Monday, April 8, 2013

The Front

Good Evenin'

And, yes, it's spring; "freight train" winds today, as this front moved through. 70 degrees yesterday, 40 tomorrow with a possibility of snow. (Just so my friends to the north take heart!)

Anyway, side from feedin', firewood and a little collectin' debris, pretty much, me and the pups just "hole up" and took advantage for some extra prayer time. Nice thing about that relationship, I don't believe ya can ever get too much and like wine, it just gets better with age.

And, yes the Wedo dog's gettin' just a little more casual 'bout our daily trip for wood. Still a little unsure and he still appreciates his reassurance rub, now and then, but change afoot, no doubt. I suppose it's kinda like me and the city; an awful lot of input, he just ain't used to. See how it all works out; with the comin' a summer, me and Whichy'll sure get about.

So, I reckin' we'll call it a night. Love and Best Wishes, to one and all!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my, batten down the hatches! Your winds are powerful. Glad they've quieted down. We've had snow and wind that snapped some trees ... I heard the 'crack" and waited for the "thud" and glad they all missed the cabin. Folks in Colorado are getting your storm now I guess ... the wind is wild.

    I believe you're very right ... that relationship with the animals just keeps getting better. Such pleasant company.

