Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weather or Not

Good Evenin'

Well, aren't exactly sure, why I paid so much attention to the weather people about this little storm, was supposed to come through, but, another fair day. A little overcast this after and some windy, but nothin' of major consequence; temp mighta dropped a few degrees. Anyway, maybe it was wishful thinkin', where I've been kinda busy with spring doin' and missin' my extra prayer time just a bit, when it gets messy it's way easier justify a little quiet time.

Fair bit a correspondence this mornin', lettin' folks know, our little book my make the May issue of Enchantment Magazine, then feedin', firewood and playin' with the boys. All went fair well and I did spot the bunch, when I was gatherin' wood; ya, they were hangin' in the low pasture, just in case I come by with a flake. And, so I did; well, it had cooled off and they said it might snow tonight, so I figured one flake a piece wouldn't brake the bank, least anymore than already. Laid it out on the dirt road, headin' up the hill. Sat myself down and enjoyed my upwardly mobile "approval rating"; it is a "mutual admiration society".

Late again, so we'll caller a day.

Have a nice night!



1 comment:

  1. Amazing what a little treat can do, whether it's critters or students. Excellent news about the magazine article (or review). Very cool.
    Wish it was a little quieter here. The owner of the building next door decided to tear up the driveway and repave, but neglected to tell us. At least the park's only a few blocks away.
