Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Best

Good Mornin'

Well, pretty much, same, same only it's cool and the breezes are stirrin' early.

Didn't get too far, yesterday; got a flat on the truck and finally fashioned a, more or less, proper tool for the jack. It's one a those crank jobs, but I don't know where it came from and I never got the crank. So, I got my old brace outta the barn, one a those old manual drills and found a big old nail, about a foot long. I cut off the head, pounded the top flat, so's ta fit the jack and the point square so's ta fit the brace and it worked pretty fair, but took up most of my daylight, time I got the jack workin' and the tire changed.

Water, water, water; sure is amazin' stuff. Yesterday, thinkin' about the interaction with light and the beautiful color that brings about, hauled some for the bunch, after fixin' the flat and washed up with a little bit more, drinkin' a cup, tide me over to dinner and now, rememberin' once again, flats and all, "yup, just like water, ya can't get upset about obstacles and detours; there's always a way forward!". A real inspiration; even it does get stuck in a low spot, it'll just, up and evaporate, catch a cloud, rain down somewhere else and try again!

I did spot the bunch, emptyin' the water truck; walked around a little, see if I could. Day before, way over to the Bend, I'd seen 'em over east on the flat, just north of the old dam. Yesterday, they picked out some grass over on the west slope, up toward the trees, by the old stock trail; didn't get to visit, where it'd got so late, but just ta see 'em, always good and reassurin'.

Made it back, just before dark, but by then, I was runnin' outta gas and that glass a water, was wearin' off, my furnace was growlin', lookin' for fuel. So, I just turned the boys out on the run, give 'em a break and a romp, 'fore dinner, while I finished my chores, laid out some hay and more water, last few minutes of light. And, they did take the chance, rompin' and rollin', stoppin' to blow; prancin' like kings of the forest. Tired and hungry, a romp like that beats anything I'm like to share, draggin' and distracted; always reminds me, a line from Will James, "Smokey, the Cow Horse", "Any move you make around a young horse, either makes better or work!". Always pays off; ya get in the pen with a pony, always climb in with your best, cause they are and they know.

Have a great day!




  1. That last line is equally true in the classroom. If teachers don't show up with their best, the kids know, and all hell can break loose, cussin' out the teacher, outright defiance, all sorts of ruckus. But if that teacher shows up respecting the kids and their intelligence, bringing an A game, most likely all will go well.

  2. It's really astounding how Kids and Animals are so good at sensing "feelings" because they aren't so "dulled." Have to keep your wits about you! :)

    Nice job fixing the tire! It's amazing how necessity really is the mother of invention. I know I'm never without duct tape, a little lumber, baling twine, wire, hammer and nails ... LOL! Oh, yes, and my multitool ... great thing to carry around and my Uncle Henry pocket knife. I do have occasion to have perfume and lipstick in my purse too ... but only if they'll fit. :D

    Glad your weather is cool. Ours cooled down too after the storm .. expecting more storms tonight. Not too much you can do about the weather though, except maybe at times make a kind request from the Creator. ♥

