And, I won't mention that it's Friday and I, sorta, started this thursday. But, I kinda got distracted, talkin' to a few a my friends, about the way horses move.
It all started, well, wait a minute, that might be a long story. Let's just say, the mustang boys have a new run and it's given them more opportunity to do just that. And, Ruben, the "fair haired", actually quite dark bay, cordovan, I say, he has been demonstratin', somethin' I noticed, earlier, but more pronounced. He has this way of runnin' that is mesmerizin'; ya can't tell, exactly how or why, but it's as if he has this way a slippin' in and out of time and space. Makes me remember characters like Zorro and Crazy Horse; both had a reputation for a similar quality. Seems, their adversaries, were never quite sure exactly where they were or where they went and how they got there.
One of my best old friends from the Northwoods, childhood chum, he has a way of askin' really good questions. So, he asked me if there was anything I had ever seen, I could compare it to. I thought for a minute, then said, "yes!". I remembered this rattlesnake I ran into one day. He was along side a path the horses often use, when they come in for water. He'd stood up and complained about my intrudin' and after I backed off and sized up the situation, I tossed a few sticks his way. Not bein' fond of projectiles, he decided to move off. I watched him as he left and realized that he too was mesmerizin'; his color and texture, the way, for moments, he'd disappear into the forest floor, the way he moved, kinda hard to keep your bearin's.
So, it might seem funny comparin' a horse to a rattlesnake, but I reckin' you get my point; this wild spanish horse, three-four hundred years, his relatives been out in the mountains north a Santa Fe, might just be wild enough, give us a glimpse back at why horses first caught our attention. Creator mighta give them a little bit a that magic, too, maybe in the way they move, just bend yer brain a little bit, maybe the brain of a lion or bear, where that horse'll make that step or two, let him live another day.
Who knows? But, it sure, is fun ta watch.
Have a great day!
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