Saturday, February 11, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, a couple a sunny days, now we're supposed ta cloud up again; snow or rain, so they say. But, mild for this time a year, that's for sure.

Got an interview with a newspaper today, supposed ta talk a little about the wild horses. Only thing I can think is "dead is dead". Some folks are sayin' that we might as well legalize slaughter, so the horses don't have to go through the trauma of bein' shipped to Canada or Mexico, where conditions are worse. I can only consider, when our logic was gotten that far outta whack, it's time to take a break; go for a swim, take a walk or somethin'.

This is money driven thinkin'! And, while money, does have it's place, to build our moral world around it, this is unbelievable, thin ice. Thing is, we're so far down that road, this kinda thinkin' seems normal. There are elements at play, I don't even wanta say people, that are so radical, lost, adrift, that they seem, to have no, remote imagination, of conscience, or wisdom and have dedicated themselves, so fervently to the hopeless notion of greed, that they have twisted the whole story of life to so outta whack, that we end up in these ridiculous arguments about choices, that aren't even choices, anymore.

And, returning to the horses, bless their hearts, once again, offering their help to we who might fashion a good, new, world, this might, just be a gift; our chance to wake up and think. Do we really want to leave our fate and country in such hands, where our choices boil down to "death or death". It's so twisted! And, do the math; if it's all about money and our thinking keeps slidin' down that slippery slope, than yes, we better think about our own "behinds". Day will come, when someone looks at us and considers we might just be takin' up, "valuable space".

I know this ain't real cheery, but there are moments to "wake up and smell the coffee"!



  1. Yes, what a choice ... dead or dead. When a culture distances themselves from nature, they're headed to a bad place.

  2. Greed and the LOVE of money, not money by itself. Alone, it's a tool, and can be good or evil, depending on who is controlling it. It does seem that many of those who control it feed their own empty hearts by trying to fill them with as much money, property, sex, cars, jewelry, etc. as possible. But it's never enough. Those people are blind to the consequences and the pain that they cause. It's all a big "if," because if their hearts were filled with Creator, as you call her/him, then that same money might get to work some good. One can hope.
