Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Good Mornin'

Pretty much same, same; warm and breezy. Did cool off pretty good last night, though. Come in so late, I just made a wee fire in the shed, I call it the "foyeh", attitude always essential, made some toast and "do" with cold beans. But, time for bed and it was cool, cool.

Got an appointment see the local medicine man, today, see what he makes a my shoulder. Real nice fella, lives across the valley; doctor of oriental medicine, I believe. But, anybody, I figure, studied some kinda healin' and nice enough to see me "just cuz", way like ta beat a blank. And, "just cuz", is precisely, in line with my current budget. Nice thing about life and folks out here, most folks understand just how special it is and that it ain't always easy make ends meet, so they're apt ta make exceptions; heck, if we didn't, we wouldn't have no neighbors and it'd be darn tough, money or no, make it out here, all alone.

So, my job for the day, I reckin', freshen up, so, least the fella won't have to put up with "bad air quality", return for his kindness. And, it should be fun, where I never been over his place, or that area, much and his wife's real sweet; one of those real cheery positive people, always interested in others and lookin' for the good.

Otherwise, ponies, pens and plannin'; how to stretch the budget, move forward with "The Bend" and keep everyone fed, happy and healthy. Oh, ya, and squeeze it in, get hold the printer, set up an account, as, anyday now, we're like to launch the files off to the press; cross our fingers, wait for the proof.

And, I might add apologies, any and all that sent in an order, as we have been movin' kinda slow. But, all with reason, as this new, higher quality, printer, should be worth the wait; we should get a 30-40% bump in picture quality and a good sturdy book, last for years to come. And, the delays been largely, the re-format to their specs; my "volunteer staff" and best friend, consistently pulling "rabbits from the hat" of the digital world, of which I understand, next to nothing and all "just cuz".

So, we all got our rhymes and our reasons, they're good and we should, I suppose, but maybe the thought for the day, "never forget just cuz"; if we all came from Adam and Eve, sooner or later, we "just" might need a good "cuzin".

Have a great day!




  1. Excellent news about your book. Better quality is always worth the wait. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!

  2. Hope the Medicine Man can set you in the right direction. Constant pain wears you out.
    Lost internet twice yesterday ... now big line of storms coming again. Good we won't have to worry about anymore forest fires for awhile. Wish I could send you some rain.
    The book will be better quality and therefore will make for a better feeling on your part, giving of your best, even in the material aspect.

    Wonderful picture up top!

