Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Barnyard; Chapter 3

Good Evenin'

A course, I was very young then, but maybe all the more, ya see things for what they are. Those sure were magical times and our society, there, me and the horses, couldn't have been more important to my sanity and well bein'. It was just so honest; I loved them and they loved me. And, sure I got "corrected" on occasion, a kick or a bite, but it always seemed ta make sense and soon as it was done, it was done. But, it was as real or more, personalities and all, than all my other recollections of my first years on the planet.

I guess that's why, I still slip into that world, and hardly notice; there's a "job skill" for ya. Sometimes, I'll be trimmin' a horse and we'll just be havin' a good ol' conversation, of sorts and all of a sudden, I notice, they clammed up. Sometimes, I'll stop and look around, and sure enough, "the owner's" walkin' toward us. Sometimes ya gotta play dead! Human's can get real upset, ask 'em the wrong question!

Have a nice night.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Barnyard; Chapter 2

Good Evenin'

So, I been thinkin' some, exactly how far, I'd have to go back, give ya some sense of how I see horses and I suppose, my first few years ambulent, would be the simplest. As I mention in the book, I was the youngest, by a large margin in a large family. And, by the time I came along, most a my brothers and sisters were quite a bit older. Personalities were formin' and runnin' into each other and, after the war and all, I don't think things were goin' real well with the adults, either.

So, quick as I started gettin' out and about, I discovered the barn and the horses. It was a welcome world; quiet and simple and full a creatures, plumb tickled ta visit. And, soon enough I could see how each one had a different personality; a way a seein' things, actin' and reactin' all their own. Even, physical they were different and somehow, the whole package for each one, all seemed kinda consistent.

As I mentioned, their was Mighty Atom, the pint size rascal, smart as they come. A wooly little bay pony, cagey as the day is long. You could put a baby on his back and he' tip toe around careful as could be. I'd climb on and all bets were off; he'd bounce and hop and dart and scoot, stop and spin. Just enjoyin' the daylights outta dumpin' me here and there, then actin' all sweet and concerned, so I'd climb back on. Then there were big horses and fine horses and one paint horse I remember with one blue eye.

Anyway, maybe I was too young to know better, or maybe better's a good question, but pretty soon, we were quite the family, all our own. Comin' and goin', feedin' and cleanin', brushin' and playin'; by contrast to the house and all, way harmonius and good natured. So, maybe it was a set up, but I guess I grew up with a question about "smart" and whether it all belonged to the human.

And, it's late again, so I guess I'll call that enough for today.

Have a nice night.


Monday, November 28, 2011


Good Evenin',

Well, I'd thought to tell a story about one a my rescue horses, but I tried it out on a friend, who doesn't have a lot of experience around horses, some, but not a lot, and it seems I'd have to back up some, 'fore the story'd really come clear. So, I guess this is an experiment, see if I can really describe the horse and the circumstance he mighta grown up in.

It all began when the owner, here, asked me to find him a horse, that he, his wife, or daughter, then eight, or so, could ride, without worry. And, it just so happened I knew a fella near buy, wanted ta sell a middle aged horse that his wife and kids rode. So, I went ta look. Now, honestly, I'm not the best person anyone would wanta send lookin' for a horse. I'm just not very practical in some ways, maybe many. And, I seem ta have a facility for fallin' in love with just about anythin' with hooves. And, so it was. Soon as I saw Rusty, then passin' for "Barnyard", I immediately liked the fella. He reminded me of one of the first horses I ever knew, a pony, in fact, "Mighty Atom". They both had this way about 'em; a mixture of good nature, wit and wisdom.

Rusty, as he became known, was short, stout, bright copper red, with a fairly nice head, if somewhat small, relation to the rest a him, and had a thin blaze a white, forelock to nose. I trimmed his feet, combination of courtesy to the owner and a chance to get under and around the boy, and when I was done, I picked up the lead line, fastened to the halter and moved him around a little, swingin' the tail a the line gentle toward his hind quarters. I could see his eyes light up a little, anticipatin' "another human expects me ta know what he wants, out any explanation", but we'd had a nice visit, trimmin' his feet, so I stopped and give him a rub, remind him we were in it together and I wouldn't ask for anything he wasn't ready for and nothin' in a hurry. He seemed ta like that consideration and so I took the lead, grabbed some mane and swung up on his back. He seemed all the fella had said; nothin' fancy, just steady. We walked and trotted a little around the yard, then I got down give him a good rub and told the fella I'd pass on the details and call him, if the fella where I lived, wanted to take him.

And, I guess that'll be "chapter one". See what happens.

Have a nice night.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Things I Remember

Good Evenin'

Ya, another sunny day; almost made 50 degrees. Awful pleasant, for this time a year. And, pretty similar, yesterday, a little muckin', a little feedin' and wood gatherin'.

Most any change on the inside; small prayers, a slightly deeper commitment, a remark from a friend, makin' me think; a word from a wiseman recalled. Today, it was a question of "default". I remember my heart teacher once sayin' how love is our default and I was thinkin' about it, after I let the mustang boys loose; kneelin' in the pasture, watchin' 'em play. "When you stop doin' everythin' else, that's where you end up!"

Then, he substituted "peace" for "love". I like that, 'cause, seems to me, they're so connected. Maybe not in terms of our ideas, but truly; in fact. Sometimes it seems to me, that peace is like water, a stillness within. The heart is like a seed. Soak the seed in the water and love grows, but almost inseparable from the water that gave it life. Again, I hear his voice, "if you have to redefine love, then do so!".

Anyway, amazing and so practical, present, palpable; just letting go a the rest. Again, I hear his voice, "give up what YOU are looking for an instantly, you will find God."

One peaceful afternoon! The mustang boys are havin' a romp and a half. Ruben lies down to roll, Julio makes a mock threat. Ruben's up with a buck and report, scramblin' for safety. Julio lies down same spot, prime real estate, Ruben returns with the same medecine. Julio scrambles up and the chase is on. Lord, have mercy; simple pleasures!

Have a nice night.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Short Stuff

Good Evenin',

Well, it was sunny, but it never got real warm. Snow and ice softened up a little, mid day, but pretty brief.

Otherwise, another simple day; a little muckin', a little feedin', a little wood gatherin', and a few phone calls. And, much as I hate to admit it, the physical plant is a little outta sorts this evenin', so, I might bid ya a good one and lay it down.

Thanks very much for all the questions and kind comments.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Pretty is, as Pretty Do!

Good Evenin',

Well, it's late and I'm tarred. Didn't even do, too much today; it snowed last night and melted mostly today. So, greasy, couldn't hardly walk. So, I fed the wood stove and took a nap. Did check my wood piles and mucked the boys pen some. Fed and watered as usual.

Took some extra prayer time and thought a little more about paths. Nothin' earth shakin', just how some follow fence lines and some go through gates. Sometimes they blend into roads for a spell. But, there's also another part of a path I haven't quite understood, maybe, and I'm not even sure if it's the path or the woods and the fields that they cross. But, special in the woods, it's the beauty and the pull of a spot on a path, and the path maybe makin' the spot more beautiful. But, it sure is somethin'.

Often times, I'll joke with a friend, how "cows, too, have fung shwe!". It always makes me laugh, how, even cows, have a way of pickin' out a nice spot; maybe a knoll, with a few trees, a nice view and a little breeze. There house keepin' might leave a little desired, but, pick a spot, that they can!

So, in the midst of all the practical reasons for paths, there's an element of "just plain pretty" I don't think, ya could ever rule out! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. (With a big smile!)

Have a nice night.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Path Ology

Good Evenin',

Well, aside from a few aches and pains, one peaceful day. It's quiet by any standard out here, but holidays, by and large, it gets real quiet; thick quiet. And somethin' inside me just soaks it up. I remember a quote, someone posted the other day, Morgan Freeman, something about learning stillness to where it becomes a radiant part a yourself. Sure made some kinda sense, even if I'm not sure why, but, seems like I've met folks like that.

Anyway, always got my ear to the ground and today I contacted 33%a my readers, and they all wanted me to talk more about "paths" and what they are sayin'; by the way, that'd be Chris, my childhood foster brother, from the northwoods, called ta wish him a happy bird day.

So, I thought about it as I walked around today, movin horses, feedin' and gatherin' firewood. And, truthfully, I suppose, I had avoided the question, even as I hinted of their wonder, knowin' it was one large topic and it'd take some kinda artist do 'em any justice. That said, I could try, pass on a few things that occurred to me.

For starters, they speak of creatures, me, the horses, the dogs and the wild things that come and go; deer, elk, coyotes, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks, snakes, porcupine, badger and fox, probably a bear and lion, now and then. They speak of the seasons and changing pastures. They speak of relationships; me lookin' for horses, horses lookin' for me, the dogs that follow and make their own, under the low branches. The earth and trees, the roll of the ground, lurin' me this way, discouragin' me that. They speak of needs, like water and feed. They speak of choices, like footing and light, depending on temperature, time a day, season and air flow. They speak of safety, like the ones we borrow from the deer and elk, that wind through the trees along the ridges. They speak of change, like trees that fall and gates that close, maybe predators shiftin' territory or makin' room for offspring. Sometimes they speak of views and fun, when a particular drop is so appealing, me, the horses or deer, just couldn't resist the call of gravity and the thrill of the fling, out on to the flat. They talk of sweet spots and cool spots, different flavored grasses, warm spots in winter. They speak of feet and wanderin', times together, times apart, like planets that orbit, near and far, maintainin' some kinda fluid attraction. They tell time in a sense, like who passed when, before or since. They tell stories of events and surprise, mosie and graze. But, maybe best, and I don't know how, they sing the song of life and thanks; to have feet and earth and plants to walk among. To have each other to look for, and hide from. To have habits and preferences and seasons and different ways of gettin' to the same place. Weather, soil and circumstance that change and inspire new paths. To leave marks, so others can know we passed and glean why and where we were headed, maybe make it just a little easier for them to go, too, should they be inclined.

Have a nice night


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pathos Pete

Good Evenin'

Well, another beautiful day! Musta been 55, calm and sunny. Horses out, horses in; a flake here and there. One load a laundry and a bath; a little on the "rapid" side, but a bath, none the less. Even fit in a shave and a hair cut with the horse clippers and still made a load a wood 'fore I ran outta day light.

Got to walk a little today, but truthfully, I walk a lot everyday; let the rescue bunch out the low gate again and closed 'em out for a few, let the mustang boys have a run. Just noticin' how nice it is to walk around here; paths. They go this way and that; some for me, some the horses, some we share, but the soil is so nice these days. A little bit a moisture, a little bit a frost, some go through the trees, some go through the sage; some through the grass around the barn. The soil changes, the light changes, but they sure are an intimate part of our life around here; and they sure remember and they sure like ta talk.

Who was it wrote that poem, "I doubt I'll ever see, a poem as sweet as a tree." Well, I got some paths, might just come a close second.

Have a nice night.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Very Simple Day

Good Evenin'

Well, sunny and back in the 50's. Sure is different; last night, just about sun down, it felt like the bottom 'd come out and we'd hit zero. This mornin' it was mild and nary a lick a ice on the tanks. I can't complain, darn sure, but when I first come up here, we'd be down around zero, most nights, come november. Who knows? The poles 're shiftin'!

Anyway, darn pleasant. Hayman come this mornin', just a quarter load; two a my neighbors took the rest. He sure goes outta his way take care of us down here and that's rare, anymore. Made three stops, 'cause no one of us got all the dough for a full load any one time, these days.

So, were full as can be, pretty much and cross our fingers, it keeps so mild, stretch that hay 'till summer. See what happens.

Otherwise, let the bunch out the bottom gate, no hunters these days. Let 'em get some fresh grass, down the bottom. The wheat's still growin'. They sure seemed ta like that; hit it like a pack a lawn mowers. Give 'em a whistle, sundown, they liked that, too. Here they come buckin' and a runnin', knowin' I'd thrown a flake.

Kept the boys in, let their run dry out from the rain, but I did give each a few go round, the round pen; clean their feet and give a scratch and a brush. Simple day, I guess. Tomorrow "the scrub brush"; see if I can't clean up for the "thanks day", put on some fresh clothes.

Have a nice night.


Monday, November 21, 2011

The Big Guy With the Big Heart

Good Evenin'

Well, actually rained a little, just like they said it might. Gave me the excuse, go see my neighbors, share that box a cookies I got in the mail, for they did me in. We always have a good time; cup a coffee, a few good stories, then back ta work. Dianne even stitched up my saddle slicker, get me through ta spring; ya know, with the book and all, I'll be rich and famous by then. It's a good thing, too, I noticed drivin' over there, my glasses are gettin' so scratched, I can just about see better without 'em and that's a scary thought.

Otherwise, a pretty simple day. Feedin', waterin', keepin' the fire up. And, a course, like the old JC Superstar, "day by day, three things I pray, see thee more clearly, follow thee more nearly, love thee more dearly." Kinda corny, but take away the hype and there somethin' in there, make a rainy day bright.

Talkin' to a friend this mornin', 'bout Big, my high dollar ropin' horse, I bought out from Oscar Myer. (That's the "meat people".) He's got sore feet, from all the poundin' down cows. He's gettin' old and tired I think from the pain. Always give him a hug in the mornin', just remind him how beautiful he is. He believed a human and paid a price. He mighta made a mistake, but his heart was right and I don't want him forget; ever.

I guess that's what I mean by "see you more clearly", if it ain't the good in us all, than I can't imagine where I'd begin.

Have a nice night.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's a Miracle

Good Evenin'

Well, another mild and sunny juan; even got the better half of my thanksgivin' bath, checked off the "todo" list. Just warm enough and just serious enough, where I filled up the tub and give a dunk. It was pretty quick, I have ta admit. Tomorrow, see if I can't give the top half a scrub.

Otherwise, called it a sunny day and just plain, took a nap; still ain't feelin' 100%. Got up, took a few minutes a quiet time, made some coffee and let the boys out; let 'em stretch their legs, case we get any moisture outta this next system.

Still gettin' used to the book sorta done and headin' for the printer. I reckin' it's been three or four years since I started the thing and now, it's time for the next phase and I'm really unsure of what and how that works. And then, I suppose, y'add winter comin', shorter days, wood gatherin' and feedin', there just ain't that much time in a day, do much anyway.

So, rest and quiet time; ask for direction, help and clarity. My favorite old gospel song, "A Closer Walk With Thee." Ya know, some people think a miracle is this amazing event, like water to wine or the sky openin' up and a voice comin' down. I've always felt kinda fortunate, oh, somewhere in my late teens, when I realized I was just plain different and things most other folks took for granted, just didn't come natural to me. So, to me, miracles, never had to be real fancy; just gettin' by and feelin' good, always struck me as pretty large. And, it only seems larger with age.

Have a nice night.



Saturday, November 19, 2011

Letter to a Friend

Good Evenin'

Well, it got late and I'm tarred, sure, so I figured I'd just pass on this note I wrote to a friend, just watched "Buck" and enjoyed it quite a lot:

Very Cool, Fernie! Buck's a fine and accomplished horseman; now ya get a sense of the impact, Tom and Ray have had on folks. Buck's got a book he wrote, too, called the Far Away Horses. I enjoyed it quite some.

Another, fine day; wood gatherin' and visitin' ponies. Weather's been just sweet; 50 some degrees, clear and breezy. Also playin' some, with the wood gatherin; pullin' sage and makin' a clearin' in the woods, help the ponies, find a little more grass, just up the hill from camp, where they like ta bed down.

It's kinda nutty, but the ponies get a kick outta watchin' me "graze" with 'em and somehow 'er other, it's just fun, cleanin' up the dead trees and makin' pretty, fer no (good) reason'.

And, now I got piles a pretty fair firewood, here and there, tucked under trees, with a good umbrella, I can pull from, through the winter. Who knows, maybe there is a rhyme and a reason, to it somewhere.

Might just make this the blog for the night. Tarred! Thanks so much for the note. And, ya, life is good.



P.S. Thing about Tom and Ray, and Bill, Tom's brother, Buck spent quite some time with him, they were not only great horsemen, but they were just plain good people. So, they not only helped a lot a folks with their horse, I really believe they helped a LOT of "horses with their people"; really changed peoples lives, with their honesty and commitment. Then ya consider that everyone a them, Tom, Ray and Bill, said, "everything I learned, I learned from the horse!". Horse oughta get some credit too, no? Think of all the people on the planet, kids special, whose lives have , really been saved, by the good nature of the horse. So, it's really quite a story and, a course, follow it all the way back to the beginnin' and we can't help but thank the one, made us all, put the good in there, hopin' we'd find it one day.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Compass

Good Evenin'

Well, a little discombobulated, today; this time a year is always a little rough, as I don't handle sugar very well and everybody's passin' it around.

Never the less, I did wake up this mornin' and that's a start. I think I was musin' on my young friend, so kindly offered to take a look at my book, maybe help me promote it. Anyway, it occurred to me how odd we must seem to the younger set; I remember Mr. Gibran, in "The Prophet", sayin', " don't even try to understand your kids; they were born for tomorrow.". And, I suppose the opposite is just as true.

The "up side" is this, best I can figure, with age I am beginnin' to understand that I am, what I am and it's very likely, just what the creator had in mind, in order to best fulfill my role, whatever that is. I guess you could say, it's a kind of detachment, born of a growing awareness of how little I know. If, in fact, I understand very little, no sense judging and gettin' all wound up about the "shoulds", when I really don't have a clue.

So, then where's the compass? I believe it's happiness. And, for an old geezer, I'd have to say, I'm a very happy and fortunate one.

Have a nice night.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


Good Evenin'

Boy, what a day! "A", number one just a peach of a fall day. Almost sixty degrees, nary a cloud in the sky and quiet as a lamb.

I had ta make a run, go pay my phone bill and everybody in town was there at the post office; musta been half a dozen of us. And, everybody seemed ta be in the best mood. On top a that, I got a box a cookies in the mail from some ranch/horse friends up north and we all got sugarred up. So, when I finally left the post office and figured I'd swing by the tradin' post, low on dog food, it was no surprise find the same, same. Everybody, musta had spring fever, pretty as it was.

Anyway, then I got home and all kinda folk, were sendin' me comments and messages, all of the happiest nature. So, I don't even know if it was the weather; some a these folk, come from all over the place. All I can figure is it musta been one a those "astro logical" things.

Quite a day. And, always good ta get home and pick up where I left off; feedin' horses, gatherin' wood and just enjoyin' life, middle a nowhere, New Mexico.

Have a nice night.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Showin' Up

Good Evenin'

It's a "chilly juan" this evenin'! But, we're headin' for the solstice and that's what happens.

A little more muckin' and a little more gatherin'; sunny day, but breezy and cool. Let the boys out for a spell, this after. They sure are pleased, be able to strut around, front a the bunch, steada peerin' out sidewards from behind the barn. But, I suppose, if I were as handsome as them, I do a little struttin' myself.

Listened to the "bioneers" this mornin', wednesday on public radio. They always interview a lot a native elders, talk about our relationship to the earth. It's real nice, listen to their wisdom and how they work things out in their communities. This one fella mentioned they were havin' an election and it got real negative. So, the elders called it off, said "we're gonna start over!". Came up with some new guidelines. Whoever could find the most good in the other candidates, would be the winner. Sure made me chuckle.

Same fella, also mentioned, how they deal with trouble makers. Seems all the men in town get together and make a big type a sauna; maybe somethin' like a bonfire, so they all get naked and sit around swettin' and tellin' stories, generally related to the kinda trouble been stirred up, but never get specific, so no one gets singled out, or feels humiliated.

Thought about my mentor, Ray, Tom too, both, often, talked about preservin' the spirit of the horse. Talked about it, just as important as the horses very life. Interestin' how wisdom keeps comin' round.

Have a nice night.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just Horsin'

Good Evenin'

Well, pretty nice day. Not quite as warm as they said, but pretty fair. And, with a little shovelin' and wood gatherin', warm the mule, just fine.

Woke up this mornin' thinkin' about the book. I'd sent my last promo copy to a very sweet friend, had volunteered ta help me promote it. It was just about time she shoulda received it and I was wonderin' what part she mighta liked best.

Kinda fun, really, as it caught me right in the early mornin, as I was comin' out a the dream time and in to the wake time, when in inspiration always seems so generous. And, in the process, I kinda got ta see the whole book from a slightly different angle.

Got into a friendly discussion with another friend, about whether a writer can ever appreciate what they wrote. Well, I'm still not convinced I'm a writer and much as the whole thing seems like a gift to me, I reckin' I can appreciate it just as much as anyone; maybe even more, in some respect, 'cause I know it wasn't really me, that wrote it.

Anyway, kinda like workin' horses, ya just do yer best, see if you can build a bridge and if ya manage, then ya just try, send some "I love you", back and forth; "wanta dance?".

Have a nice night.


Monday, November 14, 2011


Good Evenin'

And humble a pologies; I suppose I been caught up with winter comin' and firewood gatherin'. Dark comes early and soon as I eat, generally, I'm a goner.

And, I might a mentioned that I'm in a bit of a quandry; so focused on the book thing, this past year, and now, with it kinda on "automatic" for a while, I'm kinda tryin' to re-discover my orientation and direction. Kinda neat, truly; kinda like a new beginnin'. It's changed me. Time has past. I'm older. All kinda a variables ta sort out, add up, add my prayer and see what "gives".

And, if I've learned anything, over the years, it's not ta "think" it too hard, but more ta listen, trust and wait. I was tellin' a friend, recent, " ya kinda get used ta meaning, maybe like a sense a great value. And, more ya do, more ya have ta admit, it's a gift. So, you look and listen and wait for the Giver."

Have a nice night.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weather or Not

Good Evenin',

Well, kinda similar today, fresh and gray, only the wind was up for this one. Hard ta tell if it was gonna let loose and precip, or break up and sun. I was thinkin' this afternoon, how nice it is that the weather doesn't give a flip what the weatherman said. Could be kind of a personal thing; I tried so hard to fulfill all the "prophecies" of my parents and teachers and friends, when I finally woke up and realized I wasn't pleasin' anyone and most important "me", I guess I broke out with a vengence, find out who "I" was. So, the weather doin' just what it has to, weatherman, not withstanding, just makes me smile; "ya, thank you! Those little people in those little boxes, those little voices, it's just noise; be what you must! It's far more beautiful than all the "shoulds" on earth!
Have a nice night.


P.S. Above, Anda Lucia, "Queen of the San Juans".

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Fine Day

Good Evenin'

Well, back side to the fire. Late and "tarred". But, all in all, a fine day. One a those super quiet gray days, when the weather's decidin' if it feels like precipitatin'. I suppose, extra quiet, for veterans day; oil field, not quite so busy.

Mostly, caught up on some correspondence, hung with the ponies and gathered wood. Let the boys out for a romp and romp they did; sure is good, get 'em out now and then. Only reason I don't let 'em out everyday, I'm hopin' not tear up the grass too bad, so they still got a little pasture, come spring.

But, ya, a fine day; simple and quiet. So good, get out and just be, stead a all this "co-municatin' and wranglin'" on the book stuff. But, could be worse and it's my best shot, keepin' the ponies fed, with me gettin' older; bottom line.

Have a nice night.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

There's Always a Balance

Good Evenin'

Well, I been missed and remissed! Got caught up with firewood and winterizin', feedin' ponies and trimmin' hooves. Made a grocery run and spent some time with the neighbor's horse yesterday. And, days are gettin' shorter. Then a course there's fences and hunters and postin'.

Anyway, I think it's the full moon, tonight. I was comin' back from the west side just after sun down and, here it comes; one a those huge orange moons, justa hangin' over "the keys". That's the divide, just east of us, maybe 10 miles.

Otherwise, the books movin' along, kinda in a slow spot, but movin' and I reckin' part a me's kinda figurin', what's next. Tryin' ta keep a balance, 'tween the day ta day, the short term and the long. Mostly, prayin', just ta stay "in my game" and see what unfolds; trust.

But, it is a challenge; ya don't wanta be too sure and miss yer try and ya don't wanta be tryin' so hard, ya go right past a turn off. Prayer's a good thing, even if it's just ta remind me, all the help I do need.

Anyway, I think I am tired, again.

Have a good night.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Old Mr. Hunt

Good Mornin'

Well, might have ta adjust again; last two nights, thinkin' I oughta post a story, 'bout as far as I got, 'fore I realized I was way too tired.

Anyway, a couple a snowy, socked in days, give way to a clear frosty, full sunlight mornin'. Did get the tent wrapped up fer winter and, for a change, got my last load a laundry, outta the tub, 'fore it froze solid and sat there 'till spring, like most winters.

Off ta the tradin' post pick up some beans and one more visit, see my big black horse over to the neighbors, for they're back. I'd been thinkin' about that "confidence" question and how it helps the horse and rememberin' a story 'bout Ray. A young woman had writ a story 'bout an encounter she had with Ray, at a clinic, where she was kinda strugglin' try ta get somethin' right with her horse. Ray came up and said, "Debbie ( I think her name was) there's somethin' ya need to remember", she stopped, waitin' for some really technical detail she might have overlooked, and Ray just smiled and said, "it'll all work out!".

He did have a way a comin' up with the simplest things, make a big difference.

Have a great day.


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Good Evenin'

Well, it's later than we think! But, I better not get started on time changes and politicians, can't leave anything alone! Ok, just one little joke: my new slogan, " if it ain't broke, they'll fix it!".

Well, tarnation, now they wanta close our post office! They can afford the salary for fancy folk, drive all the way up here from Arizona, in their fancy cars, all dolled up in their fancy clothes and give a whole bunch a fancy reasons, why we can't keep our post office, but they can't afford the post office! This is what politicans do; pay themselves so well, ain't no money left do anything else, 'cept save up for their re-election campaign! See, I never should a said a word.

Anyway, on ta bigger and brighter topics, like horses. Got ta go back and see the neighbors horse, again. This'd be the one with the confidence issue. I'd been thinking about what I could do, help him out some, where he's got so many mixed and confusing messages, from his owner and "trainers", none of which seem to have understood, maybe for good reason, a) that every horse is different, generally good and full a "want to" and b) that whatever ya do, ya got ta do it with confidence.

People quess, stead a just payin' attention to the horse in fronta them. When ya guess, yer gonna get nervous. The horse'll get nervous. It's really pretty simple.

Anyway, trimmed his front feet, per request, then moved him around, workin' on "feel"; gait and direction, drawin' him in, movin' him off the other way. Here to, I could tell, folks had been clumsy and heavy handed, by the way he'd disconnect and respond outta fear, stead a "feel. Anyway, I just kept tellin' him it was ok and tryin' again. When he'd settled down some, I put the lead rope on and lead him over to the rail for some figure eights and some leanin' and leg rubbin'. Again, waitin' for some "let down", then I tried my best consideration for helpin' him relax and forget all his doubts about "doin anything right", I just slid on real casual, lay forward, put my arms around his neck and just rubbed on his shoulders, not askin' for anything more; sure 'nough, four or five minutes, he just dropped his head and started lickin' his lips.

Maybe, we'll just work on "nothin'" for a while, then see if we can't build on that; nice and easy, same "feel".

Have a nice night.


Saturday, November 5, 2011


Good Evenin'

Well, just when I completely give up on the weatherman, he went and got somethin' right. Blew all night; woke up this mornin' with an inch a fresh snow. Oh, well! Did manage ta get the sidin' up and with my new beddin', sort of, slept like a bear.

Went and checked my wood piles, out yonder, and they faired pretty well. Brought in a couple a loads, mildly damp, but it's burnin' nice and hot.

Pretty simple day, I guess. Kinda interestin' how the same seasons come round every year, but each one manages ta come up with somethin' a little different, every year. Then, a course, we're changin' too. I been noticin' how I'm really appreciatin' the onset a winter, this year, what with the book and all, way more society than I'm used to. So, where that's kinda on pause, waitin' for some technical attention, and winter comin' on, I'm catchin' a hint a solitude on the wind.

I think it has somethin' ta do with "grace" or "magic". I've never had much of a knack fer plannin', but seems ta me if I get real quiet and ask fer direction, somethin' amazin' always turns up. So, I'm hopin' this winter's like that; a chance to get quiet, remember the tenuous nature of my life, take stock, feel thanks and invite the magic, show me how to live it well.

Ain't it neat; I don't care who y'are, ask just about anyone, private, where there's no one else to impress, and just about everyone'll admit, " it ain't the quantity, years that we live, but the quality, makes all the difference!".

So, this winter shapes up, where I get a little more quiet time/prayer time, I do believe, assistance, instruction, along those lines is first class request; that I might keep growin', like the Navajo say, in that "beautiful living".

Have a nice night.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Loose Cannon

Good Evenin'

Tarred tonight. Been a cool and blustery day. Sometimes, seems the wind kinda steals your focus; hard ta get much done and ya tire easy.

Did get some sidin' up and some firewood in. Shovelled some sand out, hung up some winter clothes ta dry and started beefin' up my beddin'; gettin' down inta the teens, past few nights.

Now, I got ta re-train Stinky, use the door; summer time, no sidin', he gets used ta rootin' through the side a the tent. He likes the canvas rubbin' on him; I'll have ta start brushin' him more. Now, with the sidin' up, he just crashes into the sidin' and knocks everythin' all about, which isn't that unusual, as he is gettin' older and can't see too well, nor hear, nor walk and he never was real quick at sortin' things out. But, I do try to maintain some kinda human oriented, order in the house, or tent, as the case may be.

Anyway, I try not ta pick on him too much; this too, will be my fate, one day. And, go around come, I hope whoever's mindin' me, too, will be patient.

Have a nice night.



Thursday, November 3, 2011

Horse Sense

Good Evenin'

Well, no more burros, for a while, back ta horses. Had ta go to my neighbors today, exercise her stud horse, that just had his "studs" removed. She had ta go do her holiday thing with her relatives, 'fore the snow flies and where he just had minor surgery, major to him, I reckin', exercise is most important; keep the swellin' down.

Anyway, he's a sweetheart; big beautiful, almost black horse, with the hint of a star, on his forehead, and those brown tones, here and there, on his under sides, makes him look like a big black bear. I used the excuse, too, play with him some along the railin' of his pen; figure eights, me standin' on the rails, bringin' him up underneath me, leanin' on his back and rubbin' his off side. He's had a checkered career, her not havin' a lot a confidence and shippin' him off to a trainer, completely messed him up. Some folks don't understand a fine horse, and come on way too strong, missin' all the try they got and completely confusin' the horse. So, his confidence kinda shakey and her not havin' a lot, any chance I have, hang with the fella, try ta build his confidence, I take. I just don't volunteer much, anymore, where my eyesights failin', among others. But, alone just the two of us, it's real comfortable; no distractions, lots of "feel". We like each other, quite some and always have a great time. I get ta go over two more times, for my neighbor gets back and I sure look forward to it.

Stopped by the elementary school on the way home; big meetin' about closin' the post office. Anything ta do with the government, always seems ta lack any notion of sanity. Right down to the visual! Everyone got up ta speak, stood out on the floor, where ya could hear and see 'em. The folks from the post office, sat, on the stage, behind a desk, where the light wasn't so good and spoke into a microphone that made their voices sound all cloudy and strange. The only good part was, just by the tone a their voice, ya knew ya were better off not hearin' anyway. I asked my neighbor, sittin' next ta me, "how come all government employees sound the same? They go on and on and when it's all done, the only thing yer sure of, is nothin' they said was helpful!". She just looked at me and said, "training!".

Have a nice night.



Horse Sense

Good Evenin'

Well, no more burros, for a while, back ta horses. Had ta go to my neighbors today, exercise her stud horse, that just had his "studs" removed. She had ta go do her holiday thing with her relatives, 'fore the snow flies and where he just had minor surgery, major to him, I reckin', exercise is most important; keep the swellin' down.

Anyway, he's a sweetheart; big beautiful, almost black horse, with the hint of a star, on his forehead, and those brown tones, here and there, on his under sides, makes him look like a big black bear. I used the excuse, too, play with him some along the railin' of his pen; figure eights, me standin' on the rails, bringin' him up underneath me, leanin' on his back and rubbin' his off side. He's had a checkered career, her not havin' a lot a confidence and shippin' him off to a trainer, completely messed him up. Some folks don't understand a fine horse, and come on way too strong, missin' all the try they got and completely confusin' the horse. So, his confidence kinda shakey and her not havin' a lot, any chance I have, hang with the fella, try ta build his confidence, I take. I just don't volunteer much, anymore, where my eyesights failin', among others. But, alone just the two of us, I feel real comfortable; no distractions, lots of "feel". We like each other, pretty strong and always have a great time. I get ta go back two more times, for my neighbor gets back; see if I can't throw a leg over his back, get him used ta ridin' again.

Stopped by the elementary school on the way home; big meetin' about closin' the post office. Anything ta do with the government, always seems ta lack any notion of sanity. Right down to the visual! Everyone got up ta speak, stood out on the floor, where ya could hear and see 'em. The folks from the post office, sat, on the stage, behind a desk, where the light wasn't so good and spoke into a microphone that made their voices sound all cloudy and strange. The only good part was, just by the tone a their voice, ya knew ya were better off not hearin' anyway. I asked my neighbor, sittin' next ta me, "how come all government employees sound the same? They go on and on and when it's all done, the only thing yer sure of, is nothin' they said was helpful!". She just looked at me and said, "training!".

Have a nice night.



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

By Request

Good Evenin'

Well, one third a my readership, that'd be my friend Chris, requested that I post a picture of Stumpy's trimmed up toe. And, not knowin' exactly how to deny such an overwhelmin' outcry, I decided to relent and post the toe in question.

It's not the best picture on earth, but if you click on the picture, you'll get a better image and then you can zoom in and you should be able ta see the predicament and my best effort, save the day, or the toe, as the case may be.

I'm not sure exactly why burros feet so easily go astray, but there are a few likely suspects. The first bein' that it's not easy gettin' on the right side a these critters; cute as they may appear, they are ferocious little beasts, when they get their back up, nothin' but teeth and hooves. My neighbor, just some south, lost a good horse to one young buck, just last year. So, findin' someone can get it done, out anyone dyin' is no small chore. Past few years I had occasion to trim on Ray Charles, over ta Sonya's and Crazy Alice over ta my friend Jim's and both were adoptees, who'd never had their feet done, elderly though they were.

The other likely culprit is too much feed and treats. These critters come from the desert and I suspect they are used ta scroungin' and lean winters. Domesticated and kept in lush pasture with the inevitable treats, I just don't think it fits their make-up.

Anyway, ya do the best ya can and, end a the day, they are amazin' creatures; each one got a way, a story and an attitude, peculiar just ta them. When ya take the time, listen a little, they really understand that yer tryin' and they try. Like Gramma Daisy, when I got called to come and trim their hooves, after the other farrier got into a fight with one a her kids and the little burro died. I'd known them some, where I used ta trim the horses they had. When I showed up, Daisy musta remembered me and came right up, like she wanted ta tell me what happened; I swear, if there was a way in heaven she coulda found a voice, she'd a explained the whole deal. As it was, I think she just knew, I knew and took a good long pet, while she just hung her head, breathin' kinda heavy.

Anyway, tough times are behind us now. We all get along, most everyone's healthy and she got her hubby, two kids and a grand son, mostly; not sure what ya call it, when yer husband, shacks up with yer daughter, but we'll just go right on ta grandson. And, I'm a happier camper fer all their goodness.

Have a nice night.


Special Edition

Good Mornin'

Well, a friend sent me a poem and it was so slick, I just had ta post it. I haven't asked him for permission so, I'm gonna post it like I wrote it, just fer copyright, then I'll ask him if he wants credit or if I should remove it; highly unethical, but great fodder for a good natured shoutin' match!

Livin' on Burroed Time

Well all of that is just fine and won't you just study those vain little dogeys, slat sides and rake rumps, at the front led wrong-headed big like they're going low down even on even ground, stuck up aloof on tough stub legs stuck down for a quickstep hoofing. That they last forever ain't going to be more a miracle than them making it til noon, so they mights well get along, you trimming them and all. Wrangling them can't be nothing but pure sentiment let me just say.

The Girl From iPad-ema Goes Walking: I Say Ah


P.S. It's Wednesday and this is an extra. If you're lookin' for Tuesday's post, it would be the previous post, called "Stump" (his photo above); a brief history of Stumpy's left foot and our on goin' conversation about "what to do and how".

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Good Evenin'

Well, decided ta go back today, see if I couldn't come up with somethin', help out with old Stumpy's back toe; he's the granpa of the burro clan and his left rear toe grows twice as fast as the rest and just keeps doin' that "turkish slipper" thing. I started on him yesterday, but figured I'd sleep on it, for I went ta nippin'. I had a question, old as he is, whether or not, ta even try. Then, once I thought about it, I figured I better try, some, as the status quo, wouldn't give him any traction, when things get slippery and he could hurt himself. We already had one baby, break their leg, few years back, slippin' on the ice.

Anyway, it all went pretty well. Used ta be, we'd go four or five rounds, me and Stumpy, just ta get one foot done; me figurin' how ta rope him, so I wouldn't kill him, if I had ta snub him up. I'd tried and tried, my best Tom Dorrance/Ray Hunt imitations and none of it seemed likely ta make a difference, 'fore we were both dead and gone. So, I'd conceded, that it was the "rope or nope", and just kept my eye open for concessions or changes on his end, all the while tryin' to keep it relatively safe and gentle. Fella used ta trim these little ones, 'fore me, lost his temper with another and it ended up a death match and it wasn't the farrier. That's when he got the pink slip and I was summoned.

Anyway, one day, few years back, when the others had all decided I wasn't so bad, Stump just walked in, like he'd come ta see the barber, stood there and waited his turn. I never could figure, if he'd decided that his feet felt better when I was done, all on his own, or maybe his wife, Gramma Daisy had chewed him out for bein' so cantankerous; she likes me quite some and always comes ta greet me, wants ta be the first.

So, ever since, we've just got along like old friends, no ropes, nothin', even when I quicked him once tryin' ta get that back foot right, which still remains a risk. That foot grows so crooked and strange, live tissue all the way out to the toe, it's always a gamble tryin', get anything right. But, ended up quite nice lookin' all things considered and even manged ta clean up the bottom some, so he'd have a little traction, come ice. Give him a good scratch and turned 'em loose.

Had a nice visit and coffee with Wayne and Kate, played 'em a song someone give me fer my birthday, showed 'em the book and headed home, all neighbored up for another few months; awful nice folks.

Have a nice night.

