Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Behind The Front

Good Evenin'

And, ya, that's the way it looked this mornin'; and, it kept up all day! We must a got six inches or better, figurin' that the first of it melted when it hit the warm dry dirt.

Hauled a bale a hay out to the bunch, concerned about the old folks, Big, special. Used the hand cart, and headed out, lookin' back ta see the dogs opt "out"; too warm by the fire. Hauled it out a half mile or so and laid it out in seven piles, down by the pond. Whistled some but no ponies. So, I hiked over the hill, figure they might be hole up in the lee, where the wind was comin' from the southeast. Top a the valley I whistled again, hopin' the wind'd carry it out. No ponies. Dropped down into the valley and headed south see if they was in the pocket under the high pond. All of a sudden, here they come, out of a grove just west. They all come up on a trot and like ta smell the hay I'd packed, so, with little a do, they headed on home; didn't even offer a lift!

Took me a while catch back up, out another half a mile there, but, a course, they stopped when they spotted the hay in the clearing down by the Low Easter Pond. I stopped to check, everyone had a pile, when all of a sudden I hear this whinnin'. Looked around and there was Wedo, up under the trees, just south a the clearin'! He'd come all the way out, and look a things, all by his self. He was some excited, but there he was, a little shy a the ponies, but lookin' quite prouda his self!

The boys breakin' loose!

Have a nice night!



  1. OMG! That's some snow. Saw the storm on the news, and was wondering, looking at the map, if you'd gotten any, so the photo answers that question. Weird weather. In some states it was snowing on one side of the cold front, and was warm like summer on the other side. Wild.

    Way to go Wedo! Though I'm not sure if it's courage or foolishness that took him away from a nice warm fire and out into the snow (LOL).

  2. Lot of snow for this time of year ... I guess the Midwest is on the radar now. You sure got your walk in for the day ... glad to hear you found the bunch. Probably eased your mind to actually see that they ate.

    Well, Wedo! Coming out to check and make sure your 2-legged Friend is okay? That's really something he came out looking for you ... amazing to consider what compelled him to do that ... not exactly his favorite kind of weather. They like to keep the pack together though don't they. Good Boy.

    Cold here ... chance of snow most of the week? Who knows ... I just open the door and then I know the weather a day at a time. :)

