Monday, February 27, 2012

My Neighbors Horse

Good Evenin'

Well, don't know what happened, but I plumb forgot ta write, this mornin'. Just went and looked at my correspondence, and that's what it was. Where I just sent out all those "launch letters", I was feildin' the feedback. And, a course, feedin' ponies, dogs and cowboy.

And, it did blow today; that's spring, wind and mud. But, it was quite an invigoratin' breeze; fresh and steady, not real cold. Also, got the neighbors critters topped up; cows, goats, chickens and another pony. Poor fella; he's an old horse, come in from California. Belonged to a friend a the neighbor. I think he was a suburb kinda horse; now here he is turned out, little feed and his only friends are goats and cows. I think it's been quite a shock; temperature, altitude, company, lions and coyotes. I remember him everynight, 'fore I go to sleep, just for good luck.

Kinda reminds me, one a my favorite stories; a fella stuck in the mountains, in a snowstorm. Next day some friends found him, still alive and asked how he managed to stay alive. He said he could see a house way down yonder and there was a candle in the window. He just concentrated on that little light and just kept thinking how warm it musta been.

Actually, I remember all the horses, round here, mine and my neighbors, sameway, everynight. Guess I hope that thought'll keep 'em just a little warmer; life of a horse, northern New Mexico, no easy deal. Most any horse, I suppose; never hurts, do what ya can. What goes around, comes around, ain't no denyin' and that beats money by a mile.

Have a good night!


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