Saturday, June 2, 2012

Things Love Does For Us

Good Mornin'

Well, it is June and the bake is comin' on early, but, cross our fingers and hope the monsoons actually do, show up this year and early'd be good, they could swing it.

Did find a couple a bales, but spent most a the day, sortin' out the where, how and whyfore. Just have to let go and put first things first; 'till I got a patch for the boys, hays the ticket. And, 'tween sortin' out the lo-gistics, I did come up with a scheme, ex-pand their corral a smidge, maybe buy another day, maybe two, of grass; right in front of the barn, where I could water a little as well. This kinda heat and a little water, might could buy a day a week.

Anyway, as I mentioned yesterday, incentive, get focused, get busy. Winter and spring bein' so un-predictable, weather wise, and daylight short, ya can kinda start ta figure there's no point tryin'. Then the heat comes on and, past few years, go round with my teeth, I didn't have no steam, summertime. But it does remind me, my Heart Teacher talkin' about the de-termination of water; it just keeps lookin' for a way. And, where I got started on this writin' and The Medecine Bend, even' sleepin' like I did and shadin' up like I might, we have kept goin' forward. And, now things are shapin' up.

Looks like we're fixin' sign the papers on our patch, here directly, and, all the inspiration, support encouragement from my friends, and a little healin' with time, I really am feelin' op-tomistic and better, oddly enough, as I am gettin' older and even as some stuff heals, other parts break.

But, somebody came up with the term, "divine comedy", and like, they had a good reason. Maybe ya spend your life, maybe I spent mine, lookin' for wisdom and clarity, purpose and understandin', then just about the time, a little bit sets in, your body starts givin' out. But, way I figure, even this has it's own kinda perfection, 'cause ya really do get to see the power of love; maybe ya got a flat tire, your paint's rubbed off, ya got a dent here and some rust there, your windshields cracked and your missin' on a cylinder or two, but god bless the truck, it keeps on goin' and ya know it's just for love. And, I can't help but believe, the gift of our life and journey here, is, really and truly, all wrapped up in that very question; "Is there love and, if so, just how much does it mean?".

So, ya get old, but the love kicks in and, son of a gun, ya keep on goin' and laughin'; 'cause, lo and behold, if there's love, life IS truly grand, foibles and all.

And, my effort, "get focused, get busy", I guess I'll leave'r there for now.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks, again, Brandon Johnson for his great camera work, Kim O'leary, her great song:


  1. Life is indeed grand, and one of the learnings that can come with age if we're fortunate is that what appear to be insurmountable obstacles may only be puzzles to be re-solved. That point of view, combined with determination, can work its way through a lot of things that someone younger, and in more of a rush, might not have the patience to persist in.

    Was a song that went "looking for love in all the wrong places ..." How sweet to find the love that does make it all worthwhile, without quantitative qualifiers, or the need to ask/answer any questions.

  2. "Maybe ya got a flat tire, your paint's rubbed off, ya got a dent here and some rust there, your windshields cracked and your missin' on a cylinder or two, but god bless the truck, it keeps on goin' and ya know it's just for love." Good grief, at first I thought you were talking about yourself ... I hope your truck is feeling better ... Some women trucks like that rugged hard-working look .. LOL! :D

    Body gets a little challenging after the years, but then when the wisdom kicks in, that's even better. I don't know how many moments I've looked out my cabin window to see a deer or 2, moose, wolf, pine marten, beautiful mixture of bird life, and I am blessed because I'm old enough to take the time to enjoy them and actually see them instead of off on some skeeter-biting adventure like in my younger days. Some of those adventures were kind of annoying as I remember too ... LOL!. :)

    I like the "focus" idea.
    "Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.
    -Alexander Graham Bell"

    Happy June,
