Well, after all my talk about the stillness, yesterday, it picked up and blew pretty fair. Gotta love the weather; it don't give a hoot, what "we" think.
Got the ponies fed, grab a bite and see if I can make it over the hill; check the backside, fence and gate. Sometime the oilfield fellas get sloppy, leave it open.
Otherwise, try to get the last of my launch letters out, on the book, then cross our fingers, and hooves, hope my "committees" are still on board.
It's plumb amazin', when ya really consider, how little control, we have over events in our lives. Keep comin' back to "try and trust". Just occurred to me, yesterday, feelin' the "worry", knockin' the door, what a great thing; just say "no, ya can't come in!". It's kinda like a choice, 'tween then and now. Get out there in "then", really we are helpless, 'cause "we" aren't really there, just our thoughts; no ability exercise the "try". "Now", I am and I can try; really appreciate that this moment is a gift.
I was just mullin' this over yesterday when this poem happened:
Spring Buds
The Spring Wind was blowin',
As I walked across the yard,
Up ta my ankles in mud
My dog jumped of her perch of the porch,
Landed with a thump, like a drum
Me and my horse, both looked up,
With the wind, ya never know
He from his pen,
Me from my wadin'
Then he looked at me and I at him
And we, both, went back to our business
So, if I got it right, that'd be "try" for now, "trust" for then. And, always, always enjoy; it's the ultimate act of defiance!
Have a great day.
There's a line in a film, "The choices we make dictate the life we lead." Not just choices about what to do or not to do, but choices about how to feel or think about whatever does happen. So, you're right. Each moment is a gift, each breath the opportunity to choose: grateful or grouchy.