Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Weather or Not

Good Evenin'
Well, compared to yesterday, quite a contrast; dang, it was cold yesterday, the wind and the damp. Today, sunny and mild, the snow, most gone; back to spring! But, that's the great thing about weather; what ever it is, if you can feel it, good or not so, means you must be alive! And, it's so vivid out here, pretty much, any given day, it's the main event. So, bein' "alive", kinda takes on a similar, "main event" kinda shine! And, that's pretty great; whatever it was, whatever I got to do, I was alive and there fore, it WAS fun!
These days, a lotta "e" mailin' and "con" versin', talkin' ta friends, said they wanted a book, which is it's own kinda fun, but I do look forward to "this also, passin'", spend more time outdoors, fixin' fence, playin' with ponies.
Anyway, told a friend I'd post the "launch letter", so, here goes:
So, here we go; and, yup this is a form letter. Well, we got close to a hundred people want a copy of the book and if we wanta get copies rollin', form letter it is.
Anyway, we've had some delays, due to a switch in printers. We were just about ready to go with this "print on demand" outfit, outta San Fran Cisco; it required little money up front, credit card convenience and they were all hooked up with Amazon, Barnes, etc.. Only problem was, I really wasn't happy with the quality; it was o.k., but $24.95, shipping on top, that's a lotta dough. I just couldn't see chargin' that much, if it wasn't the best I could muster.
So, kindness would have it, we found a printer in Tenna, see; heavier paper, stitched bindin's and good reviews. Trick is, they're "short run" printers, which means, cash up front and a little more work on my end; I handle the cash and shipping. But, if ya got the trust and a little patience, same price, you get a higher quality, longer lasting, signed copy.
Personally, I like it; I'm not a "corporate" kinda guy, I don't mind the extra work and I know I'm gettin' ya the best deal I can, at the best price I can. We're hopin, me, the horses and dogs, we'll end up with somewhere around 100 orders, which'll keep the price down, our margin up and we might actually buy a bale a hay after everybody's paid.
So, here's the detail: send a check or money order for $24.95, plus $5.30 for shipping. The five-thirty, gets us "priority" shipping, in a padded envelope, compliments of our fair postal service (first class was over seven dollars). I got together with my bookkeep, and got it all straight, where we can use my livestock operation, handle the checks, so make 'em payable to GRATEFUL HERD MGMT., at the address below:
Grateful Herd Mgmt.
HCR74 BOX132
Lindrith, NM 87029
BE SURE and MAKE IT PLAIN, where you want your book(s) sent and consider it's a small package, so ya want an address where it won't get lost or stolen. If you're uncertain about the size or safety of your mailbox, certified, which requires a signature, would add $2.95; the advantage there bein', if you weren't home, they will take it back to the post office for safe keepin', 'till ya come by and sign for it.

Any questions, feel free, email or call and sincere thanks for all your encouragement along the way!
Best, always!
Like a Pond to the Sky; day in the life of a cowboy, lost in the learnin' of found. Jeune Bailey Hall, with photography by Brandon Johnson; poems, pictures and story. 64 pages, 26 color plates, 8x11 hardback.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crossin' Hooves


Well, just found out I got one more reader; I think that increases my circulation by, roughly 33%. Not ta mention, my blood pressure, as I grow concerned about my friends mental health.

Otherwise, kinda wintery, this mornin'! Got woke up about four a.m., everything rockin' and rollin', as the cold and snow, gathered up and barged on in. Not too bad, though, less than an inch, so far and I did get some wood up last night, just 'fore dark.

And, on the "book side", all kinda pleasant surprises, folks wantin' copies, sometimes, several. Way huge and no way ta figure! The ponies already got their eye on me, make sure I notice their haystack's kinda low, just in case, we do any better'n break even.

God bless 'em; I sure enjoy their company and look forward to warmer weather, we can hang and travel some.

Have a great day!


Monday, February 27, 2012

My Neighbors Horse

Good Evenin'

Well, don't know what happened, but I plumb forgot ta write, this mornin'. Just went and looked at my correspondence, and that's what it was. Where I just sent out all those "launch letters", I was feildin' the feedback. And, a course, feedin' ponies, dogs and cowboy.

And, it did blow today; that's spring, wind and mud. But, it was quite an invigoratin' breeze; fresh and steady, not real cold. Also, got the neighbors critters topped up; cows, goats, chickens and another pony. Poor fella; he's an old horse, come in from California. Belonged to a friend a the neighbor. I think he was a suburb kinda horse; now here he is turned out, little feed and his only friends are goats and cows. I think it's been quite a shock; temperature, altitude, company, lions and coyotes. I remember him everynight, 'fore I go to sleep, just for good luck.

Kinda reminds me, one a my favorite stories; a fella stuck in the mountains, in a snowstorm. Next day some friends found him, still alive and asked how he managed to stay alive. He said he could see a house way down yonder and there was a candle in the window. He just concentrated on that little light and just kept thinking how warm it musta been.

Actually, I remember all the horses, round here, mine and my neighbors, sameway, everynight. Guess I hope that thought'll keep 'em just a little warmer; life of a horse, northern New Mexico, no easy deal. Most any horse, I suppose; never hurts, do what ya can. What goes around, comes around, ain't no denyin' and that beats money by a mile.

Have a good night!


Sunday, February 26, 2012



Well, after all my talk about the stillness, yesterday, it picked up and blew pretty fair. Gotta love the weather; it don't give a hoot, what "we" think.

Got the ponies fed, grab a bite and see if I can make it over the hill; check the backside, fence and gate. Sometime the oilfield fellas get sloppy, leave it open.

Otherwise, try to get the last of my launch letters out, on the book, then cross our fingers, and hooves, hope my "committees" are still on board.

It's plumb amazin', when ya really consider, how little control, we have over events in our lives. Keep comin' back to "try and trust". Just occurred to me, yesterday, feelin' the "worry", knockin' the door, what a great thing; just say "no, ya can't come in!". It's kinda like a choice, 'tween then and now. Get out there in "then", really we are helpless, 'cause "we" aren't really there, just our thoughts; no ability exercise the "try". "Now", I am and I can try; really appreciate that this moment is a gift.

I was just mullin' this over yesterday when this poem happened:

Spring Buds

The Spring Wind was blowin',
As I walked across the yard,
Up ta my ankles in mud

My dog jumped of her perch of the porch,
Landed with a thump, like a drum

Me and my horse, both looked up,
With the wind, ya never know

He from his pen,
Me from my wadin'

Then he looked at me and I at him
And we, both, went back to our business


So, if I got it right, that'd be "try" for now, "trust" for then. And, always, always enjoy; it's the ultimate act of defiance!

Have a great day.


Saturday, February 25, 2012


Good Mornin'

Looks like another peach of a day. Funny, what a difference wind can make. When the wind is blowin', seems, I'm inclined to brace up some; maybe it's a part of gettin' old. I have enough trouble rememberin' what I'm doin', 'out the rush of air, on it's way somewhere, like ta take my purposes with it! So, when it quits, feels a little easier, relax and enjoy.

I suppose, weekends, are kinda similar; weekdays, ya kinda feel it in the air, people in a rush, goin' about their business. I'm inclined get busy too, 'lest my purposes get lost in the rush, like stole by the wind. So, for a Saturday, come around, all nice and still, sunny, seems there's a double inclination, just enjoy; almost literal, I suppose, smell the roses, though it's a little early, this neck a the woods, find a rose.

I sure do find it fascinatin', though, the whole notion of "purpose". Seems ta me there's some kinda a "buzzy" purpose, maybe noisy's a better word; noisy like a brook, the kind folks often say, babble. Then there's rivers, deep and wide and maybe that's another kind a purpose. And, ya think about it, really there's a good question; both have their place, but given a choice, which would I rather be like. A brook's not a bad thing; likely some big rivers, started out that way. But, there is a sense of youth or temporary to them; easy to re-direct, change their course. A big river, on the other hand, way more likely, run quiet and smooth; very difficult change it's course.

A wise man once told me, even that big, wide river, started out as a drop. Maybe it was just a particular smart drop, a determined drop; a drop that had a purpose and didn't want to just leave with the wind, or sit around and babble, but held in it's imagination, or memory, the picture of that great river, tons of water, almost unstoppable, indivertable, movin' toward the sea.

Maybe, like that drop, ya just gotta be willin', think the same thought, again and again, one purpose, one objective; the sea.

So, maybe it's a little a both; we're bound ta get busy. But, thanks for the moments, when all is still, relax and enjoy; it just might be the moment, get smart.
Remember that deeper, quieter, big, unstopable river; has no doubt or question of purpose.

Come ta think of it, there was a poet, from the middle east, Kabir, his name, and he put it interestin'. He said, "that there is a drop in the ocean, many know. That there is an ocean in the drop, only a few know." So, maybe those times, relax and enjoy, it's not so much a thought we think, as a memory we allow ourselves to remember; fundamentally who, what we are and where we are bound to return. All purpose forgot, save to be beautiful, wild and free; dance with the moon, bask in the sun.

Have a great day!


That's a River

Good Mornin'

Looks like another peach of a day. Funny, what a difference wind can make. When the wind is blowin', seems, I'm inclined to brace up some; maybe it's a part of gettin' old. I have enough trouble rememberin' what I'm doin', 'out the rush of air, on it's way somewhere, like ta take my purposes with it! So, when it quits, feels a little easier, relax and enjoy.

I suppose, weekends, are kinda similar; weekdays, ya kinda feel it in the air, people in a rush, goin' about their business. I'm inclined get busy too, 'lest my purposes get lost in the rush, like stole by the wind. So, for a Saturday, come around, all nice and still, sunny, seems there's a double inclination, just enjoy; almost literal, I suppose, smell the roses, though it's a little early, this neck a the woods, find a rose.

I sure do find it fascinatin', though, the whole notion of "purpose". Seems ta me there's some kinda a "buzzy" purpose, maybe noisy's a better word; noisy like a brook, the kind folks often say, babble. Then there's rivers, deep and wide and maybe that's another kind a purpose. And, ya think about it, really there's a good question; both have their place, but given a choice, which would I rather be like. A brook's not a bad thing; likely some big rivers, started out that way. But, there is a sense of youth or temporary to them; easy to re-direct, change their course. A big river, on the other hand, way more likely, run quiet and smooth; very difficult change it's course.

A wise man once told me, even that big, wide river, started out as a drop. Maybe it was just a particular smart drop, a determined drop; a drop that had a purpose and didn't want to just leave with the wind, or sit around and babble, but held in it's imagination, or memory, the picture of that great river, tons of water, almost unstoppable, indivertable, movin' toward the sea.

Maybe, like that drop, ya just gotta be willin', think the same thought, again and again, one purpose, one objective; the sea.

So, maybe it's a little a both; we're bound ta get busy. But, thanks for the moments, when all is still, relax and enjoy; it just might be the moment, get smart.
Remember that deeper, quieter, big, unstopable river; has no doubt or question of purpose.

Have a great day!


Friday, February 24, 2012

The Shape a Things

Good Mornin'

Well, looks like, just that one day a wind; sunny and mild, this one. Keep my fingers crossed; try kicking the bunch out again, squeeze back on the rations. Pray those little green chutes'll start showin' their stuff.

Kinda dreamy, again, last night; conversations with my heart teacher. Last night topic seemed to be "why we are here". It kinda goes back to the ongoin' conversation, seems ta be playin' itself out, last month, or so; the dance of "my ideas" what I'm doin' and Creator's kindness, steerin' things to "what I need to grow". It's plumb amazin'! We have our ideas, what success might look like, Creator might see things, way different; what a dance! Ya wanta make some effort, but same time, ya wanta keep the door open, case your on the wrong track. It is a funny situation.

I suppose, it just keeps bringin' me back to the notion of relationship. Maybe, makin' some effort, every mornin', "sweep the walk"; make a clear and welcomin' way, for Creator to my heart. Priority number one! Then, do the best ya can figure, with love and a prayer, trustin', own time, own way Creator will steer the rig.

And, that seems ta be the "kicker" right there; just understandin' it is about the relationship, not the "stuff". I get hooked on the stuff, forget the relationship, there's bound ta be a "rub". I keep the relationship, front and center, a little easier on the "shape" of the stuff, like ta be a smoother ride.

And, that's a real deal; just rememberin', how small I am, in a very large universe and yes, I really, need love, I wanta walk in beauty.

Have a great day!


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, chilly; not terrible, just early. Mild really and I got a good old log on the fire.

Just thinkin' what a precious thing, inspiration is. In this world of hype and spin, to be inspired, reach within; just lookin' for "honest". And, there's nothin' more honest, than life itself.

Always amazes me, time to time, I gotta go to the city, some reason or other. Every now and then, ya see a blade a grass, squeezin' up, 'tween to slabs a concrete, or somethin' similar; even out here, some times, ya see a tree, somehow managed ta make a go, on a cliff, or somewhere impossible. Wherever, however, unbelievable determination!

And, that's always inspirin'! I don't suppose, tree or grass, it wastes anytime time or energy, considerin' how it could be different or better; try, all it knows. Dig in, best ya can, and reach for the sun. Amazin'! Inspirin'! Very simple, very beautiful!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Room for Magic

Good Mornin'

Wild, mild it is. Winds are like ta kick up, but that's spring. Kinda similar to life, no? Just when ya think you're froze solid, somethin' come along and melt your heart; just like the wind to the winter snows.

Found another patch a crested wheat; pretty thick. I been collectin' what I can, old seed tops and shakin' 'em out on the boys run. They find it and eat some, but hopefully trample some of it in. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Otherwise, got my shipping prices from the post office and I'll plug 'em in, mail off my "launch" letter on the book. Everybody been way kind and supportive. See what happens.

And, woke up this mornin' with a new commitment. Actually, seems, it's dawned over the past few days. A question I've had over the past couple a years, where I took up and wrote this little book, hopin' ta raise money for a horse rescue/foster home/ranch for native kids. I remember, early on, this healer woman, friend a mine, counselin' me, "be careful, you never know where things'll end up!". And recent, havin' a dream with my heart teacher, him makin' fun of my big ideas.

So, a renewed commitment, to not knowin'. It's so excitin'! Doesn't mean I won't make some kinda effort, or entertain possibilities, but I do know it's a deeper commitment, enjoy my life, now; be open and pay attention. It just leaves a little more room for "magic"; maybe some folks'd call it grace.

I guess, it's a fundamental recognition, deep inside, there is a door and it leads to the one, we will never imagine. Closer I live to the door, more the magic drifts and falls on my life; stuff happens nobody'll ever explain. Kinda like the first copy of the book, goin' back to Aberdeen, Scotland, where my Gramma Hall was born; completely unanticipated, just like that.

So, "here" it is, best I am able! Same longin', just a deeper commitment; don't get my "planner" so filled up, there's no room for the dearest and most unexpected friend, drop in and change everything!

Have a great day!

Best, always!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Dance

Good Mornin',

Chillee! Probably call it mild, a normal winter, but, as I mentioned, all that mild weather january, I was all ready for spring; now it's actin' like winter. But, I was noticin' yesterday, really, it ain't that bad. It's not like the endless cold of december, or plumb winter; you can feel that it's not that deep. Just a little change and we'll be back in mud.

Woke up this mornin', considerin' how much I think; rememberin' someone whose picture I'd seen lately and all things I had pre zoomed, when I first met them. Maybe, none of it true or relevant. Just left me feelin', wonderin' how much of life I miss or miss construe and prayerful, that I might dare live, with less of that clutter.

Seems ta me, it's a pro pensity; I think that means, heavy on one side. Funny, I just noticed, the similarity, 'tween the words heavy and think, least the latin roots, and that would make a world of sense. Does seem, my life could be a "lighter" deal, I trusted a little more, thought a little less. So much calculatin' goes on up there; re-memberin', re-hashin, pro-jectin' and spec ulatin'.

Then I consider, little wonder I got so hooked when I met Ray Hunt; one truly fine horseman, passed away, here, few years back. Seems ta me, lookin' back, he was all about "trust and feel" and somethin', inside me, knew, "yes, that's the way I wanta live!". Present.

I remember him sayin, " the horse is much stronger than me; we fight, I lose. We dance, everybody wins!". Thing about dancin', you gotta be present; it's a "livin'" thing. Yesterday, tomorrow; no room. It's the melody and the rhythm, the partner and the flow; trust and feel.

And, I guess, there's a part a me, considers how Creator might like that notion. And, I might like my life, more I get with it. And, I do. Easy ta see my faults. Good to remember, how far I've come. Grateful, ta know where I'm goin'!

Have a great day!


Sunday, February 19, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, I think the word for this February is "unsettled; but we had such a dose a mild weather, January, I reckin' we're due. Oughta check the weather, see what's on tap; mild temps, I oughta kick the bunch out again. They hang around the barn, lookin' at me with those "poor me" eyes, I feed way more hay that supply would recommend.

Been postin' some videos a my friends, Jim and Donnette Hicks and their horses. Most of 'em are pretty simple, but it just reminds me, the power of simplicity. Don't know exactly how we ended up with such a "whiz bang" culture, highs and lows; that'd be the "unholy" roller coaster, seems ta me. No wonder "bi-polar" has become such a common phrase. So, I just get a kick outa postin' their stuff, 'cause it's so nice; just plain nice. And nice, is funny stuff. It can seem so "unexcitin'", but ya give it a chance and "nice" can just get nicer and nicer; like a place where ya really can live.

I guess, fundamentally, I consider Creator is nice; just right, like a place I really can live. A beautiful, groove, as the musicians might say. Trick is, I suppose, find it, know it, stick with it, follow it. Similar, this old line I particular, like; "lord, I am blind, you my only stick; help me, hold me, guide me!". And, I guess that's where the horses come in, 'cause workin' with horses, if ya pay attention, "feel" is gonna become a real important part of the whole deal and color your whole life, in a real nice way; maybe a real important way. There's a genius ta "feel", I don't reckin' anybody'll ever explain.

Anyway, talk, talk, talk; here's one a those videos, from Jim and Donnette. See if ya don't "feel" somethin':

If the link don't work for you, go to youtube and type, "I'm the lions roar" into the search box.

Have a nice day!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just Another While

Good Mornin'

Well, looks like another sunny day; breezes like ta kick up, but it wouldn't be spring in New Mexico, out a little wind.

Thinkin' this mornin' about priorities. Might be the one thing, hadn't got that far, but at least one thing, separates us from the rest a creation. We, I, can be all over the map, any given day, far as what's important; likely why the critters are slow ta trust. Stuff flyin' around our brains, goodness knows, one minute to the next, what we're like ta come up with.

Takin' some quiet time, this mornin', just be still and feel, the one thing makes it all work; my life. Ain't nothin' gonna be important, that's gone. Just wishin', lookin', side myself, wonderin', askin', "please, don't let me forget, that's a gift; keep that in sight!". Maybe, thanks, become my basic thing; quit flyin' around, all the other things.

Whenever, I get close, those eyes, sure feels proper, lined up, good and simple. Somethin' invitin', "Stay; stay a while. Stay another. Couldn't you stay, forever?"

What a wonderful life!

Have a great day!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Holy Roller Coaster

Good Mornin'

Sunny and mild; get kinda used ta blue sky out here. Nice ta have it back.

Might keep this kinda short, this mornin'; dark last night, time I got to check the critters over at the neighbors. I'd fed the cows, early, but they musta figured I come back 'fore dark, check and see if all's well. So, there they were, complainin' how they really needed one more flake, get 'em through ta mornin'. And, where it's good ta be careful around cows, them weighin 'tween quarter to a ton, quite capable of throwin' a foot or a horned head, even if it's casual, it don't hurt any less. So, dark on top, everybody, jostlin' get a bite, well, double careful's a good idea; a wee prayer don't hurt neither.

Anyway, I penned the horse in by the water, where he could push out, but the cows couldn't push in, so he could get a bite; he's from California and kinda fussy about eatin' with cows! Actually, his eyes aren't so good, up close and he gets kinda bothered, not sure exactly who's where. (Just can't resist pokin' fun at Californians.) So, long story short, I better see who needs water, who's in and who's out.

Otherwise, "relationship" unfolds; all kinda dreams last night. Each one speakin' to questions and wonderations. Some of 'em go way back; all ta speak of timin'. One a my favorite jokes; a joke about jokes. One person asks, "do you know the secret of a good joke?". Then, real quick, 'fore the other person has a chance ta answer, the first person says, "timin'!". And, I reckin' that's what I was gettin' at, yesterday, speakin' of adventure. Thing about relationship, when it comes to Creator, seems ta me, the answers come in their own time; not necessary, when "we" think they oughta. Lotta times, ya wanta say, "but, but, whatta 'bout this and that; don't I need ta know?". Trust, trust, trust; everything in it's own time. It's simple, but plenty excitin' for this one. And, that's an adventure; first rate!

Have a great day!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Golden Oldie

Good Mornin'

Well, a few high clouds this mornin'; sunshine, mild and soft.

Keep comin' back to the "adventure of life". A wise man once cautioned me about "paintin' pictures of the future". It's so "normal", but, not necessarily, "the best". Our ideas can be fascinatin', but they just can't imagine tomorrow, really, and, so, in that respect, aren't necessarily, reliable.

Best I can figure, that kinda leaves us, in an uncomfortable, predicament, called "relationship". I should know, confirmed "bachelor", as I am, but I can't figure no way around it. If I wanta be relevant, alive and present, with all the yesterdays, today and tomorrow, there's only one way; walk with the one, already knows 'em all. Ain't bound by time. Uncomfortable? Ya, we've got so used to the "john wayne", self made man, thing. But, time and tide, I do believe it's worth gettin' over; fact, might be way worth gettin' over. Don't know who wrote that old song, "A Closer Walk With Thee", but I sure believe, they were on the right track.

Does kinda leave ya in a vulnerable place, but think a little and consider we aren't, well, that'd be a big hallucination; here on this little ball, flyin' around in a universe, where we couldn't survive for one second, save for our little harbor, vulnerable ain't the half of it.

Anyway, hum a song, the day passes and I sure like that one.

Have a nice one.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good for Somethin'

Good Evenin'

Well, first off, there's someone leavin' comments under the name "peaceful wilderness". It sure is nice to know someone's readin' this, side my two friends, back east, and, I sure apologize for not commentin' back, but, whether it's this phone my friend bought me for the book, or "Blogger", I have no idea; point is I don't seem to be able. I seem to be able to post, but the "bells and whistles" don't work. Anyway, thanks.

Otherwise, the storm has passed; probably got a foot, all tolled, but mild as it's been, likely half already melted down.

Did find a bank today, seems like it'll work; kinda funny gettin' all organized, been so broke the past few years. Lost most everything, includin' my inclination, worry 'bout "organized". Pretty much down to the critters, my saddle, my rifle and the wood stove; my tent still works, but one more season and the mice'll pretty well own that. Anyway, stuff! I was just thinkin' today, prayin', really, "Please don't let me waste my life worryin'. I'm so lucky live where I do, with the critters and all, so few complications; my phone, a bank account, the book. Please, just let me trust and feel the gratitude." Wise man once told me, "it's the only thing we take with us"!

So, thanks for readin' and thanks, Creator. Might not be good for much, but let me be good for that.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Who's Listenin'

Good Mornin'

Well, sure woke early this mornin'; must a been the dinner I ate. Tammy, over at the post office saved me a plate from the Valentine's Day Supper, they have at the school. Prime rib and desert auction; raise money for the school. Another friend had bought a ticket, and couldn't go; left it for me. It was so good, I likely ate, three or four times what I'm used to; prime rib, baked potato and green beans, rolls and chocolate cream pie. Then, a course, ya can't call it dinner, less ya add beans and rice, which I did, for good measure; Tammy also threw in some fresh homemade beans! Anyway, pretty neat and awful good!

Otherwise, still socked in; off and on, snow showers. See, if I can't make some headway on the book, today; check with the "revenue", see if it's safe, open a bank account, open a bank account and put out the word, "books a comin'!" 'Course that's after, everybody's fed and watered.

Funny, ya know, yesterday I talked about "glimpses" and this mornin', I feel like I was given another. Just feelin' the call to what's simple and real inside myself and then, just for a second, the sense, that, that is the ultimate gift; the simplest and the best. Why do I say that? Well, when ya start thinkin' about a question like that, ya think about it over time, ya get serious about it, all of a sudden, there's a real sense of "WHO" yer askin', comes right behind it; and that's plumb, amazin'! Plumb, amazin'!

Have a great day!

Best, always!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Simplicity with a Twist

Good Mornin'

Well, just about Spring and now, winter decided it's got sumthin' ta say; likely more snow, than we had all winter, all tolled.

As you can see from the picture, I broke down, let the bunch back in. It's my fault; feedin' 'em like I do, even when I kicked 'em out, they'd just hang around the bottom gate. And, where it's low and ther'no trees, well, storm like this, least they can come up here, get some warmer, high ground and hole up in the trees.

Otherwise, woke up, considerin' simplicity, again; with a twist. The twist was "remembrance". There's a scene in "The Wind and The Willows", where a couple of the pond dwellers have this experience of heaven, or creator; Pan, I think they call it. Anyway, I can't remember if they decide to forget it, or just know they will, but there's the "crux". Those glimpses, might not come often, but when they do, I believe, somehow, we need to make a note; maybe lots of 'em; put 'em up all over the house, 'cause ther is a part of us, darn sure, ruther forget. And yet, I wonder, if that ain't the key to simplicity; remembrance.

Seems to me, when a whole bunch a things get important, life gets complicated. When ya narrow the field some, put things in perspective, it gets simpler.

So, those moments, we get a glimpse and we "know" it's true, remember; give thanks and ree member! There's nothin' like simplicity!

Have a great day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012



Well, it did snow; not too much just yet, a skiff early, another half an inch with sun up.

Startin' to get some birthday wishes on my fictious birthday; February 14, 1910. Folks amazed that, 102 and I'm playin' with computers! I am thinkin' ta give 'em up, though; I'm just unsure, whether all this digital stuff is really good for a human bean. Fact, I'm pretty unsure if 99 per cent of what we've come up with, is any good for human beans. It's just that the simple things like growin' vegetables and hangin' with critters, just seems ta keep me in such a humble and happy place, it calls everything else inta question.

I think it's what Lord Buddh called the wheel of Karma; most a this stuff drives folks crazy, and ya end up gettin' sucked in, just tryin' ta defend yourself. 'Fore ya know it, yer just as crazy as them. Then we all end up like the two little kids; each got the other by the hair, both kickin' each other in the shins, neither one'll let go.

Well, there! Least I got a clear picture a the fundamental situation. Now, see if I can apply it, make a change. Fact is, it's seldom the "stuff" on the outside; it, almost always comes back to where we are, inside ourselves.

Anyway, see if I can't start over, again; do better. Do simpler and happier, however! Wise man once told me, it's very important, wake up everyday, sure, it's a brand new day and, no matter what it's "been" like, it can get better, brighter, simpler and more beautiful.

Have a great day!


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, a couple a sunny days, now we're supposed ta cloud up again; snow or rain, so they say. But, mild for this time a year, that's for sure.

Got an interview with a newspaper today, supposed ta talk a little about the wild horses. Only thing I can think is "dead is dead". Some folks are sayin' that we might as well legalize slaughter, so the horses don't have to go through the trauma of bein' shipped to Canada or Mexico, where conditions are worse. I can only consider, when our logic was gotten that far outta whack, it's time to take a break; go for a swim, take a walk or somethin'.

This is money driven thinkin'! And, while money, does have it's place, to build our moral world around it, this is unbelievable, thin ice. Thing is, we're so far down that road, this kinda thinkin' seems normal. There are elements at play, I don't even wanta say people, that are so radical, lost, adrift, that they seem, to have no, remote imagination, of conscience, or wisdom and have dedicated themselves, so fervently to the hopeless notion of greed, that they have twisted the whole story of life to so outta whack, that we end up in these ridiculous arguments about choices, that aren't even choices, anymore.

And, returning to the horses, bless their hearts, once again, offering their help to we who might fashion a good, new, world, this might, just be a gift; our chance to wake up and think. Do we really want to leave our fate and country in such hands, where our choices boil down to "death or death". It's so twisted! And, do the math; if it's all about money and our thinking keeps slidin' down that slippery slope, than yes, we better think about our own "behinds". Day will come, when someone looks at us and considers we might just be takin' up, "valuable space".

I know this ain't real cheery, but there are moments to "wake up and smell the coffee"!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

One Wish

Good Mornin'

Well, another night, another skiff a snow! The thick clouds a broke up though; looks like we'll get a little sunshine.

Won't stay long, this mornin'; try to get my taxes in the mail. I'm kinda in the "red zone", where they're a few years late. Well, "cowboy" in New Mexico, is a glorified term for homeless; dawn to dark, a few dollars a day, paperwork gets lost, ate by mice or rained on, ya do the best ya can.

Did wake up this mornin' thinkin' about sincerity, though. One a my favorite consider ations. I'm told the word comes from latin and literal, means "no wax"; I guess, even in Rome, they used to wax apples, make 'em look better, charge more. And, way it was comin', was like a prayer, remindin' me a native prayer. "Creator, all said and done, when I come before you, may I always come with straight and steady eyes?"

Have a great day.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Nice Day

Good Evenin'

Cleared up this day; hadn't seen much a the sun, in three or four. Not real warm, but cheery, nonetheless.

Still a little behind on the "tax business", but actually, managed to go through all the boxes of old unopened correspondence and piece together, some reasonable facsimile of "what happened" over the past six years. Now, to fill in the little squares, my bookkeeper highlighted for me. As I mentioned in a note to a friend, today, all I have to do is look at a tax form and I am instantly demoralized; there's a whole world of bizarre logic and reason behind the whole business, that is so toxic and arcane, (not really sure what that word means, but I think it fits!) that I can't begin to read a word of it, so the bookkeep, just shows me where to put the numbers. It works and we always have a good time visiting; his dad was a cowboy, too, and we generally trade a bunch a good stories.

Anyway, celebrated, hangin' with the horses, just a bit; the bunch has forgive me, mostly for kickin' 'em out and everybody's kinda figured, the short rations, ain't for lack of love, but just circumstance. I always try to come up with a good "theory" when I just can't avoid somethin'. My theory, in this case, is that it's good for horses to lose a little weight in the winter, so they don't get too fat in the summer. Boy, the tails'll be switchin', they get wind a that one!

Have a good night


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thin Times

Good Evenin'

Well, same, same on the snow showers; another inch or so last night, gone by the afternoon. Cloud cover kinda comes and goes, so the temp has dropped a little.

Adjustin' to the bunch bein' out; still haulin' a flakes a piece, mornin' and afternoon. Sure is uncomfortable, havin' to cut their feed so much; they'd likely agree. It's one thing for horses, used ta scroungin' through the winter, but, my bunch is kinda used ta "three squares". I suppose, it's the "insult upon injury", hardest on both of us; them tryin' ta figure, what they did wrong, me not knowin' how to explain. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can't take 'em up to the north end; I don't think they hit that, too much last summer. The outtin'll be good for all of us and maybe, they'll get the idea, we gotta adjust; so far they're just hangin' around the bottom gate, convinced, I suppose that there's feed on the way.

Anyway, I better hang it up for the night, for I make everyone sad. I'm likely, double down, wrestlin' with paperwork, try and straighten out my taxes. I think I figured out why I dislike the paperwork, so much; it makes me think about yesterday and tomorrow. When I'm hangin' with the horses, or fixin' fence, it's only, just today.

Have the best night ya can.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The First Lady

Good Mornin'

Well, the snow showers keep comin', but the temps're mild. And, I would say, climate change is afoot; not that it really exists, a course! But, pretty much, there's no hay around, 'less you're willin' ta pay 14-15 dollars a bale; the drought in Texas, is forcin' them over there, come over here and haul all the hay, back over there. And, less we get some major snow storm, we're headin' into spring, no water in a pond; north, south, east or west.

Upshot, yesterday, I kicked the bunch out ta pasture; as I said, temps are mild, no snow cover ta speak of and I still got a bale or two, take 'em a flake, now and then. It ain't easy, but we'll just have ta remember our ancestors, make do and scrape a little. They all got pretty fair tallow and, way things are goin', grass shouldn't be too far away. And, I suppose, it could be way worse; slaughter now legal, wild horses gettin' rounded up and hauled off, down in Texas, I hear they're leavin' 'em by the side a the road.

Don't want to moralize, but, seems to me, this is what happens when we lose perspective of the basics; forget that we need a planet to live on and the planet needs a balance of components, plants, trees, critters and clean air. We can trade "derivatives" 'till we're blue in the face and politic all we want, but if the planet don't live, our run'll be short; way short.

To bring in my friend, Sam Clemmons, "Where would man be without woman? Scarce, my friend; mighty scarce!" And, the first woman would have to be Mother Earth!

Have the best day ya can!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Real Miracle

Good Mornin'

Got a skiff a snow last night; just enough keep the mud fresh! Mostly recovered from my meetin' with the bookkeep; the meetin' was fine, as always, just the travellin', throws me for a loop. Wonderful old fella, his dad was a cowboy/rancher and he seems to enjoy my typical cowboy mistification, with paperwork.

Now, to reconstruct, the past six years, best I can figure, fill in the blanks he highlighted, send 'em off and pray. Last time I tried to fill out a tax form, they sent it back, saying they didn't understand. I wrote 'em back and asked, if they didn't understand, how they figured I would?

Anyway, I may have learned, over the past few weeks, wrestlin' with this stuff, ta budget my attention; just enough, once a week, keep them from throwin' me in jail. Anymore, and I'll end up just as crazy as they are and, seems ta me that would be a sin, a crime and a shame, when the creator went to all the trouble, make a whole world, outside a their little heads, with real people, children, animals and earth, all needin' love and attention.

I been rememberin' a phrase, late; a friend a mine reminded me. "Dogs keep barkin', elephants keep walkin'." Used ta be I'd get all upset about "crazy people"; not the ones have real problems with their wiring, or the chemicals in between, but the ones think they're normal, 'cause they get good at memorizin' rules, repeatin' them and actin' like they're real, with no regard for what's in front of them. I consider it a great miracle, that someone, something, intervened on my behalf, touched my heart and reminded me, encouraged me; "trust this". Huge!

Have a great day.
