Friday, June 15, 2012

Ain't it Great!

Good Mornin'

Well, yes, it's sunny, warm and breezy, for a change? Anyway, soon enough, I'll be complainin' about the monsoons and mosquitoes, how I can't get anything done.

Have been thinkin' about that article I posted yesterday and some of the implications; mostly hope, rememberin' my Heart Teacher, talkin' about the power of hope. It's a simple point, but ya look at the insanity that surrounds much of our "healthcare" system and it occurs to me, "this is depressin'!". And, depression is not very "hopeful" stuff. Why would anyone wanta get better, if there was no hope; science, medications or not.

By contrast, when there's hope, promise, enthusiasm, that people and life are good, things make sense and we want to be a part, maybe we'd be less inclined, need quite so many "bandaids and crutches".

I don't reckin' there's a simple answer, but I do believe the heart, our core, the human spirit is a powerful force and we might pay at least, as much attention to it as the "science" and "the pills".

Kinda reminds me of a cartoon I saw, recent; a husband and wife out side a big store with a sign said, "Sale; for only one dollar, we'll kick you in the shins!". The caption underneath said, "well, it's not so much that I want a kick in the shins, but I hate to pass a sale".

Maybe science'll come up with a way, where folks can live for 500 years, but if nobody wants to, what'd be the point.

I guess it's just one a those things I think about a lot, workin' with horses like I do; a horse has so much genius and enthusiasm for life, we get attracted. But, 'less we come up with an attractive way presentin' ourself, a healthy, inspirin' relationship, we're like ta end up with a "plug"; "you can lead a horse to the corral, but you can't "make" him like it.". Find a way, cultivate that genius and enthusiam, for real, and everybody, wants to see that horse.

I do believe, inside ourselves, we know, life's meant to be great.

Have a great day!



1 comment:

  1. I remember working at a big cardiology group ... the most stressful environment I've ever been in as far as career path. Not the patients or the fact their hearts weren't ticking right, but the employees/Docs ... good grief .. whining and yelling. It should have been a place of amazing peace. A lot of pill pushing too and had to get in the quota of patients for the day, so moved them out like cattle .. 15 docs and that many nurses at least. Should have taken time to help the elders with all of that insane paperwork too.

    I thought soothing music and taking time to actually listen to a cardiac patient would have been "good medicine." They thought I was off my rocker. There are those Docs and medical personnel who really are wonderful at healing though. If my heart attacks me or my appendix bursts, the medical community sure comes in handy technically. I believe the right food is good daily medicine. My Living Will says just let me go ... rebirth into a new world will be wonderful if my body decides it's time to go. :)

    Love the picture up top! That's a powerful Spirit showing from the inside out or is it outside in.

    I think I'll pass on the shin kick today .... I hate to shop .. LOL! :D
