Friday, February 24, 2012

The Shape a Things

Good Mornin'

Well, looks like, just that one day a wind; sunny and mild, this one. Keep my fingers crossed; try kicking the bunch out again, squeeze back on the rations. Pray those little green chutes'll start showin' their stuff.

Kinda dreamy, again, last night; conversations with my heart teacher. Last night topic seemed to be "why we are here". It kinda goes back to the ongoin' conversation, seems ta be playin' itself out, last month, or so; the dance of "my ideas" what I'm doin' and Creator's kindness, steerin' things to "what I need to grow". It's plumb amazin'! We have our ideas, what success might look like, Creator might see things, way different; what a dance! Ya wanta make some effort, but same time, ya wanta keep the door open, case your on the wrong track. It is a funny situation.

I suppose, it just keeps bringin' me back to the notion of relationship. Maybe, makin' some effort, every mornin', "sweep the walk"; make a clear and welcomin' way, for Creator to my heart. Priority number one! Then, do the best ya can figure, with love and a prayer, trustin', own time, own way Creator will steer the rig.

And, that seems ta be the "kicker" right there; just understandin' it is about the relationship, not the "stuff". I get hooked on the stuff, forget the relationship, there's bound ta be a "rub". I keep the relationship, front and center, a little easier on the "shape" of the stuff, like ta be a smoother ride.

And, that's a real deal; just rememberin', how small I am, in a very large universe and yes, I really, need love, I wanta walk in beauty.

Have a great day!



  1. I think we're here to learn ... maybe a lot by our relationships with people ... especially how we treat people who can't do anything for us. Plus, a big one for me is how we treat animals. I like what Ghandi said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Sure makes ya think.
    Have a good evening, Jeune.

  2. So many folks have been programmed to think, "When I get this or that, then I'll be happy." So they get whatever it was and are astonished to find they're not only not happy, but maybe even less, because the thing/person they thought would fill the hole in their heart ... didn't. Sometimes, they even reach a point of despair, because they begin to fear that they'll never ever feel truly happy.
    So, trusting Creator, like you say .... much more fruitful path to being happy, feeling love.
