Monday, September 26, 2011

Takin' Care a Business

Good Evenin'

Hopefully, this won't go on and on; been tryin' to sort out things with the printer we found and line up my "troops". That'd be some friends agreed ta help line up a few a their friends; try to have 100 orders ready ta go, soon as we proof the book. This'll keep our price down and pay off the $850 we're like ta borrow, get us airborne.

Anyway, yup, it's pretty near bedtime. Once we get over this hump, see if I can't figure a way, do less a this nervous indoor stuff and more a the pleasant outdoor stuff. I mean, it's kinda fun, seein' things go forward, but workin' with the horses, seems like that's about "today"; a couple a souls, communicatin', fer no real reason at all, 'cept it's really fun! No grand expectations of tomorrow.

Funny? That's kinda how the book got started. I guess this is just the "boggy" part; ya slug it out 'till yer movin' free again. "Business"; way overrated, I think.

Have a good night!



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