Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peddlin' With All my Mites!

Good Mornin'

Well, warm, sunny and still; see what happens. Everybody sayin' it's supposed ta drop and blow.

Gotta peddle here, this mornin'; Julio's mite situation's gettin worse. But I think I got a plan, this sulphur dip, my neighbors give me. Question is whether I can get Julio, go along with it. Try and get him used to me pourin' some water on his back; then we'll try the dip/pour-on. Took me a while but I learned over time, not ta waste ammunition, for yer sure it's gonna hit the target.

Spring time is always a lesson in "let go"; so much needin' attention, every where ya look, ya just gotta "let go", do the best ya can. I get ta worryin' 'bout the stuff I ain't doin' nothin'll ever get done.

Otherwise, I got a "corn cider I shun" for the day, it'd be this, "when things seem dark and complicated, just remember that 99% of it is, likely, our own imagination!".

Have a great day!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Stocks and Bonds

Good Mornin'

Well, made it all the way ta Cuba and back; carpooled with my neighbor down the way. She goes in about once a month and it saves gas and time for both of us.
Got talkin' about relationships and bein' older, how it's hard ta figure takin' chances like that, when yer happy enough, for starters. I don't think about those things too much, happy as I am with the critters and all, not to mention enough experience ta know I might notta been cut out for those things, but I suppose, her, of the female pursuasion, it might be a bigger question. (Is it fair ta say that women tend ta be more concerned with matters of society?) Anyway, it did come up, the whole notion of investment and risk; ya, just like Wall Street. I remember a wise man once sayin' "before ya consider what ya want, ya oughta consider what ya can have". And, I wouldn't pretend that things are mutually exclusive, as he went on ta say, "you can have it all!", but I would like ta bring up one possibility and, hopefully, in a way you might never, have ever, really considered. Yes, I'm stackin' the deck, but hopefully, like my horses, in plain sight and without any bones.

Oughta be time for a new paragraph, if only for courtesy.

So, the reason I'm stackin' the deck, is 'cause, often times the kinda thing I'm about ta say are the terrible, cheap construction of somebody, sellin' somethin' ta other poor folks, in such dire straits, that they'll buy anything; and that "buyin'", by the way, generally means, the one doin' the sellin' ends up with somethin' of value and you might end up poorer than you was ta begin' with. But, I'd rather suppose, you're fine, well off and free ta consider, I might not be sellin' anything, but simply talkin' about somethin', I found interestin', course a my walk.

And, here it is; a relationship with, oh boy, here we go! What do ya call the thing/stuff/person/intelligence, that created and sustains everything, without trippin' the switch in our brain, that conjures up "a man on a throne in the clouds". Anyway, if possible, try to forget all those images and just consider what it's like, when ya go to sleep and all the people, places and things go away, but somehow there's still a sense of bein' alive and aware of feelings, thought and questions; maybe, sometimes, answers. This, I suppose, why, in my stackin' of the deck, and lookin' for words, I referred to intelligence and it's possible, "awareness" works even better, where we tend categorize, measure and compare intelligence, but less so awareness.

So, how amazin' is that? A place inside ourselves, where all this feelin', feelings, questions, answers, emotion and longin', all play out, apart from our physical time, place and circumstance. Could it be that, as they say, "life", REALLY, "does go on"? And, try ta keep it simple, if there is somethin', does go on, wouldn't it be a fair consideration, know that; make that relationship, some kinda priority. And, maybe it's that simple; somethings last longer than others. No "goods" or "bads", just a fact. And, if that were true, it might be worth takin' that inta consideration as I line up my "investments", the way I "spend" my time here, planet Earth.

And, if we have to "image-in", maybe imagine this; just a conversation in that "dream place", no "bodies", just a conversation and maybe, even try ta take out the words and just imagine it like a feelin'. "All that time on planet Earth and you never wondered about me; what let you feel and think and long to be happy? Geez, I was right there, with you all the time; in you, your friends and all that surrounded you; weren't you even curious?"

Anyway, gotta be careful, I suppose, 'cause I don't wanta trip the "guilt" switch, don't believe that ever, really, got anybody anywhere, but just ta consider; "somethings might last longer than others and knowing them that last, might be a really worthwhile investment". Heck, even usin' that as a "bettin" guide, like they have at the horse races; what, in my life has been the most constant. And, I'll bet, if ya think real well, it'll be your very own awareness. Of all the things that came and went, you noticin', feelin' the joy and/or sorrow, 'cause maybe, you wanted it to last "forever", or couldn't wait 'till it was gone, that's the stuff that remained; your knowin'.

So, no good or bad about it, whatever time I got, that's the main thing, my book; "what knows". And, what's it like ta know "what knows". All indications, that might just be the friendship that never ends and lends all the comfort, we ever wanted, enjoy the rest.

Have a great day.


Thursday, March 29, 2012


Good Mornin'

Ya, another peach of a day. I heard there's a cold front comin' through, maybe tomorrow, but it does amaze me, this "weatherman" stuff; gorgeous day, run into a friend and the first thing they say, "ya, but tomorrow, it'll be terrible!". Ya have ta laugh, no? There is a question in there, somewhere; Lord Buddh, walkin' by, with a smile.

Anyway, got so many comments, on that piece yesterday, made me think. Then, I realized I might want to add a couple of editions; one, that pony, Sunny's his name, he's only one. I got to thinkin' how a lot a folks start two year olds and he wasn't near ready, then it hit me, "oh, yeah, he's only one!". I think it's his size got me off on the wrong track. The other, so's not to come down too critical on the owner, reconsiderin', I reckin' we're a good balance for the youngster; her bein' some strict, me a little more "liberal", 'cause there's always room for variety. And, maybe one more little piece a wisdom, my mentor, old Ray (above); always got ta remember, "the day, the horse and the rider"! Just as that all play'd out, there, the other day and looked a certain way, ya never want ta jump to too many conclusions; I'm re-remindin' myself here. I suppose, this has got a little somethin' ta do with humility and I sure believe, that's wired right in ta the whole school a life, here on planet Earth. Somehow, seems, I really gotta face everyday, aware a the things that have worked for me AND that my understandin' or take, on those events, likely wasn't perfect; there's likely more ta learn.

It's really pretty slick, 'cause ya end up with this notion, that it ISN'T a set a rules we're puttin' ta gether here on earth, but a place, inside ourselves, we're learnin' to live from. Every situation or discipline might have a few principals, go along with it, but really, seems, the heart of the matter has ta do with this place of relationship and our attitude toward the whole dance.

And, most of all "thanks"; that there is a rhyme and a kinda reason, and I can learn. Just like that pony. And, it can be, fantastically fun, 'cause the One, here in the pen with us, is fantastically wise and loves us beyond belief.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Conclusions

Good Mornin'

Well, another beautiful day, there yesterday and looks like the same today.

Got my little stud horse trimmed over at the neighbors; such a sweet young fella. And, boy he's gonna be a tall drink a water. He's just at that awkward, two year old stage, where his butts a whole hand taller than his front end, but handsome, handsome. I should a took his picture.

But, it's funny how people have different ways a doin' things. The owner's really done a nice job a handling him; for a two year old he's doin' really well. But, I do see how my instincts are a little different. She tries to discipline him, quite some, but it always seems there comes a point where I ask ta turn him loose, let him move some, bring him back around when his mind settles, work on a thing or two, when he's ready ta pay attention; send him off again when he starts ta fidget. It gets a little physical, him loose like that, but horses are physical critters; a little bumpin' and leanin', sniffin' and rubbin', but sure enough, he did settle, pay attention and sort out a little more balance and the new dimension of me under his nose, with his front feet, one at a time, stretched forward, restin' on my knee. Might just be a male/female thing, where she's a little nervous with his young "studdiness" and me bein' a fellow fella, a little more comfortable with the rough and tumble, "sans" sexual overtones; though, I must say, a young stud colt, like that, they are apt ta get those, heck, anything, all mixed up. Seems ta me, they're like this jumble of intense sensory overload and it's only through the process of runnin' inta things, tryin' anything and everything and sortin' out the nice and not so nice results, they finally put together their picture of the world and how it all works. It sure is charmin' and delightful, ya got enough experience, stay safe; live through the process. Reminds me of one of my favorite bits a wisdom, from an old farmer: "Good judgement come from experience; most a that comes from bad judgement!". I guess that pretty much sums up the process of growin' up. Grace and God willin', we make it.

Does make me giggle though, her wantin' everythin' "just so, now!" and him bein' so full of life. Sometimes, ya got a let go of "just so, now!" and trust, that there's a fundamental thing about life, intelligence, and that is it's insistence on "knowin'". And, my opinion, unless you allow it that space, freedom, ta find out, that sense of "knowin'" 'll never set up like it should; serenity set in. And, curious enough, seems ta me, that's when everythin' really lines up, "just so!".

Same old song; fear a self fulfillin' prophecy, trust, certainty, confidence, that it'll work out, somehow, ends up, so, too.

I would add, though, a long view, really helps; there can be a million moments, when you're sure it won't or didn't. But, I consider that, "jumpin' to conclusions". "It ain't over 'till it's over"; I don't believe in over.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Simple Math

Good Mornin'

Well, it blew pretty fair yesterday, but I came to the conclusion, that spring time in New Mexico, if you can stand up and move around some, without rollin' off with the tumbleweed, it's a nice day!

Looks like sunny and mild today. And, a course, unusually warm. Got a young stud colt, trim today; terrible sweet kid and handsome. Kinda chestnut colored, with a flaxen mane and tail; nice big blaze on his forehead and nose. Lady that owns him, got him in with his Pop; them two, just plain hilarious how they get along.

Otherwise, just tryin' ta find my way; keep right, inside, move along on the outside. There's a line from a poem, 'bout my mentors, Tom and Ray, from the book; "no peace was made with easy lie". I like lines, that can mean a bunch a things and that's one; far as I can tell. But, the meanin' for me, these days, kinda like that Gandhi line, "be the change you want to see", if I want to make a difference, it'll take a different approach. And, kinda like that story 'bout half a degree, maybe just, ever so slightly different, which in this case might mean, a) a lot of trust in the impossible as completely possible and b) if you wanta make something beautiful, proceed beautifully; dilligently, but beautifully. It's taken me pretty much a lifetime, but the notion that "the end justifies the means" is just, plain "bad math". Don't believe me? Take a good look around.

Have a great day!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Worrying Well (and not wisely)

Good Mornin'

Well, looked all stormy last night, but seems it was just a paasing disturbance; just breezy and sunny this mornin'.

The young "woofers" came by, leavin' for the next leg of their journey; gave me a contribution for hay. Way, sweet. Kids like that, sure give ya hope for the planet and mankind.

And, here it is almost noon, and I'm still in the "office"; went ta bed last night, some worried about things. The book, hay, how ta get to a bank, deposit the checks for the book, 'fore folks get worried, taxes, etc.. Woke up, once again, feelin' the mark of a lovin' conversation, over the course of my rest; kinda like open heart surgery. Data, worries removed, "I know and it'll be alright", left in their place. Then, I got a note from my sister, expressin' some a her worries and had the occasion, remind her, "it is known and it'll be alright". Nice, how that works, no? Old sayin', that "the laundry person, always has the cleanest hands".

Well, it was handy, too; I knew exactly what she was talkin' about and exactly how I can "paint" the future darkly, special where family's involved. And, kindly, I've been reminded, again and again, "Be where you are! The rest, one step at a time! Grace happens now; it can never be imagined and tomorrow, today, is only imagination."

So, with that, I'd best, get after it; not to worry, but to do, best I can.

Have a great day!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Stick

Good Mornin'

Well, another beautiful mornin'! Woke up thinkin' about priorities; nothin' specific, just the notion. Rememberin' a chapter in the book, where I talked about "feel". My mentors, with the horses, Tom and Ray, talked about it, a lot; fact they had a fundamental little "jingle", "feel, timing and balance". Then Tom, a course,pictured above, would add, "and, one another thing, something like spirituality".

But, I must say, it's gotta be, one a my favorite stories; least one I come back to again, and again. It's the one about some of our ancestors, leavin' Southeast Asia, headin' for an island in the pacific. Way it goes, if they'd been off, half a degree, they'd a missed by a thousand miles; and a course, that would have consequences.

So, what's the point? O.k., so, we'll, change gears a little, case anyone's nervous that we might be gettin' a little too "touchy, feely", here. How about "science". And, we'll go right to the top; Uncle Albert, Einstein.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." - Albert Einstein

And, one more just ta keep things interestin':

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

So, this is the point; the intuitive mind, I believe, is what Tom meant by "feel" and why he added that curious, "something like spirituality". Also, why Uncle Albert referred to a "sacred" gift. And, why, one of my dearest Saints from long ago, said this, "lord, I am blind; you my only stick!". Could it be that he, like Albert, had understood, that all he could see was illusion; what greater blindness, could there be. In other quotes, Uncle Albert refers to an "optical delusion". In fact, in that same context, Uncle Albert suggested that, only compassion, could cure it! I imagine my saint feeling, tenderly for what was real in his life.

So, there ya have it; horseman, saint and scientist, all singin' the same song. And, so, I'll throw in a simple writer; ice the cake.

"One sees clearly, only with the heart; anything essential, invisible to the eye.". Antoine de St. Exupery, The Little Prince

So, what if the heart was our compass? And, what if, great care were recommended; one half a degree, could make such a difference? Would a "smidgeon" of humility be a "good" consideration; how much do we understand feel? Yes, sirree, sir, the question of "lost and found" is a real peach! And, you think fly paper is sticky; try a shake this one. Remember, there could be consequences and we might not "see" them, but we just might feel 'em.

Have a great day!


Saturday, March 24, 2012


Good Mornin'

And, I am up. Pretty late, but it's gettin' so, I got three or four jobs now. Correspondence, mornin' time, after I feed, then I got a job as a cook, then it's back ta feedin', then I'm the "go-pher", then we feed some more, then cowboy for a couple a hours, then feed and water, gather wood, then we're back ta cookin' and then we start writin'. And yesterday, we had ta throw in a visit to the neighbors, pick up some medecine, for one a the ponies, which precip-i-tated a return visit from two carloads a "woofers"; a "woofer" is, generally, a 20-somethin', hooked up with the World Organization Of Organic Farmers, who travels around, volunteerin', few weeks at a time, on various organic farms.

Anyway, they had ta see the rescue horses, the mustang boys, see for themselves that a fella could actually live in a tent year round, read the book and just wander around for a while, in a place where ya can't see anything but dirt and trees, sage, hill and sky for fifty miles any which way; with nothin' but breeze and bird song touchin their ears.

And, it was a peach of a day; sixty somethin', sunny, mild and just plain gorgeous.

So, I've givin up worryin' 'when the nearby rancher pulls up at 9:30, tellin' me the neighbors bull's back after his heifers and I'm still in my pajamas. I go ta bed at 8:30, I'm up at 4:30; midnight's a different story. And, with all these jobs, none of which pay minimum wage, well, that's just how it is!

Have a nice one.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Too Tarred

Good Evenin'

Be you tea full day, but way too tarred, expound. Bunch a sweet kids come ta visit.

I'll see, maybe mornin' I can write somethin'.

Have a nice night!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

El Paso

Good Evenin'

Well, another peach of a day! Into the 60's, sunny with easy breezes.

A little overwhelmed, with so many irons in the fire, but as a friend just reminded me, "this, too will pass".

I remember when I first moved out this way; I was livin' in an old abandon homestead. It was a palace, from my point a view, as, however modest the accomodations, they were mine for all practical purposes. But, modest they were. For starters I had to build a fence around it, as it happened to be a favorite hangout for the local bovines. Then, a course, shovel it out, as the bovine crowd has a way of leavin' "things" behind. But, little by little I got it cleaned up.

Once it was cleaned up and I'd actually managed to get a door up, clean up the dirt oven in the corner and fix a cook top from an oil drum, arrange some kinda stove pipe, it was quite pleasant; 'cept when it rained. I suppose I'd been in about a week, when a heck of a storm come by. I mighta forgot ta mention, there were no windows, no chinkin' (mud) 'tween the logs and the roof was made from split cedar, with dirt piled on top. I had put up some plastic sheetin' inside, break the wind, but when this storm got wound up, the sheetin' was flappin and slappin'. Then come the rain, blowin' in sideways, right through the logs, and workin' its way through the split cedar roof, now mixed with dirt and gettin' slapped about, by the sheetin'. I didn't have electricity, and the candles went out, first good gust and shortly the rain had put out the fire, too. There was one spot I could stand, right in the middle, where the plastic woundn't slap me around, so there I stood; mud drippin' on my head, dark, plastic flappin' all around, no light, rain comin' every which way and no hope of makin' supper, less I wanted mud. I remember tellin' myself that very same thing; "this, too, will pass".

And, it did.

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Heart of the Matter

Good Evenin'

One peach of a day! Made 50 degrees; sunny with a gentle breeze. Got a couple a books sold, fed my ponies, the bull, horse and chickens, over at the neighbors and headed out ta see the burros.

Had a nice visit, coffee and conversation with the owners and got ta work on Ms. Jazz. As usual, she was a little stand offish, for starters; had her baby in with her and the babe was all scoots and spooks, but, case I'd work on her, here, near future, I figured she might as well watch me work things out with her mom. Learn that it's alright. Jazz's feet were pretty bad and she was limpin' pretty good, but we got settled, eased a rope over her ears and worked a little on givin' to pressure. She really started gettin' the idea and we cleaned her feet up pretty fair and happy. Watched her walk off, once I open the gate and she wasn't limpin' any more. Real proud of her; I think she was just a baby when another farrier got in a fight with one a her siblings and the little burro died. So, her bein' kinda slow ta trust, sure ain't her fault.

Anyway, turns out the owners are thinkin' take 'em all to the sale barn, feed gettin' so pricey; the owners gettin' older. So, course I had ta open my mouth; offerin' ta bring Gramma Daisy and Grampa Stump over here, run with my bunch. Like ta take Jazz, too, but I barely keep the horses fed. See what happens. Will try ta find a home for the babes though; sale barn's a real gamble. Sure hate ta see any of 'em end up on the train ta Mexico.

Funny how it makes ya think; like Jazz overcomin' her doubt and really tryin' ta trust. So much heart comin' from a "stupid donkey". And, us humans, supposedly, "so smart", and seems so rare we, ever, approach that kinda heart, or half so earnestly.

Got ta be time, try ta figure this "non-profit" thing, really take donations, try and get a chunk a land. Way things are goin', I gotta bunch a more four legged friends, bound ta be lookin' for homes.

Oh, well, sure keeps me outta trouble and inta smiles!

Have a good night.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Miss Jazz

Good Evenin'

Well, a pretty fair day! Started off a little mixed; lingering clouds, an inch of snow and fairly cold. But, come late mornin', bright sunshine, considerable warmer, with only a gentle breeze.

Back ta finish the burros, man~ana; Jazz, the little paint mare, she got four bad feet. I got the two "old folks" done, last time, but figured I'd give Jazz an afternoon all to herself, the kinda attention she'll need. She's gotten pretty comfortable, 'bout me workin' on her feet, least ta some extent, but every time it gets a little better and that's worth it, all by itself.

Otherwise, waitin' and watchin'. Waitin' for weather, even out and watchin' for clues, what spring/summer might hold in store. Suppose, I'm watchin' the cowboy, too. Every winter seems ta take a bite; can't be too sure what ya get left. I've noticed past few summers, I get half way through and promise myself, "next year, half as much!", and stick to it pretty much. But, time next summer rolls around, half as much was still, too much.

Anyway, livin' and learnin'; long as I'm learnin', livin' is good.

Have a nice night.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Tarred, again!

Good Evenin'

Well, it didn't blow ta day, but it snowed like December and cleared up like April, at least three of four times. Supposed ta be sunny at 50 tomorrow; didn't even make 30 ta day.

Was a great day, though for inspiration and connections; Brandon the photographer for the book, Tony Estrada, a young Navajo filmmaker and through video, Dave Couchene Jr., an Anishnaabe Elder from Manitoba. And, an old friend, helped me muster a new tarp for my tent, where the wind, kinda thrashed my old "stitch job".

Ponies are good, the cows are fed and, likely time packer in, for my last log gets cold. Leave you with a great poem I ran across, listenin' to Garrison Keilor, the Writer's Almanac, on public radio, a few months back. I'll just post the link.

Have a great night!


Sunday, March 18, 2012


Good Evenin'

Well, it blew today! Don't think I ever seen it blow quite that hard. Thrashed my tent pretty fair. Used ta be every fall I'd buy a new tarp; big sucker, 20 X 30. It'd cover the whole tent; right down the the ground on the sides. Almost down to the ground, on the backside; then I'd board up the last few feet. Tuck it in, 'tween the tent and my "A" frame dugout on the front. But the last couple a years, I'd been cuttin' up the good parts, off of old tarps and stitchin' 'em together; makin' a couple of smaller one, pilin' 'em one, top the other and tyin' 'em to logs on the side and boardin' up the back, best I could. So, 'tween them bein' old and not near so aero dynamic, well, let's just say it looks like somebody come by with a big lawn mower and went up one side and down the other. Good news, the tent itself is still standin'.

One year, I had the tent about ten yards south, openin' southeast. I was out cuttin' some cedar posts and it come a blowin, real unusual, yup, right outta the southeast. Soon as it dawned on me, the way it was comin', I quit my cuttin' and started walkin', then joggin', then runnin' as the "math" started addin' up. Sure enough, the tent was upside down, where it now sits, only the stove, sans pipe, where it used ta sit and pots pans, clothes, you name it spread out 'tween the two locations. And it started to rain.

I figured the creator just thought I'd be a little more comfortable, back here in the trees, some. Since then, I also dug it in a foot, in the sand and built that dugout on the front; give it more stability and a place, keep some wood dry. So, really, 'till today, it's worked fairly well, but it's likely time come up with a new tarp, or a better plan.

Anyway, now you know a whole bunch about wind, tents and why folks started buildin' real houses. And, it's likely time ta pack it in'; get up early start pickin' up the yard. Lost one piece a the barn roof, but got some cinder blocks on top a the rest, for it headed for Oklahoma, too. Hopefully, I'll be better prepared for the next blast and it won't be near, so bad; this was a "deusy".

Have a nice night!


Saturday, March 17, 2012


Good Evenin'

And, it's like ta be another short one. Tarred, tarred, tarred!

Was a good one, all in all. Sunny and breezy. Lots a correspondence; big step forward on the book, maybe some on the kids ranch. Neither, for sure but promisin'.

Otherwise, fell asleep, again, but a shorter spell today. Feedin' twice now at the neighbors, where the bulls in; grounded a few days. The bunch stayin' out longer and longer. The boys adaptin' to bein' in; waitin' on grass. Makin' a point, climb in for a romp and a brush, every day. Soon as I get over my spring nappin', we'll get ta work on saddles and such.

Well, there ya go; I won't go on, as I don't reckin' I could do any better justice, tonight.

Have a good one!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Some Days

Good Evenin'

Sports fans! Well, this was quite a day; gorgeous for starters, but a little topsy turvy. I was supposed ta catch a ride to town, but the monkey wrench landed on that one. Then, the neighbors bull got out and by the time we got that straight, I think my blood sugar had done a couple of dives and spikes, so soon as I got a bite, I just passed out. Could be I've been burnin' the candle a bit, tryin' get this book off the launch pad.

Anyway, I did wake up in time, throw a flake for the ponies, grab an armful a wood and give the boys a romp and a brush.

But, now it's late again and if I'm gonna do any better man~ana, I better call'er good and hit the rack.

Have a good one!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Old Magi

Good Evenin'

Yup, another be you tea full day! Ponies are stayin' out a little longer and the grass is pushin' on up. And, ya the boys are a little bummed, but I did get in and play some today; give 'em both a good scratch with their new brush.

Otherwise, more emailin', see if I can't shake some orders loose, on the book and I did connect with a fella and his friend, about the land outback; might could make a kids ranch. Ya never know about those things, but I am learnin', not to get "fixed" one way or the other.

There's an old story I heard, 'bout a young fella had a wonderful wise old teacher. Way I remember it, somethin' came up, seemed like a very bad situation. The young fella, knowin' that his old teacher was quite the magician, begged his teacher to do somethin', "please". The old teacher seemed reluctant, but the youngster, just kept askin'. So, the old magician, took the whole situation upon himself, which proved to be a lot for his old self and he passed away. The youngster was left, trouble free, but had lost his dearest friend and mentor.

Always felt there was somethin' real important about that story and over time, I guess, I've come to see the tender wisdom, it contains. And, as usual, the truth of it, never quite as dramatic as the story itself, but just as real. It's those simple choices I make everyday, as to what's important; what's my priority. And, older I get, more I realize, that NOTHIN' could replace that sweet affection; creator in my life.

So, this or that, my ideas, that's o.k., but never to lose sight, what really keeps my life worth living; never to get so fixed on any one thing, or outcome, I trade the only thing I ever really wanted, the warmth of my heart.

Have a nice night.


Burro Kin

Good Mornin'

Well, another peach of a day, it was; sunny, mild and breezy. Today, looks like a repeat.

A little dis-combobulated this mornin', after my visit with my burro friends and their owners, Wayne and Kate. Always have a great time, both ways; coffee and conversation with the humans, hooves and heart story with the burros. Funny, no; with the humans, it's generally politicians and bureaucrats, a little local news and a fair bit of "thank goodness for this little corner of the universe". With the burros, the details are dispensed and it's just plain, "so good to know you; so good to be together"; just care and appreciation, no words, repeated again and again, for the first time. Kinda like swimmin' in a forrest pond; swimmin' and swirlin', around each other, warm water on top, cool water below, soon becomin' a fantastic mix of currents, warm and cold, as we paddle around, appearin' and disappearin', poppin' up, nose to nose, eye to eye, turnin' and dunkin', just to do it again.

Wasn't always, quite so sweet; seems they'd had some pretty hard times, 'fore I showed up. But, little by little, we sorted things out, to now, where it's just "high tea". Course, now they got grand kids and we'll start all over, but the grand kids, watchin' like they do, noticin' the affection we share, it's like ta be much easier, convince them, "it's alright".

These are really small, creatures and they never miss an "attitude", but a little respect and an ear for their story and they, sure, got plenty ta say. Took a lot a patience, early on, but I kept rememberin' this line, from the "old book", "whatever you do for the least, you do for me". And, I'd have ta say, it's, sure, paid royal.

If I'm a little discombobulated, as I mentioned, it's just 'cause Wayne and Kate got a new fangled coffee pot, and some new fangled coffee, far as I can tell. How come everything gotta get "better, stronger"; I tossed and turned all night, just with half a cup. Likely, howcome I deleted my story last night; a poster I once saw, kinda from the 50's. It said, "drink coffee! Do stupid things faster!"

Anyway, I'm still breathin' and I don't gotta go anywhere today. See if I can't climb in with the Mustang boys, play some; take their minds of their little pasture. Let some grass grow; get our cowboy/cowhorse gig, a little futher down the road.

Have a great day.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Well Shoot

I had a nice long piece goin' about my burro friends and what a nice time we had today, then went and pushed the de lete button by accident. I sure apologize, but I'm too tarred, reconstruct, this evenin'! See what happens mornin' time.

Have a good night!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What's Important

Good Evenin'

Well, sunny and mild again! And I gotta say, it just feels great!

Got a nice email from an old friend givin' us permission use his song for a "book trailer" video, me and Brandon, the photograper, cooked up; should be fun and the song's great. Brandon's six year old daughter agreed to run the camera! No kiddin'; it's a kids book. I'll include the link to the song at the end, here.

And, where it was, so warm, I even started my "Easter Bath" early, this year. Got out the horse clippers and give myself a haircut and shave and, got my top side all scrubbed up. Didn't come out to bad, though it's hard to tell, for sure; my glasses, so scratched I can't see a thing and, top it off, I got so wound up with email yesterday, I took 'em off, put 'em on my chair, then sat down. They'll never be quite the same.

Ponies are good, but the boys are a little "bummed", where I'm keepin' them in, let the grass get up some, for I let 'em back out. Keep tellin' myself, "tomorrow, I'll start exercisin' 'em", then 6 o'clock comes around and I'm still on the phone, tryin' to drum up orders for the book. This, too, will pass! (And, none soon enough!)

Anyway, just keep prayin' for "remembrance"; can't always pick what ya do in a day, but I can try to remember what's important.
Such a gift; so powerful, what we remember.

Have a great night!


P.S. Here's that song:

Monday, March 12, 2012


Good Evenin'

Well, just like the weatherman said, for a change, sunny and mild. Looked around the yard today and, no doubt about it, grass is makin' a start! It'd been hintin' at green, the past few days, but today there was just, no denyin'; that's grass.

The bunch didn't even come in for a flake 'till about 2 o'clock; 1 o'clock if ya lived in Arizona, 3 o'clock if ya lived in East Texas, or 1 o'clock if it was yesterday! There will be a quiz later and be sure and have your W2's with you.
I better not start on governments propensity to take anything simple and make it unbelievably complicated, or none of us'll get any sleep, at all!

Pretty nice day, though. Got ta visit with my 1 mile south neighbors, as they had to return my 1/2 mile south neighbor's bull, as he'd wandered on through their fence, no doubt in response to a derogatory comment from their bull. Hadn't seen 'em since fall, the neighbors, even though I pass their house, whenever I go to town, the post office, and think, "I oughta stop, but I'm late, again!". Anyway, they both looked pretty well, as did young Tye, there grandson, now taller'n a tree.

Got a small load a hay delivered by the 1/2 mile south neighbor as he'd come up from Santa Fe and owed me some wages, which combined with a gift from a friend, added up to 15 bales; pretty handsome 70lb bales at that. Also managed to get over to my 5 mile south (crow flight) south west neighbor's and get a horse trimmed, we'd been after for nigh onto a month. And, made it over the hill, 'fore dark dark, check the west gate and west neighbors cabin, collectin' a small load a wood on the way.

So, the reason I told you all this, is 'cause I'm too tarred ta write and I'm goin' ta bed.

Have a great night.

Best, Always!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Good Evenin'

Ya, more a the same; a little sun, passing clouds, some wind, then snowin' by dark. All in all, just a little milder.

Don't even wanta mention how much time I'm spendin' on the computer, linin' up orders, get the book off to the printer. I keep tellin' myself, "just a little more, then you can get back to ponies".
Five years on this one little book, I might make $250 which I've already spent on hay.... I don't even know where to go with that, 'cept to chuckle; just chuckle. Ya never know 'till ya try. Do get to give a little to charity, though; could be worse.

Otherwise, I did finally get out, beyond my little foray's, throw a flake. Made it over the neighbors, check the cows, feed the horse, the goats and the chickens. And, boy, did that feel good; my old path windin' through the woods, passin' trees, lent me dead branches, through the winter, the fresh air, the critters callin' out, soon as they see me crossin' the fence, everybody fed and watered, headin' home, armful of wood, along the way, dreamin' 'bout summer and ways to spend more time with the ponies. Pretty enjoyable; pretty pleasant.

I remember a wise man, once pointin' out, that enjoyment was a gift and never to take it for granted. Stop and think about it, it's really true; so many people I've heard across the years, expressin' their wonder, when they'd ever be able, enjoy themself. Maybe they had a lot and did a lot and much of it'd look like fun, but somewhere, somehow, inside themselves, they just couldn't enjoy any of it. Worse part is, nobody'd ever feel sorry for ya! I'm kiddin' just, there.

But, I guess it's true; sometimes the simplest things are the greatest gifts. Sometimes, I look off at the mountains, or smell some cedar on the fire, see my horse or dog and just wonder why we ever bothered with anything else.

Have a great night!


Friday, March 9, 2012

Rememberin' Us

Good Evenin'

Well, quite a day! Weatherwise, started out white as can be. By 10 it was sunny and brown. Started blowin' some, afternoon, then cloudy, blowin' and pretty fresh by dark. Not cold, cold and that's promisin'.

Equally excitin' on the writin' side; this little daily and the book, stirred up all kinda conversations, old friends and new. Kinda reminds me, this story I heard from Argentina. They had trouble over the years with crooked politicians, if you can imagine such a thing. And, a few years back, they were gettin' outta hand again. Well, the women in the cities remembered what had happened and everytime these politicians tried ta give a speach 'bout the same old nonesense, they all started bangin' pots and pans, all over the country, way I heard it. Finally, the politicians give up and they got a new government.

Point is, talkin' to so many wonderful people 'bout what's good in their lives and the good they remember, from little, it just gives me hope, if "we the people" spend more time rememberin' what's good, maybe some a that other noise'll smartin' up, or just get outta Dodge. Maybe I'm an optimist but, I do believe, it's good to remember the good and, a course, always consider ways a makin' more; fresh!

So, all this electronic stuff, that I may have criticized on occasion, maybe it ain't so bad, afterall. If it allows us to remember and remind, each other about the good, about each other, that it ain't all politicians and news anchors, that could be a very good thing.

Have a great night!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Eye a the Critter

Good Evenin'

Well, another mixed bag; some sun, some wind and snowin'n blowin' come sundown.

Everybody fed and watered, some short rations, but my ride for the hay's been draggin' his feet and now were close to the bottom a the pile. Worst part, so is the feed store! Trust, trust, trust, trust; cross my fingers and trust. If it breaks up tomorrow, I might have ta close the gate on the bunch again; pray fer grass.

Put out a "last call" on orders for the book, least on the first edition; lotta folks said they would, lotta folks disappeared. No shame, no blame; stuff happens. But, I do like that parta livin' out here; so little happens, words stand out. Somebody says somethin', odds are it'll happen. Sometimes I talk to old friends from the city and you can tell, they're so used to "talk", they're like to say anything and never give a thought to the doin'. Just a nice reminder, "ya, I wanta be present; conscious. I don't wanta be all over the place". Funny, though, I almost care more about the critters, than I do about folks. Or, maybe it's just, I'm so grateful to the critters, 'cause they DO pay attention and it rubs off; keeps me honest (er).

I suppose, it's not that important, but I must say, l like myself a little better, when the things I say and the things I do aren't too far apart. And, God willin', it ain't about pattin' myself on the back, or bein' "better'n"; it's more like a part a me that just notices and rests a little better when my halves are whole.

So, God bless the critters, save a wretch like me; move me ta be the human ya see.

Have a great night!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good and Gettin' Better

Good Evenin'

Well, today was a march grabbag, far as I can tell; started out all mild, a few high clouds, by noon it was blowin' a gale from the south and by sunset it was snowin' and blowin, cold out a the north.

Did manage to get a couple a things done, though. Cows and ponies fed and watered, dropped of my valentines day treat to the neighbors, just a little late, and actually sat my behind down and recorded orders for the book; that's a biggy, considerin', way I feel about paperwork!

On the inside, still wrastlin' a little bit; tryin' ta figure how ta spend more time with the ponies, make a dime and all in such a way, Creator might end up smilin'. Kinda complicated, can seem; only one a me, a bunch a them and mostly middle a nowhere. One clear consideration, did strike me though; when things look dark and I feel weak, just to remember, "we never know", so, might as well figure the best. What a nice trick! So, easy imagine the worst; very easy for me. But what a great feelin', think of Creator, smile and consider, "yup, he's got somethin' for me"! Even if ya haven't got a clue and there ain't a hint for a million miles, far as ya know; 'cause we just don't know very far! And, what a kick, look back and consider, "yup, and I knew it"! What a fine friend ship. And, a course, too, even if things don't go, quite, your way; ya still got your attitude and another chance ta believe, "ya, well, just around the next corner"!

If all I took with me, when it's time ta go home, was just my practice, "it's gonna be great", no matter how many times it weren't, I figure I'd be the luckiest man in Heaven; 'cause ya know he, or she, 'd have ta smile and it don't get better'n at!

Have a great night.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Muffin Man

Good Evenin'

Well, we had a couple a beautiful spring days and today was pretty fair, just a little over cast an d breezy. Kinda passed out again, this afternoon; neighbor whose horse I trimmed, gave me some "cranberry yogurt muffins" and I tried 'em for breakfast. Little too much sugar for an old cowboy, seems. I really tried, get up and git after things, but no go!

Anyway, winters do kinda take it outta ya. Springtime, when I start gettin' around, trimmin' some horses and burros, seein' neighbors I haven't seen since fall, it always hits me, "wow, we passed another winter and it shows on the faces of my neighbors; likely mine, too." So, a few good naps, first warm days, I suppose it's natural and them muffins were worth it, even if it ain't.

But, I sure would like ta get back with the mustang boys, now the pens 're dryin' up. One, see if we can get a little futher down the road, two, keep 'em busy and fit, let some grass grow back in their run.

Anyway, tarred, again. Have a great night.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Always There


Well, I got caught up in a flurry of old friend, reconnections; been remiss on my writin'. And, one of 'em went back and read most all my articles here. Posted all kind a very kind and thoughtful comments, which you'd think, give me all kind a confidence. Au contraire! Much easier ta write, when yer relatively sure, no one's readin'.

Anyway, talkin's all it really is, least here abouts. And, it was a beautiful day. Unbeleivable, really. Just two days ago, it was snowin' blowin' and cold! Today, sunny, still and into the 50's. Gotta admit, I did take a nap. Ya kinda brace up when it gets mean like that, then it quits, the sun comes out and the eyelids come down. Woke up ta find the ponies, same, same; all sprawled out in the corral.

And, some a my visitin', word gettin' round 'bout the book, had ta do with family I hadn't talked to in some time. Interestin'. And, I don't mean, by any means ta criticize, sweet folks, all of 'em; any dis-ease, just as likely mine. But, it made me think about Creator and stillness. When I take some time, get quiet, just feel and be with my life, it is amazin', how it's just there, for me. No stories, no past and no tomorrow; just there. And, I reckin' it's just plain impossible, any other relationship, could ever be so simple, sweet and nourishin'. And, I suppose, that one gives me the comfort accept the others for what they are; see the good, let go the rest, no shame, no blame.

Well, it's late and I'm tarred, so, I think I'll leave it there, pick 'er up tomorrow. Gotta go trim my neighbors horse, man~ana.

Have a nice night!


Friday, March 2, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, upside, if March comes in like in like a lion, supposed to go out like a lamb; and lionish we have. Snowin', blowin' and cold!

Silly consideration, this mornin', embarrassin' really; $24.95. That's how much I've been askin' for the book. Not that it's high, compared to the amount of work's gone into it, or the cost of printin'; fact is we ignored most conventional wisdom on pricin'. But, I was just thinkin' how accustomed we've become to the "one nickel shy of the truth" syndrome. Like I said, it's a silly thing to think about, but it just reminds me how curious we've become, overtime.

Went to the local store, yesterday, get a can a beans and a jug of water; yup, can't drink the well water. Can't even cook with it, but that's a whole another story. Anyway, Ella came in while I was "knee go she atin'" with ol' Larry as to how much I owed him for a roll a paper towels; we always have a good time, tryin' ta chisel one another. The chuckles turnin' to belly laughs, with the risin' tide of half truths, lies and bad math, as we figure the bill and submit the payment and count the change. So, Ella came in and told Larry, "don't forget, ta pay him for a book" and ol' Larry asked how much they were. I told him $24.95. He proceed to pull a twenty and a five from the cash register and gave 'em to me, knowin' full well, I wasn't gonna give him a nickel. Simple, right?

Well, I got a question! How come we've got so used to that kinda nonsense? If ya really need $25 dollars, make it work, why not just come right out and say, "twenty five dollars"! But, no, $24.95. And, I'm really not gonna take it much further; just leave it there, anybody else has a question.

Just reminds me how lucky I am, to have met some a the horsemen and women I have; spend so much time with horses. A horse'll make no bones about tryin' to con ya outta that last flake a hay, but neither will he, or she, give you a lecture, 'bout how honest they are; they just are.

I remember one a the first things I was taught, about gettin' along with a horse; always make your intentions plain. They won't always like 'em, but they'll know, right away, "y'aren't a liar" and that's the beginnin' of any good love story.

I leave ya with one from a fine old wise guy, Mr. W.C. Fields. It's a little dark, but that was his way, seems, of suggestin' we turn on the light; "horse sense is what keeps horses from bettin' on people!"

Have a great day.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Waxin' Without

Good Mornin'

Well, weather said, sunny and mild; fact is overcast and blowin' cold. Gotta love the weather; just don't give a hoot, what we think!

Been gettin' quite some feed back on this little page; quite humblin', quite inspirin'. I sure can't pretend ta be a writer, and really, never aspired, but, whether or not I ever manage, say somethin' meaningful, just tryin', get at the heart of things, I believe that's worth it. Ya stop and think about it, so much of our effort, slowly, quietly, over time, just kinda ends up bein' "spin"; tryin' ta make somethin' prettier'n what it is, so we can sell it. Trouble is, as the wise ones mention, "sometimes the spider, ends up caught in it's own web". I often come back to that word "sincere"; no wax. Really simple, really large!

And, it's funny, so many times, we get caught in tryin' to tell other people the truth; it's hilarious. Why? Well, number one it gets to be a whole guilt thing, "did you or didn't you", our own brain becomes this "judge" person and number two, telling the truth is next to impossible; truth happens, talkin' about it is only, ever gonna be, what we saw from one little point a view. So, that little judge ends up, comin' down with these insane verdicts and we end up runnin' ourselves into the ground, tryin' ta be perfect and dancin' to his "quixotic" little song and half the time, nobody really cares. One crazy little drama, of our own creation, just ends up killin' us.

Wise man once told me, as I had become quite twisted, tryin' ta play that little game, "be true to you! Forget about the rest!" Talk about a "show stopper"!

And I never felt that meant others don't matter, but when you're lost, ya gotta stop and find at least one thing, ya know to be true and work offa that, 'fore y'll ever get anything else, lined up proper.

So, whether or not, I ever write anything, makes sense for someone else, just tryin', notice, those things that are truly important to me, that's an effort, really makes sense; brings me back to earth. And, maybe most basic, I'm alive; and there's a whole world a things, talkin' to me; no spin, just a simple reality.

Like the spring winds a blowin'! And, I just heard thunder off to the South; warm air, cold air, the dance of spring!

Have a great day!
