Friday, September 30, 2011

How Amazin'!

Good Mornin'

And, I won't mention that it's Friday and I, sorta, started this thursday. But, I kinda got distracted, talkin' to a few a my friends, about the way horses move.

It all started, well, wait a minute, that might be a long story. Let's just say, the mustang boys have a new run and it's given them more opportunity to do just that. And, Ruben, the "fair haired", actually quite dark bay, cordovan, I say, he has been demonstratin', somethin' I noticed, earlier, but more pronounced. He has this way of runnin' that is mesmerizin'; ya can't tell, exactly how or why, but it's as if he has this way a slippin' in and out of time and space. Makes me remember characters like Zorro and Crazy Horse; both had a reputation for a similar quality. Seems, their adversaries, were never quite sure exactly where they were or where they went and how they got there.

One of my best old friends from the Northwoods, childhood chum, he has a way of askin' really good questions. So, he asked me if there was anything I had ever seen, I could compare it to. I thought for a minute, then said, "yes!". I remembered this rattlesnake I ran into one day. He was along side a path the horses often use, when they come in for water. He'd stood up and complained about my intrudin' and after I backed off and sized up the situation, I tossed a few sticks his way. Not bein' fond of projectiles, he decided to move off. I watched him as he left and realized that he too was mesmerizin'; his color and texture, the way, for moments, he'd disappear into the forest floor, the way he moved, kinda hard to keep your bearin's.

So, it might seem funny comparin' a horse to a rattlesnake, but I reckin' you get my point; this wild spanish horse, three-four hundred years, his relatives been out in the mountains north a Santa Fe, might just be wild enough, give us a glimpse back at why horses first caught our attention. Creator mighta give them a little bit a that magic, too, maybe in the way they move, just bend yer brain a little bit, maybe the brain of a lion or bear, where that horse'll make that step or two, let him live another day.

Who knows? But, it sure, is fun ta watch.

Have a great day!



Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Early, or Late?

Good Mornin',

Well, yes, it is! Then, ya could look at it as "really" late, seein' as how I fell asleep in my chair, last night, thinkin' I oughta write my postin' fer yesterday.

And, I probably, oughtn't dilly, dally, as I'm supposed ta go trim some hooves, I've been puttin' off for some weeks now. But, I always like ta say, "g'mornin'" and pass along, what I can.

News of the day, sides the book gettin' ready ta print, always the horses; watchin' the mustang boys changin', with their new run, the wild bunch, enjoyin' the fresh grass on the south end, always hopin' and lookin' for more time and ways, we can spend more time together.

Sage is fixin' ta bloom, frost is on the way; days warm and clear, nights cool and fresh.

Have a great day; if I remember take my phone, I'll take some pictures a the neighbor horses.



Monday, September 26, 2011

Takin' Care a Business

Good Evenin'

Hopefully, this won't go on and on; been tryin' to sort out things with the printer we found and line up my "troops". That'd be some friends agreed ta help line up a few a their friends; try to have 100 orders ready ta go, soon as we proof the book. This'll keep our price down and pay off the $850 we're like ta borrow, get us airborne.

Anyway, yup, it's pretty near bedtime. Once we get over this hump, see if I can't figure a way, do less a this nervous indoor stuff and more a the pleasant outdoor stuff. I mean, it's kinda fun, seein' things go forward, but workin' with the horses, seems like that's about "today"; a couple a souls, communicatin', fer no real reason at all, 'cept it's really fun! No grand expectations of tomorrow.

Funny? That's kinda how the book got started. I guess this is just the "boggy" part; ya slug it out 'till yer movin' free again. "Business"; way overrated, I think.

Have a good night!



Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mow the Face, Hose Down the Cowboy

Good Mornin'

Well, here we go, it's mornin' and I'm back on the case. Tryin' get back on track, every which way; speakin' of fantastic fantasies. But, there's always hope and it's a nice day, so, at least, maybe, I can mow the face, take a bath and put on some clean cloths.

Supposed ta call my friend back east, go through the book one more time and order our promotional copies; send them out to ten friends, see if we can't come up with 100 orders, up front, keep the price down in, relative, "sane territory". Talkin' to that fella yesterday, he chimed in my refrain; "ain't nothin' cheap anymore, 'cept my wages!"

Anyway, the horses and dogs are well, and maybe I'll get out, finish patchin' the fence on the south end, see if we got anymore "no tresspassin'" signs, start on the north end, keep the hunters at bay, or least give 'em somethin to read, while their cuttin' down the fence. And, no, they ain't all like that; actually saw one come up to the low gate yesterday, read the nice sign I put up explainin' how the county'd give up this road and public land access, was now limited to the dirt road, three miles north and he just mosied on that a way. A little courtesy, goes a long way, special when all ya got is wire fence, and any pair a nippers'll make short work a that.

Have a great day!



Saturday, September 24, 2011


Good Evenin',

And, yes I am makin' a habit a this; not writin' 'till late. Now,it's almost tomorrow and I'm just gettin' round. That truck sure put a monkey wrench in this week. Then, again it was me, not thinkin' 'fore doin', truth be told.

Anyway, like I said, it's patched up temporary and I'll give it another go next week, get a new drill bit and a proper bolt.

Did make it to the tradin' post and back. Run into an old fella I worked with, sorta, on a ranch, just some south. He always drank a little too much and often he'd kinda "go off". Come after me with a 2x4 one mornin', havin' misunderstood somethin' somebody said I said, I think. Anyway, I didn't stay on there, long after that episode; the owner there was kinda fond a him and I didn't fancy livin' that close to anyone that unpredictable. Seems the owner there, too, mighta reconsidered his position, as, not long after I left, I noticed this fella had moved to another spread.

It's just funny out here, how people get along, or not, in some cases and I don't figure that fella'd changed his ways much; he might be younger'n me, but the drink sure has took a toll. Upside, I suppose, he ain't as scary's he used ta be; couldn't remember what he came ta get and he showed pretty frail. In fact, I kinda liked him for the first time; we even talked a little. Who knows, maybe that's why he drank so much; maybe he scared himself and that was the only way he knew ta cope. I sure wish him well; what can ya do? Hard ta tell what folks been through, make'em like they are. I have better luck sortin' horses than people, that's fer darn sure.

Have a good night.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Sanity 101

Good Evenin'

And, once again, yes it is! Don't know where the day went, but it sure did. And, ya know that little reminder, 'bout "before", that fifteen minute job, turnin' inta three hours a drillin', well that weren't the half of it. I believe that was tuesday, I did the deed and I spent the better part a wednesday, thursday and now friday and I still only got it patched, temporary, 'till I can hitch a ride to town next week, get another part! Boy, I guess I needed a reminder, just how relevant that little word can be.

Anyway, it is patched temporary and heck, it's all temporary; ya never know. Whole truck could fall apart and that one piece, I thought was temporary, could be the only piece, holds up. I suppose, it's one a those things that just get under yer saddle, 'cause ya'd really rather be payin' attention to the four or five hundred other things yer behind on. Gotta smile; give thanks to and for, the one, loves us so much, they just hate ta see us get lost; takin' things too serious.

Boy, sure hope I'm listenin' ta this one; this is essential sanity in a world just beggin' me, forget.

Have a great evenin!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ya Mean, Me?

Good Mornin'

Well, I did manage to get myself under the truck. Older I get less taste or inclination I got fer metal; fur, is way more fun and sympathetic. Anyway, I got out the new widget they had at the part store, got the bolt out, figured how to wiggle the widget in and reset the bolt. Fifteen minutes! Then I started crankin' the bolt down; make sure that widget don't fall out again! Then, I was reminded of my old friend Ray. This really annoyin' thing he used ta say: "before!".

A course he generally meant that, as regards the horse. But, it has all kinda "life" implications. For example, tightenin' a bolt on a brake assembly. Instead a goin' at it with a pre-conceived notion, ya might wanta size up the situation, make sure ya understand the variables, then a course proceed with "feel". The benefit of such an approach might just be a fifteen minute job as opposed to the three hours I spent tryin' to drill out the shaft a that bolt, after I cranked the head clean off.

The follow up to that "before" thing, generally, went somethin' like this: "where were you before that thing ya didn't wanta happen, happened.". Most annoyin' concept I ever run across; "ya mean, I got ta be conscious? Take responsibility? It wasn't the horses fault doin' what come natural, seein' as I was absent?". No wonder Ray wasn't always the most popular fella on the planet. Ya get a lot more votes pointin' fingers over there, than remindin' folks, 'bout "the man, or woman, in the mirror".

Have a great day!



P.S. That's a picture of a picture taken by Heather Hafleigh

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Bunch Goes South fer Winter

Good Mornin'

Well, ain't rainin' yet and a good thing; "still" gotta get after the truck and get some firewood up. Ten years out here and I still forget, when summer breaks, the evenings get cool, even if the days are still mild.

Did get the wild bunch south; all excited 'bout fresh pasture and our short but sweet caravan from the north end. We all love goin' places together. Everybody lines out, peckin' order, Tubby and Big nippin' each other 'bout "first place"; I ride Tubby, even though he's first lieutenant, 'cause Big's got the sore feet, so Big nips on Tubby, remind him, reality. Has been a time or two, it got pretty rowdy, and I got pitched, lopin' along bareback, but by and large, we all have a grand time.

Fixed up another stretch a fence, got home 'bout dark and sure enough, another nice change; this time I just threw a flake and give a little whistle and the boys come up, no argument.

Anyway, the truck!

Have a great day!



P.S. Forgot ta thank Brandon, Santa Fe Photography Pro, for the picture; that's Julio, one a the mustang boys, checkin' out the camera.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

World Turns, Things Change

Good Mornin',

Well, another gorgeous early fall day. Made a little progress on the southend, hauled another tank down, opened the gate, 'case the wild bunch wanders down and, late made some progress on the book; connections with folks might help me sell a few.

Otherwise, spendin' a little time, like this, just hangin' with the boys in the run. Enjoyin' watchin' them munch and play; seein' them change, with a little more room and exercise. Two nights ago, first time they'd been out all day, asked 'em to head in, just after sunset. They just took excuse romp and run; three or four laps. Then Julio'd had enough and he just hung by the gate, nibblin' and waitin' for my confirmation, "yup, in ya go.". Ruben, was a little less sure, and played around, some like maybe he didn't really have to. So, I pushed him a little, couple more laps, then he headed in, on a lope, Julio takin' the hint.

Last night, same time, a couple a laps for fun, then both headin' for the shed, no doubt, no worry; easy lope, nippin' each other fer fun. Nice little change.

Supposed ta get some days a rain. Give the grass a break, keep 'em in, catch up with my customers.

Have a great day!



Monday, September 19, 2011

Half a Degree

Good Mornin'

Well, really, afternoon; had ta call my childhood chum, Chris, talk about "e-piphanies". Woke up this mornin' with an understanding of a question I've had for some years, now. And, truthfully, I'm shavin' the facts in my favor. But, it had ta do with this question of half a degree.

Read a fantastic, funny quote from Lao Tzu, the other day, proving once again, that nobody invents anything, 'cept maybe words; the japanese, zen, for example. "If you don't change direction, you just might end up, where you're headed.". It sure, made me smile; a real wise guy. He coulda said that to anyone and smiled. Anyone headed in a good direction, woulda smiled back. Anyone, lost mighta got worried some and that's a good thing. Perfect!

The point, for me, "yes, even half a degree, over time, what a big difference it can make!". It's a good thing, stop and check a compass. And, what a gift; the company a horses. Seems like their compass got 360 degrees, fer every one a ours. Now, that's fine tunin'.

Have a great day!



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sun Day

Good Mornin'

Well, I'm hangin' with the boys, out in the run; come off a nice fresh sunny day and the soil's dried up some, so they won't pull the grass out by the roots, quite so bad.

I think that full moon, musta been a "deusy"; sure seemed like my attitude sunk some low this past week. Admitted, I am some behind where I oughta be, gettin' ready for fall and winter and still wrastlin' with the book thing, but the "worry" sure come on "gang buster" and generally I keep that stuff at a distance. Maybe, like I mentioned, yesterday, I've taken on some, more'n I'm used to.

Anyway, seemed like the grip was easin' yester-after. Did make some headway on the south end and checked the ponds. All that rain and only one pond got maybe 50 gallons. See, if I can't get the wild bunch down this after. That grass been restin' since spring; shouldn't take much convincin'. And, they like it down here, they can wander right in to the barnyard; see what's goin' on, schmooze me on a flake a hay.

So, better get to it; gotta getter done today. I got some folks I been puttin' off all week, needin' horses trimmed and I still gotta fix the pickup; looks like I'll be haulin' water 'till snow fall.

Have a great day!



Saturday, September 17, 2011

Plain As Day

Good Mornin'

More rain, last night; quite amazin'. Checked the near tank 'fore dark, still no puddles; all the rain we've had, that's dry.

But, more impressive, these days, the trail. Like I said, the other day, it sure is funny, how ya start one little project, like this book idea, thinkin' it'll just help support the main thing, my ponies, and it just opens a whole can a worms. Now, that term don't, maybe, paint the prettiest picture, 'less yer fond a worms and I might oughta look for another, but like everything out here, ya rattlesnakes too, ya really do have ta find the beauty of 'em 'cause they are part a the landscape. And, so, really that ain't a bad example.

What i mean is, I could look at this book thing as a big head ache, but I do believe there's a beauty to it; a) 'cause I think it tells a worthwhile story and b) 'cause the process is pushin' a lot a buttons, just might make me a lighter, happier person, in the long run. Know what I mean? It's one thing, never go outside yer routines and comfort zone; make sure, near nothin' ever makes ya stretch and another, get stretch a little, bugged a little, ask fer help a little, look fer yer strength a little.

Anyway, long story, short, I sure am understandin' why I ever loved a horse; a lot a what goes on, socially, sure can ask a million questions. Bein' round the horses, enjoyin' each others company, just alive, together, sure is plain. And, that's huge fer a soul like me; never was very quick on most accounts.

Have a great day!


Friday, September 16, 2011


Good Evenin'

Yeh, later and later! More, storms, more distractions, but fairly pleasant ones; neighbors needed ta borrow some hay and their vehicles broke down. Ended up with a pickup full a shavin's though, and the mustang boys figured that's first class; special with the temp droppin' like it has.

Locked the gate last night, near dark. Forgot ta check the chain; I had it sorta "dummy" wrapped and warred fer summer. Sure enough, all undone tonight when I checked it, with fresh tracks up the road. I really got nothin' against hunters, but, per centage, I'd have ta say, I never met so many folk, got so little respect, fer signs, er gates and clear intent in my life and it does chafe. But, I better not get started.

Was thinkin' though, early, how we've grown up in an age, where honesty and integrity have become so compromised and "rationalized", on such a scale and to such an extent that most all of us are losin' any real sense of right and wrong. Ya know what I mean; they've become bout meanin' less. The only relevant question, anymore, "did you get caught?". Ain't that troublesome?

I did find the hunter; three days a rain, on a clay road, not rocket science. "Oh, ya, gate was open, so I just come on in; looked like a nice spot. BLM, right?" Only one set a tracks up that road, no tresspassing sign front and center and, clever as my horses can be, they haven't got so far as to unwrap a chain from a pipe gate. I was so dismayed by the fellas capacity to tell such a flimsy lie with a straight face, I just walked away. I'll roust him tomorrow.

Anyway, I'm likely "tarred"; tomorrow's another day.

Good Night,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Funny Nest, Different Egg!

Good Evenin',

And, yes, it is! Recovered, some from my "run push", but we've had thunderstorms off and on for two days now and we got mud! Can't hardly make it around at any better 'n a crawl. So, I got tangled up researchin' printers, see if we can't get the book movin'.

Anyway, naïve and slow as I am, 'bout business and computers, here it is, most dark, and I'm just gettin' round to my log. Did make a little progress, though, thanks to a friend, found one seems real interestin', view a my situation.

It is funny though, me thinkin' this book might actually make some money, let me spend more time with the ponies and here I am spendin' all day tryin' ta figure how ta get the dang thing off the ground. Patience my friend; patience. And, focus. Lucky, livin' out here, ya do learn these things; things just don't happen over night, but, ya stick to it and things do work out. And, for those lessons, I am grateful; there's just somethin', truly beautiful 'bout ownin' a little bit a that kinda stock.

Have a good one.



Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Breather

Good Mornin'

Well, another beautiful day and another nice outting with the boys; two, in fact, once in the mornin' and a nice long spell in the afternoon.

Otherwise, I tried to ease up a bit, catch up a little on stuff I'd neglected with my push, get the "run done". Yes, and I even got a bath; I'd gone some aromatic pushin' like I was, barely takin' time ta eat, let alone clean up. Even got out the horse clippers and made a start at mowin' my face, back, somewhere, close ta presentable.

Then, a course, some what refreshed, I figured on a little more catch up today, and it's been rainin' pretty fair, since daybreak. So, I caught up on some correspondence. Lit a fire, cooked some oats, see if I can't get after the south pasture, afternoon, get the wild bunch in; hunters comin' next week. The outfitter handles that stuff, but I keep the critters on the south end so they can have the north.

Anyway, life is good, god is great, as it's sometimes said; just grateful for all the kindness and little miracles, keep it all together, me and the pups included, out here, outback, middle a nowhere, New Mexico.

Have a great day!



Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Good Mornin',

Well, I did wake up! A little slow, but up beats not. Hopefully, take it easy, or easier, today. Maybe catch up on some maintenance; mental, physical, heart and look into auto motive. I've been needin' ta fix the brakes on the ranch truck, for months. I did get the part I needed, now, I gotta add the time. But, it's way over due; the caliper on the passenger side, fell down and is slowly losing mass to the rim. Amazing, sometimes, how far ya can go with somethin', really broke, and it keeps on workin'. Thank goodness, old days, they used ta make things with more metal than they mighta needed; might notta been cost effective, but it's got me through a tight spot, more'n once.

So, a little late and a little slow, but up and I better put'er in gear, see if I can get the boys out, again, fer another spell; good day, where I got some doin's around the yard, keep an eye, 'till I'm more confidant that pen'll hold up. And, up top, the picture I promised; boys in their new run.

Have a great day!



Monday, September 12, 2011

The Boys're Out!

Good Evenin'

Yup, I plumb forgot ta write this mornin'! Neighbor called wantin' me ta feed his critters, and I was so close ta finishin' the run, I just went right past the phone, on my way ta the job. But, I did getter done and the boys got a romp. I'll have ta get a picture for ya, but I haven't figured out how ta do that on this new blog yet.

Anyway, I'm whooped; almost waited for the mornin', let 'em out, tired as I am, gettin' this run up; a week now, I been at it straight. I figured, anything went wrong and the boys broke out, I wouldn't have any "gas", go get 'em. But, I set a spell and gave it some thought and figured I really had it right and she'd work; nipped, tucked, flagged and tall enough they wouldn't try it. Well, it was some fun, watchin' them buckin' and playin'. Ruben did sniff the electric, got a little bump, but all in all, it went real well. They settled down and munched a bit, then the mares come in down below; wasn't hopin' fer that. And, the boys did get excited, tearin' around and whinnying, but I got their attention, asked 'em to go back in and, lo and behold, they did. My blood pressure went back ta normal. I really didn't wanta spend the night lookin' for horses.

So, sorry for the late post, but I sure wanted ta se them out, what with a little rain and the grass greenin' up. Pretty quick, we'll get a frost and it'll all shut down. And, now it's time ta feed the cowboy and put 'em ta bed; whew!

Good night,



Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Great Mare

Good Mornin',

Well, it did dry out and I did find wood. Made it to the tradin' post and still made some progress on the run; today's the day, god willin'. The wild bunch come inta the low gate and judgin' by attitude, special the lead mare, I'd say it's the girls drivin' the bunch. I don't think I'm bein' chauvinist, but the queen missy mum was so hornery, only thing I could figure was her thinkin' another season had passed and she weren't packin' nothin' in the oven. And, me with the stud colts up by the barn. Some girls take that "baby" stuff darn serious. But, I always figured, that's what makes a good lead mare; looks, brains and instinct and she's got 'em all in spades. So, she gets a little attitude; can't blame her for the way god made her. Besides, I'd hate ta see her carryin' through the heat a the summer, the baby not havin' much of a start 'fore the freeze and I'll bet I can swing it next spring, get her up with Ruben, let those instincts play on out. I been thinkin' that way, a few seasons now, but didn't think my pens were up to the job. This new run might just be the ticket, work things out safe and harmonious. I'm not much inta breedin' horses, there so many already, can't get the care they need, but I sure love the girl and Ruben's one a the last a these spanish mustangs, leastwise, handsome as he is, so, I'll keep it under my hat; see what happens.

Anyway, I better not "muse" here too long, or I'll come up shy, another day. Have a good one.



Saturday, September 10, 2011

How, Now!

Good Mornin'

Well, lost the better part a the day, yester, that rain through me for a wake up loop. It got cold and rained pretty fair. Got down to my last stick a wood this mornin'; lucky it's breakin' up and I, like can find a dry branch or two 'fore evenin'. Did make a little progress on the run; a break, just 'fore dark. Gotta make a tradin' post run this mornin', been outta milk fer two or three days and I gotta use up my food stamps 'fore they roll over or they'll figure I don't need 'em that bad.

Did take advantage of the indoors make a few connections on the book; one sweet and beautiful, the other strange and stressful. Strange and stressful, a publisher tellin' me I was fixin' to go to, well, let's just say, someplace very hot, me thinkin' to publish my book all on my own, little by little; countin' on friends and social networks. Sweet and beautiful, an old friend, just volunteerin' ta help, any way he could, see it go forward. Nice thing about livin' out here, ya learn ta tell the difference 'tween critters that just wanta get along and enjoy life, together and rattlesnakes, that figure the world just might belong ta them and everybody else oughta just get with the program. Funny, the other day, what with the changin' seasons and all, one had come in ta check out my tent, fer winter quarters. They hadn't been around since early summer, when they wake up hungry. So, I'd gottin' casual 'bout waltzin' in. Well, he lit up a rattle and I took a couple a large steps sidewards. Thing I noticed, was, it bein' hard ta tell, right off, which way the rattle was comin' from, compoundin' the question of which way ta git. Kinda similar talkin' to that publisher; one minute all friendly and helpful, the next threatenin' doom and gloom and bills for time he waisted talkin' to me. Well, I've learned that such curious and difficult critters just need a clear explanation of what's what, who's who and where they can go. They might have their perspective, but I'm entitled to mine and if life ain't for enjoyin', well, they can find another tent.

I wrote this little book, 'cause I love my life! And if I sell a copy, I'm gonna love each one; otherwise it'd just be another lie and I believe we've heard enough!

Have a great day!



Friday, September 9, 2011

Not Far From Survival

Good Mornin'

Well, another nice fall day; ya notice I've given up on my frettin' 'bout rain. The monsoon season past and that' that! Just got ta move on and enjoy the good. Besides, we're socked in and it ain't a downpour, but there's a good steady rain fallin'; this keeps up and we just might get a puddle in them tanks.

And, the run's still comin'; I forget, it's not the big pieces, take all the time, but all the little pieces, just 'fore yer done, take the most. Thought I'd have it licked yesterday, but it's gonna take another, yet. I run outta pins and posts and only got so much "war"; that's local fer wire. So, gotta manufacture some replacement pins, balin' war, and carefully place the war I do have, in relation to the electric, give it the best chance a convincin' the boys not ta try the job. Another thing about critters: if yer fixin' some kinda a pen, do everything ya can, get it right the first time. Otherwise, the critters in question, will learn that things are negotiable, and they'll figure on negotiatin'. The upshot, you'll be playin' "catch up" the rest a time. If they get used to things, solid, from the git go, they're way less apt ta negotiate, and more apt ta accept things as fact. It's not that they're "evil", just curious and always interested in the possibility of greater freedom; more fun! And, far as I can tell, that's just natural, as natural, can be! Could be why I love 'em so much; they're always remindin' me, "fun, could be, one a the greatest, most basic instincts of life!".

Have a great day!



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sweet Melody

Good Mornin'

Well, a beautiful fall day! Not really that much different from a summer day, but "the fry" is gone. My friend Duncan says it's the altitude. It really don't get that hot up here, maybe 90 degrees, tops, but, 'cordin' ta him, 30 percent less atmosphere and 90 degrees is a lot and I'd have to agree. Seems ta me, it's like a microwave; too much radiation!

Anyway, the boys run is shapin' up; just a few more posts, fix the electric top wire, string a few strands a smooth wire on the west side, flag it for visual and open the gate. I might add a few panels, here and there, keep the boys from gettin' too excited, figure they're free and buildin' up a head a steam, 'fore they get to the north end. Even 6 feet, with a good head a steam and the notion there's mares out yonder, might be worth a go and that's a wreck, nobody wants!

I suppose, workin' with horses, over time, that kinda becomes a part of ya; thinkin' things through. I reckin' 90 percent od all the trouble folks run into, could be avoided, if ya take your time and think things through. And, it not only avoids wrecks, but the horses notice, and they get comfortable, seein' yer a thoughtful "boss" and that, too translates into more comfort and more "relax" in all your dealin's. More relax, more enjoyment. Kinda like a guitar; strung too tight, ya won't get that sweet vibration. If I've done my homework, I relax. I relax and the horses know it and round and round it goes. Don't know if ya ever heard any a that "slack string" Hawaiian music; got started with the cowboys over there. (Ya, they got cowboys.) Anyway, it is sweet stuff.

Have a great day!



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where Stoppin' Starts

Good Mornin'

Well, cloudy most a the day, but them showers must a landed sommer else. All in all, though, can't complain; did make some fair progress on the boys run and with the cloud cover temps were lower and that's a blessin' for this old sod.

This run is shapin' up pretty fair, but I have hit a glitch or two. The post I was gone a pull off, stretch the north end, well, turns out it weren't near as healthy as it first appeared; the in ground part crumbled to half size and turned, soon as I put some pull on the stretcher and the 100 foot of horse fence, turned out to be some shy of a full 100. Big business; don't figure it's a mystery, them knowin', a fella like me ain't likely ta haul that role 100 miles back to the store and complain 'bout that missin' six feet! And, spread that over 100 thousand roles a year, that be some real change; fella'd be a fool, turn down that kinda dough, or not?

Kinda reminds me of some small towns, where the insults just keep goin' round and round; your grandfather did my grandfather and now I'm gonna get you. Nobody ever stop and ask themself, "Is it worth it?". Social climate ends up so cold and strange, nobody really wanta live there anymore. Make matters worse, generally, those kinda places, nobody's doin' very well, everybody lickin' their wounds and plottin' their revenge, folks don't wanta get together and figure how things might improve, so nobody's got the dough ta move.

So, I guess it don't matter; big business or small town, we cut corners and ends up the branch we were sittin' on. And, there's my silver linin': a) there but the grace... And, b) if it's ever gonna stop, it'll have to start somewhere. Lord, let it be here!

Have a Great Day!



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Puzzles and Pieces

Good Mornin'

Well, cooler for sure and they say there's a chance a showers; see what happens. But, it is amazin', maybe it's just age, but, soon as September turns, and the "sizzle" leaves the heat, I sure pick up and get way more comfortable, really gettin' after things; actually makin' progress on the run for the boys. Gettin' close enough, where I actually think they're startin' to notice the shape a things and thinkin' it might be somethin' "cool". Can't wait to see 'em out munchin'!

Otherwise, this brand new day continues to unfold. You could say, a whole bunch a pieces fallin' in place; maybe pieces I been workin' on all my life. My "risin'" consideration, "Goodness really does know!". Lately, I've found myself walkin' away from some things that, you could say, make a world a sense and a part a me askin', "why?". Only thing I can figure is, "well, there's more than one kinda sense!". Ya know, there's "head" sense and "heart" sense. And, where both have their place and their beauty, I'd have to say, when it comes to the larger questions of life, I gotta go with the heart. It can be a tricky question and I don't believe I wanta play fast and loose with it, but I do believe if we really want and really try ta understand the heart and follow it, Love does find a way. And, sometimes, it makes little sense. So, my mornin' inspiration, even if I've been shown again and again, it still lights like it's brand new; "goodness does know!". It knows my doubt. It knows my try. And, it knows how to talk to us, if we really wanta hear, 'bout a way and a walk, that might make little "sense", but is possible, all the same.

Have a Great Day!


Monday, September 5, 2011

A Brand New Day

Good Afternoon,

Well, did get a pretty fair shower yesterday; nothin' fill up the tanks, but a nice shower.

Been havin' trouble with my phone, so I just went ahead and started a new blog; kinda fittin', as further I get, further I'm sure, I have no idea where I'm goin'. That said, I am sure I'm havin' more fun goin'. It's just plumb excitin', knowin' ya wanta make a difference, walkin' with a prayer, "be close, the creator" and knowin' ya got horses fer company.

And, knowin", somehow it'll work.

And, I suppose this entry'll be fairly short, as part of my brand new day and brand new commitment is to spend a little less time playin' with "the media" and a little more time in "my medium"; horses and fences.

Have a great evenin'!
