Good Evenin'
Well, I thought some more on the continuing saga of Rusty Barnyard, and truthfully, it was a long time ago, must be ten years, since Rusty come in. But, best I recall, Rusty spent some time up here with my bunch. I think I kept him up by the barn for a while, let him settle in, then turned him out and I do remember ridin' him some, see if he was steady, as the previous owner had said.
But, my most vivid recollection of that time, was just how much Rusty seemed ta like the it here. I've noticed, workin' a lot of horses around other peoples barns, how aware the horses are of the overall atmosphere and how much it affects their attitude. Well, Rusty, by all appearances, found our operation, just dandy! I remember goin' out to check on the bunch, shortly after I'd turned him loose. They were grazin' up in the woods, about a quarter mile north a the barn. Rusty was so tickled with the pasture and his new friends, he was bouncin' through the trees, like a baby deer; first this way, then that as he made his way down the slope, back and forth, 'tween trees; delirious! Sure made me laugh.
So, there we were; I think at the time, it was Big, Tubby, Sombra, the old grey mare, Rusty and Ranger, another of my "contract" purchases for the ranch, on behalf of one of the other partners. Big I had bought out from under the "meat man" for 30 cents a pound, and Tubby, I had brought down from Utah, back in the nineties, when I first come back to New Mexico. Sombra, I had rescued from a ranch where she'd been left by her ailing owner, had to go south for her health. Anyway, a motley but fairly happy bunch, middle a nowhere New Mexico.
And, it's late again, so, god willin' will pick 'er up tomorrow.
Have a nice night.
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