Thursday, November 10, 2011

There's Always a Balance

Good Evenin'

Well, I been missed and remissed! Got caught up with firewood and winterizin', feedin' ponies and trimmin' hooves. Made a grocery run and spent some time with the neighbor's horse yesterday. And, days are gettin' shorter. Then a course there's fences and hunters and postin'.

Anyway, I think it's the full moon, tonight. I was comin' back from the west side just after sun down and, here it comes; one a those huge orange moons, justa hangin' over "the keys". That's the divide, just east of us, maybe 10 miles.

Otherwise, the books movin' along, kinda in a slow spot, but movin' and I reckin' part a me's kinda figurin', what's next. Tryin' ta keep a balance, 'tween the day ta day, the short term and the long. Mostly, prayin', just ta stay "in my game" and see what unfolds; trust.

But, it is a challenge; ya don't wanta be too sure and miss yer try and ya don't wanta be tryin' so hard, ya go right past a turn off. Prayer's a good thing, even if it's just ta remind me, all the help I do need.

Anyway, I think I am tired, again.

Have a good night.


1 comment:

  1. Yep, balance. Your description of how delicate that is in the last paragraph-right on target. A fine line, indeed. Steering clear of the fear that would try to sneak in through the cracks.
    As for that moon that's so big it fills the entire sky, I have only ever seen that over the Seine River in Paris, but it nearly made me jump out of my skin from pure excitement at its mightiness.
