Thursday, March 1, 2012

Waxin' Without

Good Mornin'

Well, weather said, sunny and mild; fact is overcast and blowin' cold. Gotta love the weather; just don't give a hoot, what we think!

Been gettin' quite some feed back on this little page; quite humblin', quite inspirin'. I sure can't pretend ta be a writer, and really, never aspired, but, whether or not I ever manage, say somethin' meaningful, just tryin', get at the heart of things, I believe that's worth it. Ya stop and think about it, so much of our effort, slowly, quietly, over time, just kinda ends up bein' "spin"; tryin' ta make somethin' prettier'n what it is, so we can sell it. Trouble is, as the wise ones mention, "sometimes the spider, ends up caught in it's own web". I often come back to that word "sincere"; no wax. Really simple, really large!

And, it's funny, so many times, we get caught in tryin' to tell other people the truth; it's hilarious. Why? Well, number one it gets to be a whole guilt thing, "did you or didn't you", our own brain becomes this "judge" person and number two, telling the truth is next to impossible; truth happens, talkin' about it is only, ever gonna be, what we saw from one little point a view. So, that little judge ends up, comin' down with these insane verdicts and we end up runnin' ourselves into the ground, tryin' ta be perfect and dancin' to his "quixotic" little song and half the time, nobody really cares. One crazy little drama, of our own creation, just ends up killin' us.

Wise man once told me, as I had become quite twisted, tryin' ta play that little game, "be true to you! Forget about the rest!" Talk about a "show stopper"!

And I never felt that meant others don't matter, but when you're lost, ya gotta stop and find at least one thing, ya know to be true and work offa that, 'fore y'll ever get anything else, lined up proper.

So, whether or not, I ever write anything, makes sense for someone else, just tryin', notice, those things that are truly important to me, that's an effort, really makes sense; brings me back to earth. And, maybe most basic, I'm alive; and there's a whole world a things, talkin' to me; no spin, just a simple reality.

Like the spring winds a blowin'! And, I just heard thunder off to the South; warm air, cold air, the dance of spring!

Have a great day!



  1. Truth tends to be the gold part of the heart. I like that "Truth happens, talkin' about it is only, ever gonna be, what we saw from one little point a view." I believe that to be right. :)

  2. Thanks! Don't know what it is about comments; not like I can think, "oh, someone liked that!", try and do it again. But, maybe it's just that someone's payin' attention, feelin' some echo within' themself; it's just humbling and makes me wanta stay outta the way, let the heart speak to itself, in our separate bodies,wherever we are, best I can. And, that's a big gift, kinda like workin' horses; it's Creator what loves and understands, I just get to get in the middle, feel it go through me, watch the kindness work. A gift 'cause it changes me in the process. Thanks, again!

  3. I think most folks who write, published or privately, really do write for themselves, to make sense of their lives, their experiences, the world around them. The trick, like you say, is in being true to oneself.
    For those who are divorced from their hearts, who can't find the trust ... the fiction, the pretense, may be easier for them to deal with. But for those who can feel Creator's love, what a gift to express that! (And I'm enjoying reading about it, so thanks.)
