Sunday, February 19, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, I think the word for this February is "unsettled; but we had such a dose a mild weather, January, I reckin' we're due. Oughta check the weather, see what's on tap; mild temps, I oughta kick the bunch out again. They hang around the barn, lookin' at me with those "poor me" eyes, I feed way more hay that supply would recommend.

Been postin' some videos a my friends, Jim and Donnette Hicks and their horses. Most of 'em are pretty simple, but it just reminds me, the power of simplicity. Don't know exactly how we ended up with such a "whiz bang" culture, highs and lows; that'd be the "unholy" roller coaster, seems ta me. No wonder "bi-polar" has become such a common phrase. So, I just get a kick outa postin' their stuff, 'cause it's so nice; just plain nice. And nice, is funny stuff. It can seem so "unexcitin'", but ya give it a chance and "nice" can just get nicer and nicer; like a place where ya really can live.

I guess, fundamentally, I consider Creator is nice; just right, like a place I really can live. A beautiful, groove, as the musicians might say. Trick is, I suppose, find it, know it, stick with it, follow it. Similar, this old line I particular, like; "lord, I am blind, you my only stick; help me, hold me, guide me!". And, I guess that's where the horses come in, 'cause workin' with horses, if ya pay attention, "feel" is gonna become a real important part of the whole deal and color your whole life, in a real nice way; maybe a real important way. There's a genius ta "feel", I don't reckin' anybody'll ever explain.

Anyway, talk, talk, talk; here's one a those videos, from Jim and Donnette. See if ya don't "feel" somethin':

If the link don't work for you, go to youtube and type, "I'm the lions roar" into the search box.

Have a nice day!


1 comment:

  1. "Feel" works with kids too. Listening with the heart instead of with a brain crammed with preconceived notions. It's a beautiful dance, or can be.
