Monday, November 21, 2011

The Big Guy With the Big Heart

Good Evenin'

Well, actually rained a little, just like they said it might. Gave me the excuse, go see my neighbors, share that box a cookies I got in the mail, for they did me in. We always have a good time; cup a coffee, a few good stories, then back ta work. Dianne even stitched up my saddle slicker, get me through ta spring; ya know, with the book and all, I'll be rich and famous by then. It's a good thing, too, I noticed drivin' over there, my glasses are gettin' so scratched, I can just about see better without 'em and that's a scary thought.

Otherwise, a pretty simple day. Feedin', waterin', keepin' the fire up. And, a course, like the old JC Superstar, "day by day, three things I pray, see thee more clearly, follow thee more nearly, love thee more dearly." Kinda corny, but take away the hype and there somethin' in there, make a rainy day bright.

Talkin' to a friend this mornin', 'bout Big, my high dollar ropin' horse, I bought out from Oscar Myer. (That's the "meat people".) He's got sore feet, from all the poundin' down cows. He's gettin' old and tired I think from the pain. Always give him a hug in the mornin', just remind him how beautiful he is. He believed a human and paid a price. He mighta made a mistake, but his heart was right and I don't want him forget; ever.

I guess that's what I mean by "see you more clearly", if it ain't the good in us all, than I can't imagine where I'd begin.

Have a nice night.


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