Well, I'd thought to tell a story about one a my rescue horses, but I tried it out on a friend, who doesn't have a lot of experience around horses, some, but not a lot, and it seems I'd have to back up some, 'fore the story'd really come clear. So, I guess this is an experiment, see if I can really describe the horse and the circumstance he mighta grown up in.
It all began when the owner, here, asked me to find him a horse, that he, his wife, or daughter, then eight, or so, could ride, without worry. And, it just so happened I knew a fella near buy, wanted ta sell a middle aged horse that his wife and kids rode. So, I went ta look. Now, honestly, I'm not the best person anyone would wanta send lookin' for a horse. I'm just not very practical in some ways, maybe many. And, I seem ta have a facility for fallin' in love with just about anythin' with hooves. And, so it was. Soon as I saw Rusty, then passin' for "Barnyard", I immediately liked the fella. He reminded me of one of the first horses I ever knew, a pony, in fact, "Mighty Atom". They both had this way about 'em; a mixture of good nature, wit and wisdom.
Rusty, as he became known, was short, stout, bright copper red, with a fairly nice head, if somewhat small, relation to the rest a him, and had a thin blaze a white, forelock to nose. I trimmed his feet, combination of courtesy to the owner and a chance to get under and around the boy, and when I was done, I picked up the lead line, fastened to the halter and moved him around a little, swingin' the tail a the line gentle toward his hind quarters. I could see his eyes light up a little, anticipatin' "another human expects me ta know what he wants, out any explanation", but we'd had a nice visit, trimmin' his feet, so I stopped and give him a rub, remind him we were in it together and I wouldn't ask for anything he wasn't ready for and nothin' in a hurry. He seemed ta like that consideration and so I took the lead, grabbed some mane and swung up on his back. He seemed all the fella had said; nothin' fancy, just steady. We walked and trotted a little around the yard, then I got down give him a good rub and told the fella I'd pass on the details and call him, if the fella where I lived, wanted to take him.
And, I guess that'll be "chapter one". See what happens.
Have a nice night.
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