Good Evenin'
Yeh, later and later! More, storms, more distractions, but fairly pleasant ones; neighbors needed ta borrow some hay and their vehicles broke down. Ended up with a pickup full a shavin's though, and the mustang boys figured that's first class; special with the temp droppin' like it has.
Locked the gate last night, near dark. Forgot ta check the chain; I had it sorta "dummy" wrapped and warred fer summer. Sure enough, all undone tonight when I checked it, with fresh tracks up the road. I really got nothin' against hunters, but, per centage, I'd have ta say, I never met so many folk, got so little respect, fer signs, er gates and clear intent in my life and it does chafe. But, I better not get started.
Was thinkin' though, early, how we've grown up in an age, where honesty and integrity have become so compromised and "rationalized", on such a scale and to such an extent that most all of us are losin' any real sense of right and wrong. Ya know what I mean; they've become bout meanin' less. The only relevant question, anymore, "did you get caught?". Ain't that troublesome?
I did find the hunter; three days a rain, on a clay road, not rocket science. "Oh, ya, gate was open, so I just come on in; looked like a nice spot. BLM, right?" Only one set a tracks up that road, no tresspassing sign front and center and, clever as my horses can be, they haven't got so far as to unwrap a chain from a pipe gate. I was so dismayed by the fellas capacity to tell such a flimsy lie with a straight face, I just walked away. I'll roust him tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm likely "tarred"; tomorrow's another day.
Good Night,
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