Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Good Evenin'

Well, been kinda dee linquent with the writin'; scratchin' my head on some book questions and thinkin' and writin' notes on that horse we might get down to the sanctuary, 'mong others. Many 'pologies.

I guess a bunch a stuff, just been stirrin' up questions, 'bout what I'm doin' and whether 'er not I should just give up and admit, "I'm too old!". 'Course that's outta the question, will ta live and love fer the ponies; I think sometimes, we just get impatient, lookin' fer answers, 'fore their time.

Do have an old friend, volunteered ta see, if he can help me through the log jam, iron out a few things; get me back on track. Maybe, that's what got me scared; even the thought a paperwork is plumb terrifyin', but I'll get over it. Kinda like computers; ya sit their lookin' at the thing and it gets scarier and scarier. Someone comes along shows ya a thing or two and it gets, way smaller.

I suppose that's why Creator didn't put us here alone; few of us are good at everything, but together we cover a lot of bases. And, I'll bite my tongue, so I don't go off on "good fer nothin'" cowboys; maybe we were put here make others feel better about themselves! See, now, that's good fer somethin'.

Have a great night.


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