up with old wire, hauler of. The owners here bumped their arrival date to Sunday, so, we best push, here next couple a days.

Nice to see the bunch, last night; they all come up get a drink a fresh water. It was almost dark so I didn't stay long, but then neither did they. They headed north, after a drink; I reckin' they got a spot with good visibility, out in the open, where they circle up, take turns, nappin' and watchin'. Funny ta notice the difference, 'tween 'em; the dominant horses all got a little bit of attitude. Well, let's adjust that; Queenie and Tubby, most. Big, the boss with the sore feet, he's generally glad ta see me and appreciates whatever I bring; a scratch, a rub, an affectionate salutation, a moment together. And, the others all come up, visit for a moment; see about a scratch, take a sniff, give a lick. But, Tubby and Queenie, I guess they have concerns; part business, I suppose, Tubby keepin' watch and maintainin' order, first lieutenant, as he is and Queenie, bein' the woman. She keeps a close eye on Tubby, shares his sense of "maintainin' order" and reminds me, general, they're aren't any babies, addin' similar, I could spend a little more time with them and a little less elsewhere. And, I can't blame'r there; most a what I'm doin', I started, raise some dough, make a permanent home for them, spend more time together. But, same everywhere, I suppose, families of all sorts; try and find a balance, 'tween gettin' the goods and spendin' time, hope it all adds up.

But, it is funny, how we all have our own perspective, story, if ya will and express it, all kinda ways. Seems, end a the day, maybe we see enough, maybe we start ta feel that longin', go beyond our own and just appreciate the miracle of the whole set up; beautiful planet, air, water, food and company. A gift, a moment in time, together, to appreciate, understand, be a part, of life lovin' itself; fascinated with the simple innovation and renovation of it all.
When the ponies come up for a drink, Tubby come first, Queenie in tow; couldn't help but remark, "what is it with women and 'sachay'? All horses, heck us humans, have gaits, but Queenie, she got 'sachay'!" You watch and it's amazin'; she not only got 'sachay', but she got a whole dictionary of things she can say and all dependin', "which way she sachay"! Now, that's fascinatin'; that's just plain fascinatin'!

Have a great day!



Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, we did get some more build up yesterday; another squall and another sprinkle. All, to say, hot and breezy, again.

And, wonder of wonders, I did go over ta see the local medicine man again, yesterday, thinkin' it was payback; help him with his wood pile. Only to find he was thinkin' to treat my shoulder again. Well, I protested, best I could, my concern for how I'd ever pay him back, busy as I was and that my shoulder was comin' along o.k.. Didn't work and another treatment I got; even included my back this time, where I'd thrown it out favorin' my shoulder. Quite amazin', where the pain had already quit, on the back side, but when I got up, I realized, I must a learned to compensate, as I now felt quite newly relaxed and able to walk and bend freely.

Anyway, just goes to show, I suppose, it's a good thing we got company; all by ourselves, we're apt, get all twisted up and never know the difference.

His wife was there, too this time and I had taken the book, our last proof, case she wanted to take a peek, where she'd ordered a copy, few months back. She really liked it and talked about orderin' two more copies. She's a very cheery, outgoin' woman, almost 60, like my self, but very youthful and healthy, to the eye, with red hair and big, bright blue eyes.

So, it all went well and now I know, I might can pay 'em back, in part, with another copy of the book. Likely, still try and help with the wood pile, get a chance; such a pleasure spendin' time with them, let alone his skill and wisdom with his healin' ways. I can still smell that mugwort he burns, heat the needles he uses; such an earthy, rich, musty fragrance. Don't understand anything about the "why", but just that fragrance, touches something inside, leavin' ya quite sure, ya will get better.

And, now I've got 5 days, 'fore the owners show up and plenty a clean up, keep me busy; make pretty and prepare, close one chapter, start another, The Medicine Bend Association.

Have a nice day!

Best, always!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Best Deal in Town

Good Mornin'

And, ya, might as well skip over the hot and breezy part; time I was up and out, it was already 85 degrees and we better figure on a bath today, 'fore my clothes get so stuck on me, I'll never get 'em off.

Did manage a start yesterday and I know that might sound funny, but just figure how much it takes, manage a small yard, even a acre or two, then figure 3000 acres, a small herd a horses, 2 burros and elk, keep runnin' back and forth cross your fences, a drought, haulin' water, hay prices up around $12/bale, a tent needs major repair, 'fore the monsoons hit and a whole barnyard needs spring cleanin', 'fore the owners show up; not to mention the book, the blog and "The Bend", or spendin' time with any of the critters, or my back give out, where I was favorin' my shoulder, give out 'fore that.

And, really, I aren't complainin', just tryin' ta give ya a picture, how much attitude can mean out here; so easy get overwhelmed and give up, somehow. Thus, my "start" and "how"; extra prayer time. Really, sometimes, it's just the voice, 'tween the ears, like the fella other day, with the tractor, gets too loud, "the world's gonna end, the world's gonna end; there's no time!". And, sometimes, ya just gotta "call the bluff", sit down and get quiet, stay there 'till reality sinks in and we sink into it; we're alive, it's amazing, there's hope.

Anyway, got up and started. Didn't get too far, phone calls and such, our title company that don't seem to know left from right, tryin' to close the deal on "The Bend", sendin' documents every which way, 'cept the spot they belong, but a start I made. And, it was beautiful, in it's own very simple way; just a closer walk.

I know, I'm stuck on that these days, but really, really, a closer walk with what, who, why? All, I can say, is I spent the time, did my best, get quiet and got up, feelin' well. And, when I got out and started, just started, right where I was, no priority list, no grand scheme, just started, that "well" I was feelin', it just stuck with me and things unfolded and a small difference was made. Occurred to me, things weren't all bad; "I bet I could do this again!"

All I did was stack a few pallets, move some trash out toward the truck and take a look, best way put the round pen back together, threw some feed and filled up water tubs. But, it went well, it felt good and it showed; even saw a way address the hay/pasture question, just for lettin' go my ideas, makin' do, the way it is.

So, this, my only conclusion, don't know how, don't know why, my head'll never get it, but somehow there's somethin', so full of "well", we get close, we spend time and it makes everything better; the hopeless, ain't and "no way", just "go way". Never, ever figure that; no, never! But, all these years, least I can do is admit, it's true; it works and wow, what a sweet, sweet, unbelievable deal!

Have a great day!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Carte Blanche

Good Mornin'

Maybe, just a hair cooler and breezy, but that "hair" might, just be wishful thinkin'.

Still workin' on my prayer, not so much for rain, as grace; so much to do and all, fair important, just looking for kindness, show me a path. And, come ta think of it, startin's like, the trick. Often occurs to me, sometimes ya just gotta start, get movin', make a way for the wisdom to join up; sometimes it's so alive, it really won't fit 'tween the ears, but if you just start, it'll join up and steer, point things out, ya never woulda thought.

And, a course, rain'd be nice, but, long time ago, wiseman told me a story, 'bout someone askin' for gifts. Way it went, they got the gift, but it came at high price; kinda like those "unintended consequences" ya hear about. So, his advice, always and only, ask for the "walk", the company, the kindness; it's the only sure bet. Anything else, ya never know; what seemed good, turns out to be bad, not enough, too much, things change, who knows? But good company, nothing but blessings; no worry!

So, I reckin' I'll leaver there for today; see about that start 'fore the heat sets up.

Have a great day!



Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Squall

Good Afternoon

Hot, hot, hot! Plain and simple. So hot, I fell asleep. Woke up to a neighbor deliverin' a tractor, belongs to the owner, here, rattle of his big deisel outside the window. Funny guy; don't know why he lives in New Mexico. I believe he grew up in the north. But, he's always in a hurry and never seems very happy; like whatever he's doin' he hates it and, if you get in his way, he'll start to shake, like he's fixin' ta hate you, too. He drove in, unannounced, after tearin' the stake up, holds the gate, opened the other side, the wrong way, crammin' the gate up on the bank, pulled in and set up like he was gonna back into the barn, that happens to be clearly, unaccesible, where I'm cleanin' it out and have a small mountain of trash in front. The tractors on a 20 foot flatbed and hooked up to his 20 foot, extra cab dually and the odds of him backin' any where close to the barn are slim to none, special the way he set up. There's trees on his left, a fence on the right and piles a brush in between. He was half way backed around, time I made it outta the house, where I'm like ta shade up, noon time and jumped when I whistled from the porch, clearly agitated.

I yelled "howdy" and when it was clear, there would be no response, added, "what's up?". He offered that the owner, here wanted his tractor back and I asked if it was runnin'. He said yes, so, I indicated it might be easier, just unload it, then later I could park it. Stead a straightenin' out and findin' a nice roomy spot, he jumped out and went to pullin' the ramps, fired up the tractor and backed it off, only to discover there wasn't enough room, get it all the way off the trailer, 'out crammin' it into the brush pile by the fence and near bustin' the fence in two. I watched quietly. It coulda been smooth and I mighta helped with the ramps and all, but agitated as he was and me movin' slow, just woke up, I figured I'd best stay out the way. He did manage to get the wheels off the ramp, crankin' the wheel, almost tearin' the tires and movin' forward, 'tween the ramps, much to the fences relief. He shut it down, jumped off and set to stowin' his ramps. Occurred to me, he was gonna have a hard time gettin' gone, the truck and trailer tweeked like they were, and now the tractor set where he couldn't back up. But he pulled his chains threw 'em in the truck and was fixin' to try, when I walked over and held out my hand. He gave me a quick, curious glance then, realizin' I was lookin' for a shake, offered his hand, nervous, 'fore jumpin' in his truck. He did manage, just, make the turn, with a little backin' and hoein' and the casual mashin' of a nice big bush next to the owners house, then gave a look, just 'fore he headed on out, like he had a question, but aware the racket, his big old deisel, I wouldn't be able to hear, so he just looked, debatin', I suppose, the value of the minute it might take, shut off the truck. Figurin' he might mean to address the gate, I offered I'd get it. Pleased, thus relieved of two, time consumin' chores, he punched the old deisel and left like an old dust devil, truck and trailer bangin and clangin', the deisel wailin', like to announce the end of time.

Well, the heat had cooked up some clouds. Lo, and behold, here come a squall and a raindrop hit my arm. The wind was fresh and the horses whinnied from the corral; "ya, breakfast had long since passed". I pried the gate from the bank, refixed the post, best I could and went ta find a flake for the boys.

Have a nice afternoon!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Grateful Herd Mgmt.

Good Evenin'

Well, same, same; hot and breezy, thunderheads and squalls, late, no rain. It's tryin', though and that I understand; way it is out here, ya try and try and sooner or later, somethin' works.

Made a run to the tradin' post, for gas and a few groceries; hurried back, open the gate for the neighbor, brought me a small load a hay. All I borrowed, pay that back, I'll like to be back to nothin'. So, like the thunderstorms, I'll keep tryin'; this way or that, we'll get it right.

Another fascinatin' dream, last night. Often happens when I'm workin' on one dilemma or another; kept repeatin' itself, 'till I noticed and took note, almost literal. It was the question of "plan or no plan"; kinda like opposite ends of the spectrum. And, as I said, it kept repeatin' itself, over and over. Finally, it hit me, "O.k., opposites, opposites, what's in between? If those are the poles, than all of creation is in between; get creative!".

It strikes me, another one a those opportunities, look at everything fresh. I go along and think I understand, then all of a sudden, nothin's addin' up. Nine times for ten, nothin's wrong, 'cept my thinkin'. And, seems to me, get to that point, recognize it, ask for help and Creator does. And, I suppose, there's little, more creative than that; or kinder, or sweeter.

Back to my fascination, recent, "A Closer Walk with Thee". So, easy for me ta figure, all the rhymes and reasons, but, just possible, rhymes and reasons, not withstanding, they aren't the reason for the gift of life; it's the walk and the close and the kindness, remind me, "hey, you aren't alone!".

So, fascinatin', once again, it's all brand new and I get to watch it all work out; ways I never imagined. And, that's a walk that'll touch the heart, fill it with "grateful", again and again. And, while "grateful" might not sound so cool, it feels wonderful; it really, really does. It's got implications; infinite implications. That's too many to think, so ya just let go and enjoy.

Have a nice night!



Friday, June 22, 2012


Good Mornin'

Ya, still hot and breezy; did have quite a squall last night, some pretty big thunderheads off to the East, but just wind, here local.

Movin' slow and tryin', keep a positive attitude. It's tricky with so much needin' attention and the heat, so hot, but that's the beauty of livin' out here; there's seldom a quick fix and ya just gotta look inside yourself, get clear as ya can and do the best ya can. There's benefits, too, like last night, dreamnt of some good old friends, fellow travellers, maybe pilgrims isn't such a bad word, if we relax and brighten the meanin', just so. Really simple dream; we were just together, deeply, deeply, happy in each other's company, knowing so much 'out sayin' a thing. We were by a water hole, kinda takin' turns bathin', the rest keepin' watch, visitin', as each took their turn. So quiet, the company, so grateful; knowin' the road we come, knowin' there's futher to go, appreciatin' the efforts of each, takin' courage from knowin' we're known, inspiration from the self of each other. Hard to explain, maybe, but sweet, sweet, sweet; how much a gift like that, means to a fella like me, the depth and the strength of affection.

And, I reckin' it's time to move on; see what I might get done. Maybe, start with a bath.

Have a great day!



Thursday, June 21, 2012

Circles Unbroken

Good Afternoon

Runnin' kinda behind today; still tryin' to get used to hats that aren't, particular cowboy, still keep up with fences, feed and water. And, it's hot ta boot; made 95 degrees this afternoon. Which, might not sound like much to some, but up here, 7000 feet, somethin' like 40% less atmosphere, soften the blow, all that sunshine, it'll get your attention.

Upside, were down to the cover on the book and I filed for our ISBN number today, which, I guess, means, "you officially got a book", whether or not we've had some copies for a year or better. Pretty cute, actual; the first proof we got, I took it over to show my friends across the valley. They have kids come in from all over the world, volunteer some time, work on their organic farm. Well, that day there was a young woman, veterianary student, visitin' and she really wanted to read the book, so I agreed to leave it a day or two. Well, come back, few days later and she really wanted to buy it and take it home. I explained this was a proof and I was supposed to be checkin' it for errors, not to mention it run us about $50 dollars, but, if she'd write down her name and address, I'd be sure get her a copy when they come in. Well, she did and turned out she was from Aberdeen, Scotland, birthplace of my Gramma Hall. Very first copy of the book went back to Scotland, no questions asked; she sent me $100 dollars.

So, ISBN number or not, this book got writ and someone, likes good story, saw fit, get the first copy back to the earth a my ancestors and, to me, that's plumb amazin'! I actually talk about ancestors in the book and how we shouldn't forget; maybe not "family names and cote of arms", but people, like my gramma, that lived and looked for happiness, meanin' and found a part, like me, in a horse.

Have a nice evenin'!


P.S. Photo Credit, Brandon Johnson

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dance of Feed and Water

Good Mornin'

And, I won't even repeat the weather forecast, as, I figure, there's only so many ways, say "hot and breezy".

Not a bad day there, yesterday; fed my last servin' of alfalfa, turn the boys loose on the run, let 'em pass and hour, find out ther ain't a blade a grass left, meanwhile I whacked the last few bunches a rabbit brush on the other patch, expose the last few bunches a grass there. Then, I let 'em back in and opened the other gate, figurin', I then, had a couple of hours harrass my neighbors, see if they'd sell me a bale or two. It worked. I came back with two bales a slightly dusty grass hay that I traded for two a my 12$ bales a alfalfa I got comin' in Friday. I think that's called, "one step forward, two steps back.". That neighbor's a good ol' boy, bottom line, but he'll never miss a chance get ya, ever so slight, less it's clear serious, then he'd give ya the shirt off his back. Both, him and his wife are like that, growin' up, here, local, makin' do with deer meat and potatoes, save one bag a green chile and one bag a beans, once a year.

I even had a chance, sneak in a wee nap, lick and promise on some prayer time, 'fore it was time, fill the water truck and size up the yard for some way I might squeeze it, for another bale today.

I hauled off the water and hoped to see the wild bunch, but light was fadin' and I was tarred. Spotted 'em off in the distance, but didn't have the steam, make the poke; start haulin' off old junk I cleaned up, here, recent and hopeful, see 'em today.

And, I suppose, that'll do, for now; tear the pen apart and re-configure, while the boys are shade up for noon. There's a few clumps a grass west of the barn and I think I got panels to reach.

Have a great day!


P.S. You can see the wild bunch in the picture, but ya might have to zoom, three, four times. Way off yonder, you'll see a little white speck and a little black dot; that'd be Queenie and Big. Always nice, have a grey mare; half the time, only way I find the bunch.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fortune Nate

Good Mornin'

And, yes, blue sky and heat, but, one nice thing about the high desert hear, there's almost always a breeze.

And, I'm like ta keep it short this mornin'; woke up slow, but better than the "fluish" thing had hold of me yesterday. I think I just mighta got a little de-hydrated, whackin' sage there Monday and now, I need to whack some more; the hayman came and went and didn't bring no hay. He says he'll be back Friday, but that's four days out and I've got one servin' left. So, I'll clear what I can and re-configure the pen, try and squeeze another bale outta the yard here. Then, run off see if there's any neighbors might sell me a bale or two; try and get back haul a tank for the bunch.

Talkin' to a friend this mornin' and they were sayin' how lucky I was. I asked what they meant. They said, " you complain about this and that, hay, water, fencin', whackin' sage, but, end of the day, you're the happiest fella I know; you and the horses, you guys are always up to somethin' and lovin' it!". And, I reckin' he's right; I can complain, but I sure do love my life and the chance I have, hang with the critters and share what they showed me today.

Have a nice one!

Best, always!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Whatever We Got

Good Mornin'

Well, looks like more of the same; blue skies and heat. I suspect there are storms croppin' up here and there, but so far, this little corner of the planet, just heat and squalls, generally afternoon; any rain hittin' the ground, hittin' som'er else.

Did get the little pasture opened up for the boys and opened up the hay room, raked out the scrapins, but judgin' by the boys callin' for seconds, as we write, might try that again; see if there's one more layer of fair pieces, might tide 'em over 'till noon, or better. And, quick as they munched down that little pasture, I'm like to go whack the last few stands of rabbit brush, expose the last few more clumps a grass, might be hidin'.

And, late I did haul a tank for the bunch. I stopped, say hello, way home, last threads of late evenin' light, but there were scraps of hay and trash in the truck bed and not wantin' them to get cut on some old piece a wire, mixed with the scraps of hay, quickly figured I'd best move off, catch up today, if I can.

I figure yesterday was just one a those days, where ya get ta see the beauty of givin' "it" everything ya have. And, I do believe there's is some "art" involved; not that I'd a, ever, figured on that, startin' out, but Heart Teachers, Horse Teachers, lessons behind and within the lessons, "feel, timing and balance", old saw a my Horse Teacher, years a try, ya sure can see the wisdom takin' root, settin' up and ya just have ta smile. A whole lotta kindness, patience and understandin' passed on, so modest, treasure revealed with time, wow, what a life; what a sweet secret, hidden, plain sight.

And, wonder a wonders, there is a chance I mighta found some backin' on a big pasture for the boys and that'd be huge! Three or four years now, pretty much since they come off the forest as youngsters, they've been under the barn, in the corral, side from the run I made for'em last year, the little patch I opened up yeasterday, our daily go round, the round pen, but this'd be somewhere 'tween 20-30 acres and that'd be a sight; not to mention the blessin' of affordable feed. I know my life'd be some easier, I just let 'em go back to the sanctuary, but these kids come from one a the oldest pockets of spanish horses in North America and aside from some of the trauma, rounded up, goin' through the forest service pens, separated from their herd, this chance, for me, special, take time, spend time, get to know them, watch and learn, who they are, how they see, odds are, it'll never happen again; certain for me and never is a very long time.

And, same, same, so much of life, our very own selves, "don't you see, there is something irreversible taking shape...a unique combination", voice a my Heart Teacher, if we can manage to see, remain awake, then givin' "it" whatever we got, it's the only sensible way to go; we are surrounded by treasure, we should not go hungry.

Have a great day!



Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Flame

Good Mornin'

Well, here we are again; I suppose I've gotten addicted to writin' a little every mornin. I know I wrote yesterday about, maybe givin' it up, but, I wonder if givin' it up is the best answer. Part of that consideration was simple concern for the subtle influence of, now and then, writin' somethin' folks seem to like and my focus driftin' away from the things that really matter, wantin' to "repeat" the apparent "success". I suppose that's why I also wrote about rememberin' my real partner; it's a delicate question and no one can answer it for any one of us. Where's our focus, what's our motivation, what's essential?

Maybe it's like a flame; a welder's torch. It can burn all kinda ways; smokey, yellow, lackin' oxygen, lazy and inefficient, or short blue, capable of all kinda helpful changes. It can weld and it can cut; transform, create useful objects and tools. When my focus drifts, I feel like the lazy flame; maybe good enough, heat a pot a coffee, but little else. When I'm longin' to serve, lookin' for grace, clear about what's important, I feel the meanin' of "true blue"; life is afoot and Heart is present.

So, I reckin' I'll keep on, for now, just try a little harder, be clear, inside myself, sing the simple song of Freedom. And, that's a great question; so easy to think, freedom is doin' whatever you want and, lookin' through that window, the question of the Heart and servin' can look quite unlikely. Completely understandable. On the other hand, I have found, with a lot of help and encouragement, if I can go beyond the appearance and really take up the question of how it "feels", I have never felt so free, as when my whole attention was wrapped up with grace, the Heart and service.

So, there's my slippery slope of writin' and with it the question of "for whom" and "why". And, like so many important questions in our lives, no one can, truly, answer them for us; only our very own Heart can say the "yes" that matters.

And, I better go fix fence, just a bale and a half and my boys sure like to eat. It's a little patch, maybe 50X50, but it's like to hold another bale and I should have some comin' mid week.

Have a great day!



Saturday, June 16, 2012

Amazin', Grace!

Good Mornin'

And, yes, hot, hazy and still, so far. Did have some clouds and wind, yesterday afternoon and mighta had a drop or two, at one point, but it mighta been my imagination. I do reckin' there was some moisture in the wind, though, judgin' by the way the ponies were up; both the boys in the corral and the bunch out yonder.

Almost considered quittin' this log for a while, but I'll keep you appraised in that regard; so much to do, so much needin' attention and no idea how it's like ta work out. It's not like I need to run off and do a bunch, though that's possible, but, generally, this kinda situation, it's more like clarity's the key. I do need help, no doubt about that and, I suppose this log's a way of lettin' folks know what I'm up to and what kind and how much, but, for now, it's pretty much a "one man show", and 'less that fella knows where he's goin', a) it'd be a bad bet offer any kinda help and, b) I never wanted to go just anywhere, just for the sake a goin'. Bottom line, it's about grace; the gift.

And, I know grace is a funny word for some folks; tangled up with all kinda misconceptions, I suppose. But, thing about real grace, seems to me, is it's connection to a wonderful intelligence, a kind of perfection, ya might say, capable of unbelievable efficiency and widespread good. Extremely powerful, seems to me and same time, fantastically delicate, maybe special for anyone, really wants to call it into their life; kinda like the sweetest partner one could ever imagine, but one, also, knows, with genuine modesty, their own merit and so, unswayed by fleeting overture.

So, maybe it's that simple; maybe, all the demands of spring, ideas and weblogs, books and "The Bend", maybe I'm just feelin' I forgot my partner just a little and recognizin' her absence, willin' to throw anything, everything overboard, whatever it takes, re-establish that priority, re-affirm that importance, re-assume that company. Maybe, for some, it ain't that important, but, as one old wiseman once quote "I was blessed with poor health; I had no choice, but to practice!". Similar, ya could say, "I was blessed with nary a clue, 'less grace takes my hand, there's no point!"

So, I'll keep you appraised a developments and maybe, take another look at how and why and if, 'cause, for me there's no pretendin', 'out that partner, I might as well go fishin'.

Have a great day!



Friday, June 15, 2012

Ain't it Great!

Good Mornin'

Well, yes, it's sunny, warm and breezy, for a change? Anyway, soon enough, I'll be complainin' about the monsoons and mosquitoes, how I can't get anything done.

Have been thinkin' about that article I posted yesterday and some of the implications; mostly hope, rememberin' my Heart Teacher, talkin' about the power of hope. It's a simple point, but ya look at the insanity that surrounds much of our "healthcare" system and it occurs to me, "this is depressin'!". And, depression is not very "hopeful" stuff. Why would anyone wanta get better, if there was no hope; science, medications or not.

By contrast, when there's hope, promise, enthusiasm, that people and life are good, things make sense and we want to be a part, maybe we'd be less inclined, need quite so many "bandaids and crutches".

I don't reckin' there's a simple answer, but I do believe the heart, our core, the human spirit is a powerful force and we might pay at least, as much attention to it as the "science" and "the pills".

Kinda reminds me of a cartoon I saw, recent; a husband and wife out side a big store with a sign said, "Sale; for only one dollar, we'll kick you in the shins!". The caption underneath said, "well, it's not so much that I want a kick in the shins, but I hate to pass a sale".

Maybe science'll come up with a way, where folks can live for 500 years, but if nobody wants to, what'd be the point.

I guess it's just one a those things I think about a lot, workin' with horses like I do; a horse has so much genius and enthusiasm for life, we get attracted. But, 'less we come up with an attractive way presentin' ourself, a healthy, inspirin' relationship, we're like ta end up with a "plug"; "you can lead a horse to the corral, but you can't "make" him like it.". Find a way, cultivate that genius and enthusiam, for real, and everybody, wants to see that horse.

I do believe, inside ourselves, we know, life's meant to be great.

Have a great day!



Thursday, June 14, 2012

Road to Better

Good Mornin'

Well, I reckin' we must be stuck in a pattern! Pretty much, same, same; warm, sunny and breezy. Though, the breeze is just a little stronger today and I'll bet, not so hot; kinda fresh and plumb from the south. And, it is funny, I don't know if I'm gettin' older or better, since my go round, '08, with my teeth, but yesterday, drivin' over to see the "doc", and it was hot for this altitude, 90 somethin', I actually considered how the heat was actually pleasant. Might sound curious, but I been noticin' my noticin' changin' recent; all kinda ways. Maybe it is a function of older, I don't know, never been this old before, but it does occur to me how, just maybe, my defenses and customs, my grid of "goods and bads" is wearin' thin and, maybe, it's exposin' me to things, more, just the way they are. Maybe a function of realizin' I am older and things do give out and I won't last forever, so I might quit complainin' and just appreciate a givin' day, whatever it has to offer; who knows, but it is different and not all bad, by any stretch.

Did have a nice visit with the "doc"; nice chat about how we got here, roads and lessons, books and inspiration, and then, come time, address the shoulder, I learned all kinda stuff about massage, east v. west, accupressure, accupuncture and castor oil. Accordin' to the "doc", indispensible for anyone over fifty; he said it's an anti-inflamatory.

Sure was a contrast to the day before; all day on the phone, callin' all over Northern New Mexico, tryin' ta figure, who might be able, help with my cataracts. I got a referral to the University Hospital in Albuquerque, but they won't help 'cause a where I live and where I live won't help 'cause a what I got and back to the University, who then might help if I got an appointment, but only next year and, if my appointments next year, it's too soon to know if they'll help and by then I won't be able to go, 'cause I spent all my money on the phone, find out if they'd take me anyway. Way I figure, by then I won't care about my cataracts, 'cause I'll have a nervous disorder from talkin' to all these folks on the phone.

So, lyin' on the table, next to a fine old gentleman, in a fine old house, starin' up at the beams and pine boards made up the ceilin', volumes of medicine and wisdom linin' the walls, the smell of burnin' mugwort, threads of smoke driftin' up to the beams, castor oil rubbed all over my shoulder, muscles convinced to relax, it did occur to me, "this is healin'; this is medicine! However it works, and whatever the explanation, my heart is sayin 'yes, we will get better!'".

So maybe it's comes back to the beginning, that part about gettin' older, "noticin' my noticin' change", 'cause somehow or other, it's more clear than ever, untill the heart is moved, nothin' will ever, really, get better.

"The release of atom power has changed everything except our way of thinking...the solution to this problem lies in the heart of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a watchmaker." Albert Einstein

Have a great day!



Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Good Mornin'

Pretty much same, same; warm and breezy. Did cool off pretty good last night, though. Come in so late, I just made a wee fire in the shed, I call it the "foyeh", attitude always essential, made some toast and "do" with cold beans. But, time for bed and it was cool, cool.

Got an appointment see the local medicine man, today, see what he makes a my shoulder. Real nice fella, lives across the valley; doctor of oriental medicine, I believe. But, anybody, I figure, studied some kinda healin' and nice enough to see me "just cuz", way like ta beat a blank. And, "just cuz", is precisely, in line with my current budget. Nice thing about life and folks out here, most folks understand just how special it is and that it ain't always easy make ends meet, so they're apt ta make exceptions; heck, if we didn't, we wouldn't have no neighbors and it'd be darn tough, money or no, make it out here, all alone.

So, my job for the day, I reckin', freshen up, so, least the fella won't have to put up with "bad air quality", return for his kindness. And, it should be fun, where I never been over his place, or that area, much and his wife's real sweet; one of those real cheery positive people, always interested in others and lookin' for the good.

Otherwise, ponies, pens and plannin'; how to stretch the budget, move forward with "The Bend" and keep everyone fed, happy and healthy. Oh, ya, and squeeze it in, get hold the printer, set up an account, as, anyday now, we're like to launch the files off to the press; cross our fingers, wait for the proof.

And, I might add apologies, any and all that sent in an order, as we have been movin' kinda slow. But, all with reason, as this new, higher quality, printer, should be worth the wait; we should get a 30-40% bump in picture quality and a good sturdy book, last for years to come. And, the delays been largely, the re-format to their specs; my "volunteer staff" and best friend, consistently pulling "rabbits from the hat" of the digital world, of which I understand, next to nothing and all "just cuz".

So, we all got our rhymes and our reasons, they're good and we should, I suppose, but maybe the thought for the day, "never forget just cuz"; if we all came from Adam and Eve, sooner or later, we "just" might need a good "cuzin".

Have a great day!



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Darin' to Carin'

Good Mornin'

And, yes, sunny and warm, with gentle breezes. A few clouds did crop up late afternoon and I did hear a couple of drops, tap on the tent, but I don't believe they filled up any of our ponds. Can't afford to be cynical though, even a drop is welcome, for it's courage and try.

Got thinkin' about The Bend, last night after finishin' the "post" for yesterday and rememberin' some of the ranches where I've worked; the comment I'd made about "not havin' to tip toe around someone else's agenda". It's kinda funny, but I've noticed over the years, how, for myself, workin' with animals, it's always been obvious, instinctual, to develop a sense of harmony, 'tween the critters, the land and the human; maybe cultivate's a better word. But, so many ranches where I've worked, I really had to hide the fact, pretend I didn't care; horses, dogs, cows, the earth, didn't matter.

I heard a quote from an English woman author, this mornin', a Ms. Brophy, I think her name was, I copied it from the Writer's Almanac, I thought it was so insightful: "Whenever people say, 'We mustn't be sentimental,' you can take it they are about to do something cruel. And if they add, 'We must be realistic,' they mean they are going to make money out of it."

As time went on, and I realized that so many of these ranchers didn't get it and started workin' on my own, horses and cows, get 'em away from their owner's, managin' them here on this piece, I'd get comments like this one I remember, particular, "what'd you do to my cows? They're fat and happy and they don't run away, like they used!". I'd try to explain that I just spent time and took care; asked instead of ordered, come time to move. They'd look at me blankly, then go right back to whoopin' and hollerin', pushin' and bossin' and I'd have to walk away. The cows lookin' at me, "what happened?".

I wonder if folks are afraid to feel just for fear of lost profit; maybe there's somethin' inside themselves they haven't resolved and they don't want to look at. So, they have a drink and push on. Same thought crossed my mind, with the news this mornin'; some folks discussin' how regular, women are paid less. "Yes", I thought, "'cause the boys have been taught, getter done". They even went on to discuss, women takin' time off for "care giving".

The good news, I believe, more and more kids are learnin' to care; maybe admittin's a better word. And, really takin' a look at "what works"; goin' beyond the appearance, lookin' down the line and askin' real questions about themselves and results, that past may have deemed dangerous.

And, there my relief, with the coming of "The Bend"; my chance turn a new page and live what I know, that care and profit are not opposed, if we're willing to take up new meaning. Maybe, short term, windfall profit, that takes all and leaves nothing, isn't the only and best. Maybe there are other, sweeter, long view definitions, that we'll never discover, 'less we let go of our fear; trustin' the kindness, the quiet, show us a brighter path.

And, so my pleasure, head for "The Bend", no need to pretend, "I don't care". No need to hide the harmony; act like nothing matters. Nope, I care, we all matter and that just might make all the difference.

Have a great day!



Monday, June 11, 2012

Slowly We Turn

Good Afternoon,

Well, more of the same, only warmin' up again, from the cooler air, passed through; sunshine and breezy.

And, don't have a clue how or with what, we'll manage, but made it over to "The Bend" again, yesterday; whackin' sage, trimmin' tree limbs, with apologies and layin' out fence lines. Had made it over, twice before, once with my Navajo Elder friend, Paul Tohlakai and once just ta start sizin' things up, but yesterday, "Whichy", Princess Which Paw, pictured above, come with me; I think she got curious, when I went over with Paul, suspectin' there was somethin' of consequence afoot. And, after sizin' up the south and east line, see if, in fact, they happily met the north line, I called her up to the knoll, I figure for the main house, see if she approved. And, I'd say she was quite satisfied; not understanding, maybe, all the implications, but quite aware of the breeze, driftin' from the North, the proximity of the wilder woods, and the cliffs, critters I couldn't see, but whose company, fascination and interest, suited her just fine!

And, I must say, just whackin' sage, prunin' limbs, obstruct the line, it was sublime; likely a hundred times, I've done similar up here, other ranches, hole up in abandon homesteads, when I first come up, makin' pens, takin' on young horses for pay. But, this time it was different; some kinda peace, just knowin' I didn't have to tip toe around someone else's opinion, preferences, or space. This time, it was just for the horses, just for the kids, might come, just accordin' to Earth, herself, just to be together, alive and well. And, that's simply gorgeous; palpable beauty. Seemed, I could feel the earth, just lovin' me back, so willin', happy be molded to such a lovin' chore.

And, hopefully, I'll remember, everytime I go, just how fortunate we are; that would be a turn for the better, maybe first of many. That would be "The Medicine Bend".

Have a nice evenin'!



Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Best

Good Mornin'

Well, pretty much, same, same only it's cool and the breezes are stirrin' early.

Didn't get too far, yesterday; got a flat on the truck and finally fashioned a, more or less, proper tool for the jack. It's one a those crank jobs, but I don't know where it came from and I never got the crank. So, I got my old brace outta the barn, one a those old manual drills and found a big old nail, about a foot long. I cut off the head, pounded the top flat, so's ta fit the jack and the point square so's ta fit the brace and it worked pretty fair, but took up most of my daylight, time I got the jack workin' and the tire changed.

Water, water, water; sure is amazin' stuff. Yesterday, thinkin' about the interaction with light and the beautiful color that brings about, hauled some for the bunch, after fixin' the flat and washed up with a little bit more, drinkin' a cup, tide me over to dinner and now, rememberin' once again, flats and all, "yup, just like water, ya can't get upset about obstacles and detours; there's always a way forward!". A real inspiration; even it does get stuck in a low spot, it'll just, up and evaporate, catch a cloud, rain down somewhere else and try again!

I did spot the bunch, emptyin' the water truck; walked around a little, see if I could. Day before, way over to the Bend, I'd seen 'em over east on the flat, just north of the old dam. Yesterday, they picked out some grass over on the west slope, up toward the trees, by the old stock trail; didn't get to visit, where it'd got so late, but just ta see 'em, always good and reassurin'.

Made it back, just before dark, but by then, I was runnin' outta gas and that glass a water, was wearin' off, my furnace was growlin', lookin' for fuel. So, I just turned the boys out on the run, give 'em a break and a romp, 'fore dinner, while I finished my chores, laid out some hay and more water, last few minutes of light. And, they did take the chance, rompin' and rollin', stoppin' to blow; prancin' like kings of the forest. Tired and hungry, a romp like that beats anything I'm like to share, draggin' and distracted; always reminds me, a line from Will James, "Smokey, the Cow Horse", "Any move you make around a young horse, either makes better or work!". Always pays off; ya get in the pen with a pony, always climb in with your best, cause they are and they know.

Have a great day!



Saturday, June 9, 2012

Water and Light

Good Mornin'

Well, mild and breezy. Recoverin' some from the company; funny how another person kinda bounce my patterns around. I guess it's part of gettin' older; ya try and set things up, just so, get the best ratio of maintenance ta work, then, somethin' as simple as a visitor, comes along and you get focused on the company, hospitality, lose track a the mule and it might take a day or two, get it back to workin'. Anyway, we did have a nice visit and hopefully, we'll cross paths again, sometime.

I did muster a little steam, late afternoon and re-evaluatin' circumstances, situation and variables, packed up a load of old wire and scraps from around the yard, which I've needed to clean up and haul off, a couple a years now and headed out to "The Bend"; there's a dump on the back side of the neighbors, just south of "The Bend",old pit left by the oil company, we've been usin' it for a sort of landfill, metal and wood, past few years. My math simple; a) I need to start cleanin' up here, "thank you" to the folks been lettin' me camp, ten years now, b) gas at $4/gallon, any trip I make over yonder, I better make it pay, two-three ways, if possible and c) whatever my resources, mental physical, monetary, or lack there of, I'm all I've got, discountin' grace for the moment and if grace is like ta come, it's gonna answer try. It's already answered big time with "The Bend" itself, but if we're gonna get from a piece of dirt to horses and kids, we're gonna need some more.

And, we got incentive both ways; the dream of the horses and kids, makin' a difference for the risin' number of foster kids needin' help, San Juan County, in front, and, old age and drought, burnin' the bridge behind us. And, that might sound a little dramatic, but really it's, one beautiful situation; kinda like sunshine and tail winds.
Not only have we got the inspiration of makin' a difference for one kid, starters, but a clear window of time and horses needin' affordable pasture, over $12 hay.

Best I understand, if you considered grace like rain, you add real need to real try and you're gonna get really wet! So, my mind, it's a fantastic situation and all I gotta do is ignore the odds, add my try and break out the soap, 'cause I'm like ta get a bath ta boot.

This might be, kinda corny; a little poem hit me few years back. But, corny and all, my mind, there is a little somethin' to it.

What a Drop Can Do

If Sun was the Lord, almighty

If clouds were the kingdom of heaven

Were you and I, but drops of rain

One life the distance from heaven to earth

Wouldn't we wish for rainbows?

Have a great day!



Friday, June 8, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, pretty fresh this mornin', but it might be I was just up and out a little earlier than usual; had some company show up, unexpected. A fella I'd heard about from an article about wild horses and native people; he makes drums, works horses and travels, talkin' about Navajo Culture. We'd corresponded over the past few months and he'd agreed to stop by when he was over this way.

Anyway, he showed up a little after nine, last night. We talked and visited some, called it a night, than got up early this mornin', take a look at "The Medicine Bend", for he headed off to Taos. Nice fella; we talked about horses and culture, where he grew up, the white folks adopted him when he was little, his relatives back in Arizona and a son he has, lives in New York City. I guess he's debatin' move back that way or keep doin' his work out here.

Anyway, he just left, callin' back every few minutes, see if he got his directions right. I reckin' he's been travellin' too much; Europe over the winter. There's a big mountain, about twenty miles south; takes up most of the sky from anywhere around here. I kept tellin' him "just keep headin' south, toward the mountain; when ya can't get no closer, turn left and follow the road around the north side.". He called from twenty miles north a here askin' if he was goin' the right way; we started all over.

And there's the beauty of a horse; when your horseback you have time to look around and notice stuff and if it's mornin' and your face is hot, your goin' east. In a vehicle, we're apt to get so fascinated with bells and whistles, radios and roads, air conditioning and turn signals, we could be anywhere, goin' anywhich way. And, fast as they make 'em, anymore, ya sure can get lost in a hurry.

So, once again, I'd like to point out, the possible importance of critters; they might be a little slower and they may have opinion or two, but where we're like ta lose track, the why and the how, the critters know South is, well, South.

Have a nice day!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Drift of Worry, Tides of Trust

Good Mornin'

Well, mild and clear, with only gentle breezes stirring. Rose a little slow and sore, but only natural, spring time, a day spent whackin' sage, try to clear another patch of grass for the boys. Just kind of ate, piece meal, small fire in the summer pit, as I pulled off boots and clothes, between makin' toast, heatin' beans and rice, half and ear on my heart teacher's voice, driftin' from my old cassette player, 'fore I ended up in a heap on my cot; generally fed, teethed brushed, face washed and way ready to sleep and consult, events and advice, creature, creator, friends.

I could feel my thoughts startin' to drift to the "worry side" as the day wore on and, I suppose, with time and tide, I've learned to count on the counsel of rest and prayer, diffuse and expose it, as a matter of time and perspective.

And, I did get to play with the boys, briefly, 'fore the evenin' gave way to night. And, like the pearl, formed by layer, or maybe, the onion, reduced, just a little closer, just a little more trust, just a little more confidence, revealed, in little gestures, of comfort and conversation. And, I'd like ta say, most in the eye of Ruben; that moment, after a go round or two, where I'm like to kneel and he's like to approach, for a moment willing to rest. Just a small space in time, he considers us together and willin', trade story and his twinkles, like a star from his heart through his eyes, like a signal from space, I long to decipher; the longing itself, understood as enough, a promise to be explored. Truly, priceless. But, Julio, too, in his own way, happy to be himself; jump a little less, express a little more, go through our rituals of groomin' and dancin', confident in the dimensions, sure of a flake when we're done. He's got a different way, his own star, his own corner of space, but there too, a story, a worry unfolds; possibility of good together.

So, maybe it's similar for all three of us; explorin' together, learnin' "relax". Stretchin' the moments into a life, day by day, just a little more. And, same way, I try, raise the bar, just a little for them and Creator seems to raise it for me.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Closer Walk

Good Mornin'

Well, the clouds moved off, the breezes only stirrin' slight and it's like to be a warm one.

Busy day yester, but we gotter' done; only the boys short their usual evenin' workout. But, they're havin' a little trouble adjustin' to alfalfa and so, after haulin' a tub to the bunch, I went out look at "The Bend", size up the pasture, condition of the posts, wire and lay out, estimate what and how long it'd take, get the boys out.

And, I suppose, I got another glimpse of the gift of "The Bend". Thinkin' about the boys and the bunch, each with their own distinct needs, blendin' it all into a cohesive and harmonious whole, it sure hit me how I'm like to need "a closer walk with Thee". That's an old gospel song, and a sweet one, but way more important to me present, "boy, is that true!". I suppose, past ten years has been kind of "trainin'" for "The Bend", workin' with the horses, them workin' on me, Grateful Herd Management, learnin' what it takes, keep everyone happy and well, inside and out, but the variables just compounded and "The Bend" gotta happen from scratch. And, I've been around long enough to know, "gettin' it right", don't, necessarily, just happen; so easy, get cocky, get careless, assume some small piece ain't important, but boy, I've been and seen, plenty others get bit by that "small piece" and end up with "big trouble".

But, I've also seen, the impossible work out just nice. Difference seems to me, attitude. I remember my need for good "walkin' company", no reason things won't work. And, to see that sink in, a little deeper, a little more, no bones clear, well, that is an unbeleivable gift. It just hit me yesterday, thinkin' about the boys and the bunch, "boy, I could think any number of things!", but then to stop and consider how present and fine Creator can be and how easy it'd be, steer my thoughts, if I just remembered to ask, that'd be a gift; that'd be a walk.

And, I suppose, someone might say, "well, if it's Creator, all powerful, you don't have to ask; Creator'll do whatever it wants!". And, the points well taken, but, seems to me, Creator, with all the love and wisdom, gave us the chance to make mistakes and learn, maybe, to ask. Why? Seems to me, 'cause it's just, so sweet; so respectful, both ways. The courtesy, not impose. The courtesy of askin'. The real and sweet, sweet walk; things workin' out and knowin' why, wow, that's a gift completely beyond. I just don't believe words can go there; what it means to know, "you, really and truly, aren't alone" and just how fine, clever and charmin', that company can be, for us. Huge.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks, again for the great work of Brandon Johnson, photographer.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thank You

Good Mornin'

Well, mild; had quite some clouds in past few days and there's some high clouds lingerin' this mornin'. Breezy, too; likely thunderstorms somewhere. We did get a sprinkle, but mostly just the correspondin' breezes.

And, now, back to hot; I'm writin' this piece meal, as I had to run off to the tradin' post, get some gas for they turned off the pumps, which quit workin' when the heat comes on. And, I had to get gas, so I could pickup some hay, replace what I borrowed; keep my fingers crossed, I can get a little more delivered, quit runnin' around, puttin' out "fires", stay home and work on a pasture, for the heat turns the grass all brown. Anybody has a doubt about everything bein' connected, just needs to spend a while out here, see for themselves.

Anyway, case I got busy, late and lost track, wouldn't hurt take a minute and thank all my friends, helped in so many ways, here recent and over the past few years. Woke up this mornin' thinkin' about a book someone gave me, back when I got started on this foster home idea, called "Reclaiming Dine' History". I enjoyed it so much and yet I couldn't remember, who gave it to me. I since have, but, point is, so many have helped me in large and little ways, and it's all made a big difference, once again, maybe, best captured in the ground might harbor the dream.

So, if I have forgot to thank someone, late, thanks, and if I did, it's just 'cause I'm tryin', match your kindness with my try and keep it goin' forward; sometimes, worn thin, sometimes remiss.

Have a great day!


Monday, June 4, 2012

Eye of Beholdin'

Good Mornin'

Well, the full moon passed without major incident; I sure thought about Queenie and her "baby dilemma", but with all the other things needin' attention and my concern for the other girls in the herd, no action was takin'. All the fences are marginal right now, and I pull Queenie out for a "soiree" with Ruben, Julio's like to throw a fit and the other girls are like to figure, they could make a break and get some too; special Big Missie, the very sweet, not very smart, large paint mare, that has already demonstrated her disregard for fences and twice, come up to flirt with the boys, middle of the night. So, steady as we go. Worst we had, the boys askin' for more groceries, middle of the night, full moon lightin' the yard, good as a cloudy day.

Did get a real bath, hot as it was and even managed to "dodge the midge"; tiny little black flies just cropped up. They bite like they must be all teeth and in the most inconvenient spots!

Trick is, seems to me, heat comin' on like it is, keep a balance, 'tween the doin' and the feelin'. So much to do, but there are priorities and less I'm clear, I'm like ta get it backwards, not to mention issues of caution, like snakes, where I get goin' too fast or stumblin' around in a tizzy, I can get a quick and painful reminder, "be conscious!".

So, we'll try again, balance the load, keep a perspective and most of all enjoy the process. It really is amazin', how easy it is get focused on the visible results and they are important, no doubt; made some progress on the new patch for the boys and, hopefully it'll buy a little feed and it does look nice. But, end of the day, if I got everything done, but nobody enjoyed a thing, there was no sense of co-munity, no awareness of each other, my self, kindness, no affection, no learnin', nothin' new, seems to me that would just be survival. And, while that is a plus, it does occur to me, Creator'd have to be kinda dumb, if he/she put us here, just to survive; what'd be the point? We're born to survive 'till we die.

I look around, take in this incredibly intricate, network of life and to suppose, something so intricate and genius, had no point; just can not see that.

But, to brush old Julio, see him enjoy, then look at me with wonder, curiosity, like he'd never really noticed me before, to give old Ruben a toot around the pen, then stop and meet, spend a moment, eye in eye, knowin', beholdin' each other, then hear him sigh, good with "together" and considerin' life might hold a promise; that's brand new, for us, here, wherever we are, that's never happened, just like that, ever before. And, maybe we let go, just a little, maybe relax, just a little and maybe life arcs, like some subtle form of lightning, from sky to earth, from soul to soul and we glimpse in it's momentary light, some tender new possibility of life, alone together on planet earth; now that'd run con-sistent, worth all the trouble, someone went through, put this whole creation in motion. Just another miracle, hid in another day's work.

Have a great one!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Proof Needs Puddin', Roots Need Earth

Good Mornin'

Well, it did blow, again yesterday, but we still got a few things done; nothin' terrible fancy. Watered the new patch for the boys, got the weblog off to the printer, made another deal on two bales of hay for Tuesday mornin', got a start on my Medicine Bend 2012-13 plan, hauled a tank of water and sized up hooves on the bunch. Also touched in with a couple of my boosters, give them and update on progress and got the news from their corner of the universe.

And, it's still and quiet this mornin'; naught but the gentle buzz of the cicadas, informin' creation, that summer is here and life is for livin', in their own simple song.

Speakin' a which, I believe it's the full moon tonight and June, which might not mean much to most folks, but I do believe it's of consequence to Queenie, the lead mare. Went to rub on her last night, after I'd hauled off a tank a water and stopped to see the bunch, and she kept swingin' her head around, like like she was gonna bite me; though, lovin' me like she does, she just nuzzled me, afterall. But, it sure made me wonder what was up, then it dawned on me, "babies". She was grumpy, 'cause there weren't no babies and she knew I lived with the stud colts, up on the hill, from which, she was fenced out.

Now, I must admit, all I got goin' on, that ain't the top a my list, far as things that need attention, but seein' how important that might be to her, I suppose, I'll revisit the question. Which, kinda brings me back to the whole notion of how important, the horses might be, toward the whole question of
The Medicine Bend.

And, I might add, this is likely the time, ask the question, 'cause it won't go forward if I can't spell it out and while I know in my bones, the wisdom and the beauty of this life and place, the healin' it carries, 'less I can sing the song, it might escape notice; the corolary I suppose, tryin'. A wise man once told me "grace answers try".

So, figurin' that first tries are generally kinda crude, it's highly likely this won't be stellar, but I suspect the whole notion of the Medicine Bend, revolves around it's simplicity; first dream I had, time I was prayin' for direction and what I could do, be of some service, had to do with wisdom in the roots and the roots in the earth. I was clearin' sage at the time, up on the north end, here, where I made camp one winter. The reason I was clearin' sage was on account of the horses.

The north end is up closer to the divide and the cliffs, where the lion and bear are more apt to make their home. I'd noticed the horses, though normally inclined hang around my camp for comfort and company, weren't real comfortable with the spot I'd chose and were hangin' off to the south, where there was more open pasture. Upon some consideration, it occurred to me, if I cleared a nice big circle, from the old, tall sage up that way, one, I could make a wind break with the sage and two, the horses might feel more comfortable, 'cause they'd be able to see if there were any threat to their safety. And, clearin' all that thirsty sage'd leave more water for the grass, come spring.

So, maybe, for starters, it's that simple; the horses were involved from the get go. Makin' room for them and our happy society, got me to clearin' sage. The sage spoke to me in my dream, of roots and wisdom. This got me thinkin' on a piece of ground and that got me started writin', as ground'd take money and all I could think, if it came to money, was, maybe, write a book; I did have pencil and paper and the little I made ridin' young horses or trimmin' hooves, barely kept beans on the table.

So, seems to me, it really is simple; the horses in their way, happy with grass and sky and water, each other and me with them, busy tendin' their simple needs and fascinated as we learn to communicate, get along and work together, expression of our love.

There's a story 'bout some people that had a knack for bein' happy, but one of 'em, wasn't so good at it, figured if he could invent a way work less, he'd get better. Well, he did an pretty soon, he'd convinced everybody, this was the key to more happiness; problem was these inventions were expensive and folks had to work harder, make money, buy his inventions, so they could work less and be happier. Well, pretty soon, everybody was workin' twice as hard and they'd completely forgot what happiness, even was.

The horses, remind me; it's as simple as bein' alive. It's as simple as life goin' on. It's as simple as bein' together. It's the good fun and the pleasure of learnin'; we can get along!

So, there's a try and a first; likely needs more, and I will. But, I gotta say, it has gotten easier, 'cause if I ever had a doubt, that "grace answers try", all I gotta do is look what just happened out back; 160 acres, called Medicine Bend.

Have a great day!


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Things Love Does For Us

Good Mornin'

Well, it is June and the bake is comin' on early, but, cross our fingers and hope the monsoons actually do, show up this year and early'd be good, they could swing it.

Did find a couple a bales, but spent most a the day, sortin' out the where, how and whyfore. Just have to let go and put first things first; 'till I got a patch for the boys, hays the ticket. And, 'tween sortin' out the lo-gistics, I did come up with a scheme, ex-pand their corral a smidge, maybe buy another day, maybe two, of grass; right in front of the barn, where I could water a little as well. This kinda heat and a little water, might could buy a day a week.

Anyway, as I mentioned yesterday, incentive, get focused, get busy. Winter and spring bein' so un-predictable, weather wise, and daylight short, ya can kinda start ta figure there's no point tryin'. Then the heat comes on and, past few years, go round with my teeth, I didn't have no steam, summertime. But it does remind me, my Heart Teacher talkin' about the de-termination of water; it just keeps lookin' for a way. And, where I got started on this writin' and The Medecine Bend, even' sleepin' like I did and shadin' up like I might, we have kept goin' forward. And, now things are shapin' up.

Looks like we're fixin' sign the papers on our patch, here directly, and, all the inspiration, support encouragement from my friends, and a little healin' with time, I really am feelin' op-tomistic and better, oddly enough, as I am gettin' older and even as some stuff heals, other parts break.

But, somebody came up with the term, "divine comedy", and like, they had a good reason. Maybe ya spend your life, maybe I spent mine, lookin' for wisdom and clarity, purpose and understandin', then just about the time, a little bit sets in, your body starts givin' out. But, way I figure, even this has it's own kinda perfection, 'cause ya really do get to see the power of love; maybe ya got a flat tire, your paint's rubbed off, ya got a dent here and some rust there, your windshields cracked and your missin' on a cylinder or two, but god bless the truck, it keeps on goin' and ya know it's just for love. And, I can't help but believe, the gift of our life and journey here, is, really and truly, all wrapped up in that very question; "Is there love and, if so, just how much does it mean?".

So, ya get old, but the love kicks in and, son of a gun, ya keep on goin' and laughin'; 'cause, lo and behold, if there's love, life IS truly grand, foibles and all.

And, my effort, "get focused, get busy", I guess I'll leave'r there for now.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks, again, Brandon Johnson for his great camera work, Kim O'leary, her great song:

Friday, June 1, 2012

Water, Gravity, Life and Horses

Good Evenin'

And, yes it is late; it's spring for starters, early summer, now, I suppose. The heats on, the grass is stallin', water needs haulin', fences fixin' and I'm runnin' round tryin' ta figure, who can lend me a bale, as the truck ain't comin' 'till Monday, now. We ain't put ink to the deed and even we do, it's gonna take some doin', get a pasture up and, and....

The list could go on for another page, or two and I didn't even get to my ailments, but I figure I mighta bought enough sympathy with the first paragraph, get me off the hook for bein' late, anyway, and you might be waitin' for somethin' more interestin'.

Fact is, somehow, I just gotta tighten my belt, get focused and getter done. It is funny though; all this for a bunch a horses, most folks wouldn't give a nickel for. But, there's the point and why I keep tellin' folks, it's the horses make it all worthwhile and important. They got food, water and some company, they're quite happy just bein' horses. And, silly as it may sound, that's extremely powerful company; unbeleivable. And, I know 'cause I been out here 10 years or better and I've seen, first hand their effect on me.

And, I suppose, it's really pretty simple. The food and water part keeps my days busy and orderly and the "just bein' horses" part keeps me interested and inspired; wantin' to learn, how it is I can hang with them, co-municate, share affection and do stuff together, where it's fun for all parties. So, all in all, I'd say it just keeps my life on a regular, happy, creative and sociable drift. And, I sure learn to pay attention to the company, as our culture and language are some different.

And, this, I believe, is what makes them such powerful healers; bottom line, all their beautiful ways, needs and quirks, just seem to bring out the best in a human. And, the best, the caring, the affection, interest and effort to co-municate, learn, these are like water; extremely simple in and of itself, but let it flow and over time, it cleans, no harsh chemicals required. And, it leaves a mark, a channel, like a river bed, flows deeper and still; strong. After a while, life springs up on its shoulders, flowers grow on the banks and all kind of creatures, come their for comfort and refreshment. Why shouldn't a human be like that? This my hope for the kids.

Lights fadin', see if I can't work the boys.

Have a nice night!

Best, always.