Monday, December 26, 2011

On Sale

Good Mornin'

Well, the mercury is missin' the sun, quite some; did make it up to almost 40 degrees yesterday and it is possible, I'm feelin' my age, but it sure was nippy this mornin'.

Otherwise, a quiet Christmas day. Thought about goin' ta see my neighbors for coffee, but my solar panels decided ta give up the ghost and I spent most a the afternoon, runnin' back and forth, outside ta in, see if I could find their complaint. I think I got figured, moisture and corrosion on a few patches I'd made, but we'll find out ta day, right or wrong.

Anyway, the ponies got an extra flake of two, and the puppies got some pretty good gravy from that goat bone I threw in the pot, the other day. And, lots a warm greetin's floatin' around the web, as well as, quite some inspiration, which is about the best Christmas present, anyone could ask for. Sometimes, just stayin' opto mystic can be a challenge, and every little drop, a friend seein' the good and promise of their life, well, that's precious stuff.

I reposted this link I'd found to a video of a Mayan Elder; really makes me smile. I'll put it in here down below. Basically, he's sayin' don't listen to these lyin' SOB's, that aren't Mayan, anyway, the end of our calendar is a good thing; it's when the wise ones return. So, be happy; it's happened before, it'll happen again, don't worry.

Just reminds me, I was thinkin' about religion, past few days. And don't get me wrong, I do have a sense and a feel, tremendous gratitude for my life and creator, but "religion", can be funny stuff. I was wonderin' about the Koran and bettin' myself I could find a lot a good there, despite what most folks say, least in the west. So, I went and read an article about it. Guess what? Just like the bible; there's some folks say, "it's the word of God" and cuss and swear about anybody tryin' to put it in an historical context and point out all the revisions and editin' by "people" across the years. By the way, "people" would be human bein's, like you and me; capable of great inspiration, also capable of misunderstandin', selective interpretation.

So, this is my consideration and we might not notice it so much in this country, surrounded as we are by abundance, but when times are hard, people might try to sell just about anything. Ya really notice this if ya ever go to a poor country; people by the side a the road, sellin' things we could never imagine, cow dung! Same way, maybe some folks aren't so good at conventional business, so it's just possible, they could come up with some inspiration and sell a story about God, that just could be and allows them to make a livin'. Doesn't mean it's true, no matter how many people they get to "buy" their product. I mean, isn't it curious how most religions are based on people and events, long ago and far away and it was all so "holy", that anybody asks a question will immediately go to hell. Did ya ever hear the story of the Emperor's New Clothes; there's gotta be a story, behind the story, 'bout goin' to hell, if ya ever ask a question. And there's the little kid, hadn't yet heard the "sales pitch", simply noticin', "wow, he ain't wearin' no clothes!". And, there's a wise man, ya 2000 years ago, but neither does time and place make him wrong, and what did he say? "Let the children come.".

Maybe, it ain't about "the sales pitch". Maybe, like a child, it's just about seein' things for what they are and appreciatin' the good, just the way it is; no sales pitch necessary.

The goodnews, same way, whoever wrote those "holy" books, was likely human and capable of misunderstandin', we are human and capable of real understandin'. It was all there then. It's all here now and always the choice is ours; genuine inspiration or hype and sales! Neither can we put our ancestors on pedestals or resign them to hell; both fracture the continuity. And, while the fracture might allow us some curious sense of freedom, it can also contribute to a terrible disease. Try cuttin' of the flow of blood to a limb.

There's a great line in one a those old stories, one a those old "wisemen", comin' to some understandin', "I am no better than my fathers!". So, why's it great? We are no worse! The inspiration of our great books of wisdom; we can have that, too. We just gotta want it, really, just like they did. And, yup, we too, are bound to understand, imperfectly, despite all our protestations; swear up and down to our children, "this is the ultimate truth!". But, maybe our children'll come a little closer; least the ones don't buy our pitch.

Have a great day.


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