Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just Horsin'

Good Evenin'

Well, pretty nice day. Not quite as warm as they said, but pretty fair. And, with a little shovelin' and wood gatherin', warm the mule, just fine.

Woke up this mornin' thinkin' about the book. I'd sent my last promo copy to a very sweet friend, had volunteered ta help me promote it. It was just about time she shoulda received it and I was wonderin' what part she mighta liked best.

Kinda fun, really, as it caught me right in the early mornin, as I was comin' out a the dream time and in to the wake time, when in inspiration always seems so generous. And, in the process, I kinda got ta see the whole book from a slightly different angle.

Got into a friendly discussion with another friend, about whether a writer can ever appreciate what they wrote. Well, I'm still not convinced I'm a writer and much as the whole thing seems like a gift to me, I reckin' I can appreciate it just as much as anyone; maybe even more, in some respect, 'cause I know it wasn't really me, that wrote it.

Anyway, kinda like workin' horses, ya just do yer best, see if you can build a bridge and if ya manage, then ya just try, send some "I love you", back and forth; "wanta dance?".

Have a nice night.


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