Saturday, July 7, 2012

Here's Lookin' at You!

Good Evenin'

Well, quite a day; made a run to the tradin' post, a smidge a gas and groceries. And, it was good to get out. Everything all washed up and color everywhere; the rains removin' the hot dry dust and leavin' everything brand new, includin' the million year old mesas and rocks. Silky blue sky adorned with satin clouds of the most pristine whites and greys, floatin' about, everywhere. The sand turned gold, the cliffs full of rich reds and every shade a green you could ever think, all highlit with black trunks, branches and roots, saturated from the rain. It was definite, a million dollar ride; even the old ranch truck, that long since gave up it's mufflers, seemed to purr along the lonely tar strip, windin' through the high desert flat, sage and pin~on, it too, somehow, in awe of the day.

Got home just in time, throw a flake for the boys, open the gate to their run, unload the groceries, head for the tent and a cup a coffee, for it commenced again; thunder, a few drops, a few minutes and down it come.

So, nothin' ta do but hole up, catch a wee nap and an extry dose a nice quiet, heart time, restin' with the rhythm a the rain.
Pretty simple day, I suppose; time it quit, just enough daylight, feed for the neighbor and swing by the dirt tank, just north a my camp, see if it caught some rain. Sure, enough, a good six inches, maybe thirty feet around, noisy a course; a choir a frogs, ta light up the night, a hundred tiny eyes starin' back from middle, the pond.

Beans and beddin'.

Have a nice night!



1 comment:

  1. You write so I can see it ... beautiful picture. A day of a little travel in beauty and then the rhythm of the rain while you sleep. Sounds "rich" to me. A day to remember. :)

