Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Present

Good Evenin',

Another fine, spring day. A meltin' breeze outta the south, sunny and 50 degrees. Never did make it to the tradin' post; neighbor come by with some christmas cookies and wanted ta visit, then the poachers hit ma low gate. Heard a shot, close in, heard 'em comin' down the hill, couldna been three minutes for I broke outta the woods, 'tween here and there, they'd already cut the chain and gone. Shouldn't let it get to me, but it does get my back up, hard as it is, keep everybody fed and cared for out here, then here come some city folk, just tearin' things up and runnin' around like it all belongs ta them.

Anyway, now I'm like ta wait around tomorrow, keep and eye on things. I did get a good earful a that truck and I think I mighta seen it earlier. Then I better go check ma north gate they mighta got that one too. Thank goodness there's only a few more days 'till the seasons over, anyway, then things tend ta quiet down.

Otherwise, inspiration and more inspiration, even my dreams, late. Seems like everywhere I look, just reminders, like that somewhat, cutesy sayin' been goin' round; too true, nonetheless. "The past is history, the future, a mystery. This moment a gift; that's why it's called the present."

Have a nice night.


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