Well, one third a my readership, that'd be my friend Chris, requested that I post a picture of Stumpy's trimmed up toe. And, not knowin' exactly how to deny such an overwhelmin' outcry, I decided to relent and post the toe in question.
It's not the best picture on earth, but if you click on the picture, you'll get a better image and then you can zoom in and you should be able ta see the predicament and my best effort, save the day, or the toe, as the case may be.
I'm not sure exactly why burros feet so easily go astray, but there are a few likely suspects. The first bein' that it's not easy gettin' on the right side a these critters; cute as they may appear, they are ferocious little beasts, when they get their back up, nothin' but teeth and hooves. My neighbor, just some south, lost a good horse to one young buck, just last year. So, findin' someone can get it done, out anyone dyin' is no small chore. Past few years I had occasion to trim on Ray Charles, over ta Sonya's and Crazy Alice over ta my friend Jim's and both were adoptees, who'd never had their feet done, elderly though they were.
The other likely culprit is too much feed and treats. These critters come from the desert and I suspect they are used ta scroungin' and lean winters. Domesticated and kept in lush pasture with the inevitable treats, I just don't think it fits their make-up.
Anyway, ya do the best ya can and, end a the day, they are amazin' creatures; each one got a way, a story and an attitude, peculiar just ta them. When ya take the time, listen a little, they really understand that yer tryin' and they try. Like Gramma Daisy, when I got called to come and trim their hooves, after the other farrier got into a fight with one a her kids and the little burro died. I'd known them some, where I used ta trim the horses they had. When I showed up, Daisy musta remembered me and came right up, like she wanted ta tell me what happened; I swear, if there was a way in heaven she coulda found a voice, she'd a explained the whole deal. As it was, I think she just knew, I knew and took a good long pet, while she just hung her head, breathin' kinda heavy.
Anyway, tough times are behind us now. We all get along, most everyone's healthy and she got her hubby, two kids and a grand son, mostly; not sure what ya call it, when yer husband, shacks up with yer daughter, but we'll just go right on ta grandson. And, I'm a happier camper fer all their goodness.
Have a nice night.
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