Monday, February 13, 2012

Simplicity with a Twist

Good Mornin'

Well, just about Spring and now, winter decided it's got sumthin' ta say; likely more snow, than we had all winter, all tolled.

As you can see from the picture, I broke down, let the bunch back in. It's my fault; feedin' 'em like I do, even when I kicked 'em out, they'd just hang around the bottom gate. And, where it's low and ther'no trees, well, storm like this, least they can come up here, get some warmer, high ground and hole up in the trees.

Otherwise, woke up, considerin' simplicity, again; with a twist. The twist was "remembrance". There's a scene in "The Wind and The Willows", where a couple of the pond dwellers have this experience of heaven, or creator; Pan, I think they call it. Anyway, I can't remember if they decide to forget it, or just know they will, but there's the "crux". Those glimpses, might not come often, but when they do, I believe, somehow, we need to make a note; maybe lots of 'em; put 'em up all over the house, 'cause ther is a part of us, darn sure, ruther forget. And yet, I wonder, if that ain't the key to simplicity; remembrance.

Seems to me, when a whole bunch a things get important, life gets complicated. When ya narrow the field some, put things in perspective, it gets simpler.

So, those moments, we get a glimpse and we "know" it's true, remember; give thanks and ree member! There's nothin' like simplicity!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the inspiration, Jeune. Yep, remembrance. And you're right, everything out there calling out for our attention, so we let our attention out to roam around. But where it really needs to be is back in the corral of our heart. Home.
