Friday, November 25, 2011

Pretty is, as Pretty Do!

Good Evenin',

Well, it's late and I'm tarred. Didn't even do, too much today; it snowed last night and melted mostly today. So, greasy, couldn't hardly walk. So, I fed the wood stove and took a nap. Did check my wood piles and mucked the boys pen some. Fed and watered as usual.

Took some extra prayer time and thought a little more about paths. Nothin' earth shakin', just how some follow fence lines and some go through gates. Sometimes they blend into roads for a spell. But, there's also another part of a path I haven't quite understood, maybe, and I'm not even sure if it's the path or the woods and the fields that they cross. But, special in the woods, it's the beauty and the pull of a spot on a path, and the path maybe makin' the spot more beautiful. But, it sure is somethin'.

Often times, I'll joke with a friend, how "cows, too, have fung shwe!". It always makes me laugh, how, even cows, have a way of pickin' out a nice spot; maybe a knoll, with a few trees, a nice view and a little breeze. There house keepin' might leave a little desired, but, pick a spot, that they can!

So, in the midst of all the practical reasons for paths, there's an element of "just plain pretty" I don't think, ya could ever rule out! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. (With a big smile!)

Have a nice night.


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