Monday, June 18, 2012

Whatever We Got

Good Mornin'

Well, looks like more of the same; blue skies and heat. I suspect there are storms croppin' up here and there, but so far, this little corner of the planet, just heat and squalls, generally afternoon; any rain hittin' the ground, hittin' som'er else.

Did get the little pasture opened up for the boys and opened up the hay room, raked out the scrapins, but judgin' by the boys callin' for seconds, as we write, might try that again; see if there's one more layer of fair pieces, might tide 'em over 'till noon, or better. And, quick as they munched down that little pasture, I'm like to go whack the last few stands of rabbit brush, expose the last few more clumps a grass, might be hidin'.

And, late I did haul a tank for the bunch. I stopped, say hello, way home, last threads of late evenin' light, but there were scraps of hay and trash in the truck bed and not wantin' them to get cut on some old piece a wire, mixed with the scraps of hay, quickly figured I'd best move off, catch up today, if I can.

I figure yesterday was just one a those days, where ya get ta see the beauty of givin' "it" everything ya have. And, I do believe there's is some "art" involved; not that I'd a, ever, figured on that, startin' out, but Heart Teachers, Horse Teachers, lessons behind and within the lessons, "feel, timing and balance", old saw a my Horse Teacher, years a try, ya sure can see the wisdom takin' root, settin' up and ya just have ta smile. A whole lotta kindness, patience and understandin' passed on, so modest, treasure revealed with time, wow, what a life; what a sweet secret, hidden, plain sight.

And, wonder a wonders, there is a chance I mighta found some backin' on a big pasture for the boys and that'd be huge! Three or four years now, pretty much since they come off the forest as youngsters, they've been under the barn, in the corral, side from the run I made for'em last year, the little patch I opened up yeasterday, our daily go round, the round pen, but this'd be somewhere 'tween 20-30 acres and that'd be a sight; not to mention the blessin' of affordable feed. I know my life'd be some easier, I just let 'em go back to the sanctuary, but these kids come from one a the oldest pockets of spanish horses in North America and aside from some of the trauma, rounded up, goin' through the forest service pens, separated from their herd, this chance, for me, special, take time, spend time, get to know them, watch and learn, who they are, how they see, odds are, it'll never happen again; certain for me and never is a very long time.

And, same, same, so much of life, our very own selves, "don't you see, there is something irreversible taking shape...a unique combination", voice a my Heart Teacher, if we can manage to see, remain awake, then givin' "it" whatever we got, it's the only sensible way to go; we are surrounded by treasure, we should not go hungry.

Have a great day!



1 comment:

  1. I suppose all of our lives would be easier if we didn't care about others or anything .... or would it? The great emptiness and shallowness of narcissism, always trying to fill that void but too selfish to "care." It's the not caring that empties the heart ... the caring, of course, that fills it. I like the overflowing goodness of it spilling around onto all. :)

    Lot of hard work getting a pasture in shape. Sounds like that caring is touching others. Nice to have some new pasture.

