Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sunshine Lights the Heels of the Storm

Good Evenin'

Kinda cool and overcast, but no more precip.

Simple day; correspondence, feedin' and firewood. Opened the gate for the bunch last night, where the snow was fair deep and the night fair cold. They came in for breakfast, a nap and a light lunch, but headed on out, there after; those green sprouts a grass must be callin' their names.

Even cool, as it was, we likely lost three quarters a that snow and it's supposed to be warm tomorrow; gear up and see what we might get done, if it ain't too muddy ta move. Appreciate the quiet days of weather, where they're far fewer come summer.

Have a nice night!

Best, always

1 comment:

  1. Simple is good. :)

    I think we still have the first snows from October ... but it'll melt. Glad the Bunch will have some fresh salad ... yum. Love my greens too.

    I sure do admire the sun you get out there ... wow ... I'd probably get sleepy and need a nap, resting with my back up against a pine in the sun with the pups.

