Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Darin' to Carin'

Good Mornin'

And, yes, sunny and warm, with gentle breezes. A few clouds did crop up late afternoon and I did hear a couple of drops, tap on the tent, but I don't believe they filled up any of our ponds. Can't afford to be cynical though, even a drop is welcome, for it's courage and try.

Got thinkin' about The Bend, last night after finishin' the "post" for yesterday and rememberin' some of the ranches where I've worked; the comment I'd made about "not havin' to tip toe around someone else's agenda". It's kinda funny, but I've noticed over the years, how, for myself, workin' with animals, it's always been obvious, instinctual, to develop a sense of harmony, 'tween the critters, the land and the human; maybe cultivate's a better word. But, so many ranches where I've worked, I really had to hide the fact, pretend I didn't care; horses, dogs, cows, the earth, didn't matter.

I heard a quote from an English woman author, this mornin', a Ms. Brophy, I think her name was, I copied it from the Writer's Almanac, I thought it was so insightful: "Whenever people say, 'We mustn't be sentimental,' you can take it they are about to do something cruel. And if they add, 'We must be realistic,' they mean they are going to make money out of it."

As time went on, and I realized that so many of these ranchers didn't get it and started workin' on my own, horses and cows, get 'em away from their owner's, managin' them here on this piece, I'd get comments like this one I remember, particular, "what'd you do to my cows? They're fat and happy and they don't run away, like they used!". I'd try to explain that I just spent time and took care; asked instead of ordered, come time to move. They'd look at me blankly, then go right back to whoopin' and hollerin', pushin' and bossin' and I'd have to walk away. The cows lookin' at me, "what happened?".

I wonder if folks are afraid to feel just for fear of lost profit; maybe there's somethin' inside themselves they haven't resolved and they don't want to look at. So, they have a drink and push on. Same thought crossed my mind, with the news this mornin'; some folks discussin' how regular, women are paid less. "Yes", I thought, "'cause the boys have been taught, getter done". They even went on to discuss, women takin' time off for "care giving".

The good news, I believe, more and more kids are learnin' to care; maybe admittin's a better word. And, really takin' a look at "what works"; goin' beyond the appearance, lookin' down the line and askin' real questions about themselves and results, that past may have deemed dangerous.

And, there my relief, with the coming of "The Bend"; my chance turn a new page and live what I know, that care and profit are not opposed, if we're willing to take up new meaning. Maybe, short term, windfall profit, that takes all and leaves nothing, isn't the only and best. Maybe there are other, sweeter, long view definitions, that we'll never discover, 'less we let go of our fear; trustin' the kindness, the quiet, show us a brighter path.

And, so my pleasure, head for "The Bend", no need to pretend, "I don't care". No need to hide the harmony; act like nothing matters. Nope, I care, we all matter and that just might make all the difference.

Have a great day!




  1. Ms. Brophy was so concise! Just perfect ... and unfortunately, as I've seen it in my life, very true.

    So many teachings from many Spirtual and moral guides about the importance of treating animals with respect and care, and of course, one of my all time favorites is from Mahatma Gandhi, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Just seems to be common sense, especially after reaching adulthood.

    Keep teaching this, Jeune, as it is far reaching into many corners and hopefully inspiring many people to stop and take stock of their souls/hearts regarding how they treat all living things.

    The direction you're moving in and the ideas brought forth by your opening up to real wisdom in your years on this earth, .... well ... I believe you were meant for this. :)


    1. And here I am again ... LOL! Another quote I love:

      "A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.”

      Oh yes! That's indeed true. :) That would define you as brave.
