Sunday, June 3, 2012

Proof Needs Puddin', Roots Need Earth

Good Mornin'

Well, it did blow, again yesterday, but we still got a few things done; nothin' terrible fancy. Watered the new patch for the boys, got the weblog off to the printer, made another deal on two bales of hay for Tuesday mornin', got a start on my Medicine Bend 2012-13 plan, hauled a tank of water and sized up hooves on the bunch. Also touched in with a couple of my boosters, give them and update on progress and got the news from their corner of the universe.

And, it's still and quiet this mornin'; naught but the gentle buzz of the cicadas, informin' creation, that summer is here and life is for livin', in their own simple song.

Speakin' a which, I believe it's the full moon tonight and June, which might not mean much to most folks, but I do believe it's of consequence to Queenie, the lead mare. Went to rub on her last night, after I'd hauled off a tank a water and stopped to see the bunch, and she kept swingin' her head around, like like she was gonna bite me; though, lovin' me like she does, she just nuzzled me, afterall. But, it sure made me wonder what was up, then it dawned on me, "babies". She was grumpy, 'cause there weren't no babies and she knew I lived with the stud colts, up on the hill, from which, she was fenced out.

Now, I must admit, all I got goin' on, that ain't the top a my list, far as things that need attention, but seein' how important that might be to her, I suppose, I'll revisit the question. Which, kinda brings me back to the whole notion of how important, the horses might be, toward the whole question of
The Medicine Bend.

And, I might add, this is likely the time, ask the question, 'cause it won't go forward if I can't spell it out and while I know in my bones, the wisdom and the beauty of this life and place, the healin' it carries, 'less I can sing the song, it might escape notice; the corolary I suppose, tryin'. A wise man once told me "grace answers try".

So, figurin' that first tries are generally kinda crude, it's highly likely this won't be stellar, but I suspect the whole notion of the Medicine Bend, revolves around it's simplicity; first dream I had, time I was prayin' for direction and what I could do, be of some service, had to do with wisdom in the roots and the roots in the earth. I was clearin' sage at the time, up on the north end, here, where I made camp one winter. The reason I was clearin' sage was on account of the horses.

The north end is up closer to the divide and the cliffs, where the lion and bear are more apt to make their home. I'd noticed the horses, though normally inclined hang around my camp for comfort and company, weren't real comfortable with the spot I'd chose and were hangin' off to the south, where there was more open pasture. Upon some consideration, it occurred to me, if I cleared a nice big circle, from the old, tall sage up that way, one, I could make a wind break with the sage and two, the horses might feel more comfortable, 'cause they'd be able to see if there were any threat to their safety. And, clearin' all that thirsty sage'd leave more water for the grass, come spring.

So, maybe, for starters, it's that simple; the horses were involved from the get go. Makin' room for them and our happy society, got me to clearin' sage. The sage spoke to me in my dream, of roots and wisdom. This got me thinkin' on a piece of ground and that got me started writin', as ground'd take money and all I could think, if it came to money, was, maybe, write a book; I did have pencil and paper and the little I made ridin' young horses or trimmin' hooves, barely kept beans on the table.

So, seems to me, it really is simple; the horses in their way, happy with grass and sky and water, each other and me with them, busy tendin' their simple needs and fascinated as we learn to communicate, get along and work together, expression of our love.

There's a story 'bout some people that had a knack for bein' happy, but one of 'em, wasn't so good at it, figured if he could invent a way work less, he'd get better. Well, he did an pretty soon, he'd convinced everybody, this was the key to more happiness; problem was these inventions were expensive and folks had to work harder, make money, buy his inventions, so they could work less and be happier. Well, pretty soon, everybody was workin' twice as hard and they'd completely forgot what happiness, even was.

The horses, remind me; it's as simple as bein' alive. It's as simple as life goin' on. It's as simple as bein' together. It's the good fun and the pleasure of learnin'; we can get along!

So, there's a try and a first; likely needs more, and I will. But, I gotta say, it has gotten easier, 'cause if I ever had a doubt, that "grace answers try", all I gotta do is look what just happened out back; 160 acres, called Medicine Bend.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. That just makes me smile from ear to ear! The "sage" was some of your first important steps with the horses toward your dream.

    Simple, uncontrived beauty always seems to inspire awe. Some days, it's enough ... just to get up, notice everything around you, and say "thanks!"

    Spring love .... it's indeed in the air. Glad Queenie got her say out about the whole thing.

