Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good for Somethin'

Good Evenin'

Well, first off, there's someone leavin' comments under the name "peaceful wilderness". It sure is nice to know someone's readin' this, side my two friends, back east, and, I sure apologize for not commentin' back, but, whether it's this phone my friend bought me for the book, or "Blogger", I have no idea; point is I don't seem to be able. I seem to be able to post, but the "bells and whistles" don't work. Anyway, thanks.

Otherwise, the storm has passed; probably got a foot, all tolled, but mild as it's been, likely half already melted down.

Did find a bank today, seems like it'll work; kinda funny gettin' all organized, been so broke the past few years. Lost most everything, includin' my inclination, worry 'bout "organized". Pretty much down to the critters, my saddle, my rifle and the wood stove; my tent still works, but one more season and the mice'll pretty well own that. Anyway, stuff! I was just thinkin' today, prayin', really, "Please don't let me waste my life worryin'. I'm so lucky live where I do, with the critters and all, so few complications; my phone, a bank account, the book. Please, just let me trust and feel the gratitude." Wise man once told me, "it's the only thing we take with us"!

So, thanks for readin' and thanks, Creator. Might not be good for much, but let me be good for that.

Have a nice night!


1 comment:

  1. There's a movement of sorts afoot among some young people, hard hit by the recession and seeing that maybe there's more to life than acquiring more stuff, to pare down their belongings to just 100 things total so as to keep things simple and focus on what's real.
    Looks like they could take a lesson from you on both accounts.
