Good Mornin'
Well, here we go, it's mornin' and I'm back on the case. Tryin' get back on track, every which way; speakin' of fantastic fantasies. But, there's always hope and it's a nice day, so, at least, maybe, I can mow the face, take a bath and put on some clean cloths.
Supposed ta call my friend back east, go through the book one more time and order our promotional copies; send them out to ten friends, see if we can't come up with 100 orders, up front, keep the price down in, relative, "sane territory". Talkin' to that fella yesterday, he chimed in my refrain; "ain't nothin' cheap anymore, 'cept my wages!"
Anyway, the horses and dogs are well, and maybe I'll get out, finish patchin' the fence on the south end, see if we got anymore "no tresspassin'" signs, start on the north end, keep the hunters at bay, or least give 'em somethin to read, while their cuttin' down the fence. And, no, they ain't all like that; actually saw one come up to the low gate yesterday, read the nice sign I put up explainin' how the county'd give up this road and public land access, was now limited to the dirt road, three miles north and he just mosied on that a way. A little courtesy, goes a long way, special when all ya got is wire fence, and any pair a nippers'll make short work a that.
Have a great day!
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