The Adventures of Jeune Hall, Boldly Goin' Where, We Have No Idea, But He's Darn Sure Goin' With Horses!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Well, believe it, or not, a few months ago, I said if I remembered my phone, I'd take some picutres of my neighbor's burros and consistent with, my thoroughly, over the hill, New Mexico attitude, I finally remembered!
I stopped by the cook shack get a cup a coffee, even though I only had fifty cents, figurin' it'd be a long afternoon, with my burro friends and knowin' it'd give old Larry somethin' to cuss about, chucklin' like he always does and we got to discussin' age. He's 80. Anyway, he asked how old I was and I told him 59. He was tryin' to think how old his sister was and I piped up, " you got a sister?". He looked at me and said, "where are you goin'?". I said," Wayne and Kate's". He looked at me in disbelief, waiting. "Oh, ya, Kate!". Then he said, " I'm 80 years old and I can still remember my neighbors. You ain't even 60 and you barely remember yer own name, let alone, where yer goin', one minute to the next! What on earth are we gonna do with you?".
And, he's right. I suggested, where he was born in the depression and I came along after the war, it was sugar! Our generation grew up with, nearly unlimited quantities of sugar and there ya have it; he's still goin' strong at 80 and I'm hopin' I can make it to 60!
Anyway, we had a good laugh and enjoyed the moment; a perfect fall afternoon, sittin' on our behinds, in the warm October sun, there front of the cook shack. Then he went off ta fix the cooler and I headed off ta trim the burros and, yes, at his sister's house .
Have a nice night.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Where I Bank
Well, might as well maker two days ta recover. I have no idea where the day went, but I have a vague idea, it's this little gizmo, innocently poised in my mits. Yes, I discovered that it has a solitaire game; I can't believe I could fall for such a cheap trick. Anyway, tomorrow I got burros ta trim and thank god, there's a human bein' countin' on me ta be there.
Did get a horse trimmed though and let the boys out fer a bite. But, there's a chunk of the mornin' I simply cannot account for. It has been pretty nippy in the mornin's and it was Sunday; boy am I graspin' at straw.
Anyway, another peach of a day and I did get my prayer time in; sometimes, that's the stuff seems ta make a day. When I feel "lined up" and aspirin', everythin' else seems ta fall in place; magical stuff.
And, ya, ya, ayuh! Now, I remember, I did check in with my partner in crime; fella helpin' me with the book. So, there, I really did get a couple a things done. Now, if I can figure how ta skuttle that game "app", we'll be right back on track.
It all started so innocent; write a book, find a publisher, make some money, hang with the horses. Now, I got gadgets and phone calls and plans and...! And, this is where the prayer time comes in; "please keep me simple and help me remember what's important"!
Feel peace, grow in love, witness the magic, know gratitude, re-invest!
Have a nice night.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thank You
Well, a simple trip to town and it takes me a whole day, recover. I do try ta stay focused, but there's so much ta pay attention to, there in the "big city", population, sommers around 2500, it just wears a country boy out; special when he's pushin' the big 60.
I do have ta hustle up the mornin' chores and jump right back inta the evenin' chores, then unpack everything and cook; maybe it's just that afternoon "prayer time" that keeps me feelin' fresh. And, then there's all them people; chattin' and visitin', decisions and such. Anyway, took'er pretty easy today; got a nap and my afternoon quiet time, hung with the horses, whacked a little sage and gathered some firewood.
It is interestin', though, gettin' out, even if it does wear me out a little. So many good and fascinatin' folks, ya run into. My Navajo friends, the lady that gives me a lift, the shop keepers; I can't think of a one, that didn't go outta their way show me some kindness. Pretty lucky, I reckin', live in such a simple corner a the world and then come home ta the pups and the ponies; spoiled rotten. But, just makes ya wanta try, give somethin' back, every which way and, god willin', I will.
Have a nice night.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Two Dollars Short
Well, it sure did cool off; our first hard frost. Time ta break out the other sleeper bag and insulate the old tent.
Otherwise, it was go ta town day, get groceries for the month. Also stopped by the part store, check the price on a u-joint and the hardware, check the price of an axe handle. Went for the axe handle; it was half the price of the u-joint, which left me enough for a cup a coffee and a bottle of peroxide. I even had two dollars left, but I had ta wait outside the grocery fer my lift home and the Navajo fellas know I'm a soft touch, and that was that.
The ponies come in fer breakfast and I give 'em two flakes a piece; figured they'd wander off, me leavin' fer town. The lazy bones, they was still in the corral when I got back; tomorrow, after breakfast, I'll take over the hill, remind 'em, there's still feed out yonder. Snow fly, is one thing, a little frost, less than half!
And, now it's off ta sleep. It's easier get ready fer bed when the stove's still hummin'.
Pleasant dreams.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
And, boy, am I late, behind and delinquent; take off fifty years and we'd have ta add "juvenile"! (Some folks add it anyway.)
Anyway, I was gonna give up again, get in the sack for the fire quits, but I figured, least I could say "g'night" and let ya know I hadn't forgot about ya.
Couple a days a rain, now it's broke up, blowed out and the temperature took a big dip. Time ta break out the "long handles"; that's "local" fer long underwear.
But, by and large, everybody's good and we are makin' "some" progress, gettin' tidied up fer winter.
More soon!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Piles a Fun
Well, different kinda day; rain off and on. Thing I notice, 'bout gettin' older, everything seems to affect me more. I guess, this would be like a low pressure system and soon as it pulled in, I sure wanted to nap. Which I did, justifyin' it, where I kinda pushed it yesterday, fixin' the roof on the barn.
Then, I was up early, checkin' the backside fer poachers; the kinda cannons they use these days, a hunter might be five miles out and it sounds like they're in your backyard. Don't know why I get so grumpy about hunters, but I guess it's just the way they get so jazzed up, they kinda lose any notion of boundaries and courtesy.
Anyway, the wild bunch come in for a flake and I got ta visit some, trim up a few more toes and I felt a little better, seein' they was in a nappin' mood, too. Afternoon, I led 'em back out toward the pasture, where it really ain't that cold and we really got ta take advantage; stretch our hay out, best we can. I'd been meanin' ta start gettin' serious about firewood, too, so I used the excuse, hang with them a while, start a pile, out yonder, under a tree, where I can go stock up when the snow flies. I know it probably ain't that efficient, but I'm losin' my affection for machinery, too. So, rather than mess with a saw and the truck, I'd rather wander with the bunch, bust old dead limbs and make piles here and there. I've always been partial ta good company and there's always plenty a reasons I can't hang with 'em so much, so any reason "for" is good reason to me. They perked up after grazin' a bit, there in the woods, just this side a the open pasture and pretty soon I heard 'em thunderin' up over the hill. Finished up my pile and headed home with an arm full.
Julio, half of the mustang boys, back at the barn, was standin', ever so sweet, waitin' and watchin' for me to show up for "tea"; their four o'clock flake. It was startin' ta cloud up again, so I pulled the gate open, let 'em out ta play some, 'fore the mud set in; figured I could just double up on dinner. Then, seein' I had such a good time with the bunch, wanderin' and collectin' branches and knowin' the boys, too, seem ta love our "hang time", set ta makin' another pile, right there in their run. It's so amazin' watch them gettin' used ta me, now that they got a little more freedom and the "rules" a changed a little; it ain't just about brushin' and feedin' and foot trimmin'. Sometimes, it's just about bein' together; radical notion. But, it sure is fun.
Have a nice night.
Monday, October 24, 2011
All Lit Up
Well, that was one bee you tea full day; one a those desert flowers, that bloom so intense and pass just as quick. Winter storm on the way, cordin' to the weatherman.
But, it sure seemed that little "pause", was worth it. Always remember that story of the natives, down south, always took a day, when they had to travel some distance, let they're sprirt catch up with them. It's just such a sweet thing, stop and look around, remember, "I really don't know, very much, and it's probably a good idea, invite, whatever intelligence there is, walk with me.". It's easy ta think that we have come such a long way and are so much more advanced than our ancestors, but one day folks will look back and wonder how we managed to survive, "ignorant as we were"! And, most likely, one day that will happen to them, also!
So, I consider, this to be reliable; the same light, lit and guided folks back then, will light and guide the children of tomorrow, no matter how our thinking changes. Why shouldn't I take my opportunity, now!
Have a great day!
P.S. Thanks, again to Brandon Johnson at Santa Fe Photography Pro.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sun Day
Sun day is a great consideration, despite my reluctance, "divvy" up days. At least recent, tryin' ta keep up with chores and the "book thing", one day, just ta quit and let "the light" in, pull up the sides a the tent and let some fresh air in, let the breeze blow through, that's got to be a good thing! It's so easy, think we know where we're goin, but like my friend Lao Tsu reminded me, late, "if you don't change direction, you might end up where you're headed."; If I have a fixed idea of where I'm goin', I just might end up in a fix. If I allow a little light and fresh air caress the situation, inform the destination, inspire the map, I just might find larger water.
It's kinda like the horses; I'm convinced, that whatever limit I project upon them, they'll live down to it. Whatever credit I offer them, seems, they'll live up to it.
Have a great day!
Friday, October 21, 2011
"Why Doya Ride?"
And, this time a year, I guess, I better get used to writin' at night. Suns up pretty early yet, but it's gettin' dark much earlier. So, behind as I am, best ta use the daylight fer "ketchup" and the dark fer writin'.
And, boy do I got that song, a friend sent me fer my birthday, stuck, in every part a me; case ya missed it, it was "the night rider's lament", by Nanci Griffith, youtube. I musta posted it all over the "virtual county", it was so beautiful. Just an old cowboy waltz, but the lyrics and the melody are, not only the sweetest I ever heard, but the song asks some questions that are just plain great! So, I'm afraid I'm plumb and happily, possessed.
You could say it's a question of "gold" and things that "glitter", as opposed to others that might have a softer shine, but might, in the long run, curiously, satisfy more truly. And that's a question, been teasin' me most a my life.
I suppose, the beauty is, gettin' older, I'm simply cavin' in; the tug a war, 'tween the part a me keeps wantin' the "glitter" and the parta me "knows better" just ain't much of a war, anymore. Knowin' better's just too much fun! And, in a way, I reckin' ya could compare it to a horse race. Maybe that jockey, been wrestlin' some, the whole way round, try ta keep that horse from blowin' all his steam, right off the bat. Now, here come the homestretch and lo, and behold, it all makes sense; ya know what ya want and ya still got legs ta go get it!
Have a great night!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A Little Try
Well, another simple day in paradise. I sure could use ta get a little more ambitious on the chorin' side; this balmy weather won't last forever. But, I kinda got caught up with this book thing, and even though, it's kinda outta my hands, at this point, off to the computer lay out fella, I'm like ta remain a little distracted 'till it's all wrapped up and off to the printer. Then I suppose, I'll start worryin' about marketing.
Anyway, I do have a vague recollection of that "discipline" stuff and I used ta have some around here, somewhere. I make a little effort, I might just come up with a little, dust it off and see if it still works. It'd sure, come in handy; turn this book thing off, now and then, take a little more care a the critters, the ranch and myself.
I do have some great excuses, though, like everything always changing. That's a great one for sittin' on the front porch and thinkin'; no sense gettin' excited about this or that, it might all change and then I'd a wasted a whole bunch a energy for nothin'!
But, while there is some truth to the notion, I hereby resolve, try a little harder! I was thinkin' today of all the things, could get done for winter and, boy, a little discipline really would help. My consolation, I suppose, occurred to me the other day, "generally speakin', I do my best and things work out". See what happens.
Have a great night!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Bunch
Yes, again, had a load a hay come in this mornin', then played catch up all day, after a wee nap.
The bunch came in this mornin' for a flake; runnin' and buckin', fartin' around the corral. I'm never sure if it's the first cool night, or whether a lion come through. But I did notice they weren't in a hurry, head out, even after a second flake and the temp climin' right back up ta balmy. I keep walkin' them out, encourage their browsin', try ta stretch the hay through the winter, and they did give in, but they were checkin' things out pretty good, so maybe it was a lion, or bear. God bless 'em, they're a courageous bunch in their own right.
And, I love 'em every one. There's a couple, or three, were pretty fine horses in their day, but even the rag-a-muffins, Funny, with her terrible feet and crossed eyes, Graceful, with her big belly and bad joints, Rusty, the half draft, half cayuse, and Sade, Baby Huey's soul sister, they all have their way, get right to yer heart.
Have a great night!
Monday, October 17, 2011
A Blustery Day
As the planets turn! Wind the instrument of change; temp has dropped and the warm glow of indian summer exchanged for the ruffled reminder of cooler weather to come. Funny how plans change, too, with the ongoin' conversation 'tween climate and bone; another beautiful reminder, of the not so linear world out here. "Seat a the pants", new mexico!
Did not get a heap a "done" yesterday; mostly just collectin' myself from all the well wishin' and birthday cookies, of saturday. 'Bout as far as I got was a loop 'fore dark, over the hill, catch a peek a the bunch and check their water supply. See if I can't haul a tub today, take a look at the hay stack, check the barn roof for leaks and swing by the neighbors, trade gossip and coffee.
Do feel, that birthday gift, just another glimpse of love and prayerful child, "a closer walk with thee", was a sweet and precious one; warmer than socks! And, who knows, I take care and "water" it, just might take root.
Have a great day!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
It's a Sunny Day
Well, another peach of a day! The bunch come in this mornin', didn't even stay fer "seconds". I think they just like to check on things, here in the barnyard and make sure I got hay, just in case. I oughta get out and check their hooves, clean 'em up 'fore the cold sets in.
I did get out last night, clean up the burial patch for old Ranger. The grass I planted's come in pretty good, but the varmints dug out some a the dirt, 'tween the cedar posts I stacked around him. Spent a while, then rang the "bell" a short while; old shovel on a cedar post, a close second. Just remind him, we're well and wish him the same.
Been thinkin' more on all the kindness, come my way, past few days and how inspirin' it is, speakin' of journeys, this world or next. Kind of a play on words, but I can see how easy it is to "jump to conclusions"; spend too much time with my thoughts and I might consider how I ain't good fer much. Get carried away by the kindness of my friends and I might consider what a fine fella I am. Truth of the matter, seems ta me, right in the middle, just unbelievably lucky ta be! So, 'stead a botherin' with conclusions, maybe, I can just be grateful fer inclusions, that life has included me, and journey kindly.
Seems ta me, that's a lighter load. And, who knows, I quit drawin' my own "conclusions" and it just might go on fer ever! Clu-less!
Happy Birthday Ranger!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
No Reason
And then some! Busy day from the get go. Woke up with all kinda friendly thoughts of folks I've know and cared for, over the years; imaginin' some comin', surprise me for the birthday. Then, a little further from dream time, realizin', "no, that probably ain't happenin', but ain't it wonderful, even think it could!".
And, I suppose, that's been the theme for the day; "ya just never know!".
I got so many sweet cards, phone calls and e-mail, from so many folks, it just don't make any sense. I guess I grew up thinkin' ya had ta do somethin' "worthwhile" for folks ta like ya; only find out, after all these years, "no, some folks like folks, just 'cause, they do!". Don't that put a wrinkle things!
Otherwise, one bee you tea full, fall day; almost hit 80 degrees. Got a great little nap, 'tween phone calls and email, hung with the boys, got a little prayer time, and visited "the bunch" out yonder; just about perfect, right down to the beans and birthday cookies, I got in the mail.
And, ya know, maybe the prayer time was the best of all. All the kindness seem ta bring out a deep one. Somethin' like that quote from Mr. Nelson, Mandela; "who are you to say you are nothing, are you not a child of god?". Huge! Just to accept we might be loved for no particular reason and learn to live with it.
Have a nice night!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Elmer and Bugs
Well, another gorgeous fall day. Hauled water for the bunch and filled up the stock tank in the middle, keep the "deer and the antelope playin'". Lined up a little more fencin' supplies and confirmed another load a hay; actually half for us and half for a neighbor. Also, got a couple more "promo" copies movin' on the bookside.
Other than that, the day was filled with birthday greetings and hunters; the greetings purdy fun, hunters not so much. One of the neighbors, nearby, just can't accept the fact that the county give up a road, runs right through the place I mind and keeps sendin' hunters over ta complain.
A) I don't own the place, B) the owner wants it locked and C) just two miles up the road, there's another road, right into the BLM, which is where our road used ta go. I just have a hard time feelin' sorry for these fellas, got all the time and money, take a vacation, buy an elk tag, drive 100 miles, but find it intolerable, drive two more, just 'cause they might, actually have ta get out and walk a little, if they take the other.
Anyway, I try ta be nice and explain, best I can, but I, sure don't enjoy huntin' season; all the critters, work so hard just ta make it, rest a the year, than here come the hunters, who don't even care about the meat, blow them away, make everybody's life miserable, all, so "they" can "enjoy themselves". It's just kinda weird, seems ta me. What if everybody from the country started goin' ta the city with guns and climbin' in an out a peoples back yards; they'd throw us in jail.
Anyway, only three months outta the year; an exercise in tolerance and patience, I suppose. And, like politicians, sure gives us somethin' to laugh about, which always seems ta be the best antidote.
Sides, I'm likely just "tarred".
Have a great night.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Good 'n Plenty
Well, clear and sunny; pretty fair frost last night. See, if Graceful's doin' well, enough, take the bunch back over the hill. I've been keepin' 'em in this low pasture, by the barn, so they don't wander so much, leave Graceful behind. But, it seems she's doin' better and it's likely time push her just a little. See how it goes.
Otherwise, got a "horse lesson" from a businessman, yesterday. Follow up to a similar lesson from an oilfield worker. There's a fella comes in to check the wells here. He don't like ta lock the gate proper. Everytime he leaves, he locks it "his" way; kinda shabby, in my opinion, but it might save him 4-5 seconds. It just don't look like it's "meant". Now, ya might think that wouldn't matter and that'd be a fair argument; afterall it's just barb wire, either side. And, maybe I'm nuts, but, seems ta me that "clear intent" matters out here. If I make an effort, clearly state my intent, it leaves less room for "flimsy" arguments, that do, in fact, waste everybody's time and, the hunters can come up with some "deusies"!
So, yesterday, I'm talkin' to this business man, with whom I am considerin' a small but important investment; small to him, large to me. Anyway, I notice him gettin' impatient and startin' to dismiss some things we already agreed upon. I'm thinkin' on the best way to address it, without endin' up in a "relieving oneself" (?) contest. (That's the most creative alternative I could come up with!). Anyway, it occurred to me how it's the same thing and no one's fault, exactly, but how devious, that little voice, right between our ears, keeps tellin' us, "there's no time, no money, no you-name-it!".
The oilfield fella ain't got time ta lock the gate. This business man ain't got time ta get it right. I ain't got the brains and the strength to get it all done. My horse, if I let him, will knock me over gettin' his hay, 'cause of some lack of time or space or supply, he imagines. Wow, this question of lack is huge! And, whether or not it's true, a really good question; same street, next door, the question of "self fulfilling prophecy".
So, at least, for me and my horse, I'm gonna get a little more serious about "no!", 'cause I have a feelin', if we let it, that little voice'll walk us right "off the plank" of any enjoyment we might ever entertain. It's possible, the only real lack is my attention to a "tidy and well lit house"; where fear can wait at the back door, trust is welcome at the front.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Good Help
Well, clear cool and sunny. Breezy they say, this afternoon. Lots a dreams, last night; full moon comin' on. Youngsters, I've known runnin' around, makin' affectionate mischief; old timer, gettin' tickled, while tryin ta get a nap. Ya still wake up with a smile, even if ya didn't dose like ya mighta.
Otherwise, tryin' ta get some traction; this book, takin' a lot a time and attention. But, I sure need ta stretch and not forget, business at hand, fences and ponies, feed and customers; not ta mention home and fire. Seems ta me, just the book'd be enough, but critters and chores, well they're kinda serious out here. Evenin' comes, the temperature drops, it's 'bout dark and I'm outta wood, well, I'm hard pressed cook my beans. And, larger share a why I got started with this book thing, was a hope, take care a the critters.
Anyway, I got a strong suspicion, life always meant ta try us, a little; keep us humble, askin' fer help, lest we miss all the help there is! That'd be a shame.
Have a great day!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Well, it finally quit rainin'; quite a sunny day. Not quite the 70 degrees, they were toutin', but all in all, gorgeous.
Looks like we might just hit a hundred orders on the book, this week; hopin' for 125, make sure we can pay back the start up fee, soon as we figure where ta borrow it, first of the year. So, on one hand we'd just break even, on the other, we'd be up and runnin' fer '012. Anyway, I was just thinkin' again, this mornin', "the things we do for love!". Bunch a rescue horses and dogs, one cowboy, tryin' ta make it work, see if we couldn't help some kids along the way.
And, short as that may be, I'd better get after it; these sunny autumn days, won't last fer ever!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Well, I guess, I gotta get used to not, necessarily, gettin' to write everyday. Missed a bunch a steps yesterday, but the dogs were outta food and the neighbors needed to borrow a little more hay. And, I had ta let the roads dry out a little, 'fore I ventured out; we got a fair dustin' a the white stuff, there Friday night.
Otherwise, a friend asked me about the "post" yesterday; "how come ya didn't take a carrot?". That'd be in reference to Ms. Graceful and her not showin' up with the bunch. And, boy I liked that question; sometimes I forget how lucky I am, some a the folks I've met along the way. Old Ray, fer example; can't really remember him talkin' about that specific question, but the blank look he'd give folks, talked about usin' feed, get horses ta cooperate, was plenty, in my book.
I guess, it reminds me of folks, sometimes folks been around horses most of their life, and they try to convince me that a horse only has the mentality of a three year old, which might have a "grain" a truth to it, but then that reminds me of a joke; and like most a my favorites, it's kind of a kids joke, so, adults be ware, it's kinda graphic!
So, there was this scientist, wanted to figure the contribution of each leg of a frog, to it's ability to jump. So, he cut off a leg and then told the frog to jump, clip board, measurin' tape and pencil in hand. He measured the distance and wrote it down. He continued this pattern until he had cut off the last leg. When he then, told the frog to jump, it wouldn't move. He then concluded, surprisingly enough, that when you cut off the last leg, the frog went deaf.
And, where Tom, fella got Ray started, liked puzzles so much, I reckin' I'll leave that right in yer lap; see what ya figure.
Have a great day!
Friday, October 7, 2011
A Place in My Heart
Well, I wasn't too far off on the weather, in fact, it was just, one a those days. Started rainin' and turned ta snow, then, only October, back ta rain. Lucky, I had a pile a barn boards, from the corral the boys are slowly demolishin', and I managed ta find some dry stuff on the bottom, keep the stove a hummin'; technically it ain't "that" cold, but a day like that can sure get inta yer bones.
Otherwise, I had a great lesson in horse-person-ship, this mornin', compliments of young Graceful, rescue pony from the sale barn up north; she wasn't "quite right" and headin' fer Oscar Meyer. Quite right, anybody's guess. I have noticed, sometimes when it's cold and slushy, she does seem ta have some joint trouble, but I had an old mare that was givin' me "the look", 'cause we didn't have no babies around and so, Graceful came home; Thanks Giving. She had a BIG belly, hence "Graceful".
Anyway, she didn't come in with the bunch, fer a flake, as they're like to, cold and rainy day. So, I drink my tea, bundled up and headed over the hill, followin' the trail, the bunch had kicked up, in the mud. If she was down, wouldn't be long fer "dead". Anyway, up through the trees, cross a pasture, down through the trees, other side a the ridge, out in the middle, there she was, standin'. She knickered on seein' me and I walked up and give her a rub. Walked around lookin' fer wounds and, not seein' any, stepped off behind and slapped my chaps, see if she'd move. She did, favorin' her right front foot, quite some. So, when she settled, I walked up again, give her a rub and picked up her foot, clean it out, see if I could see any wound. Again, nothin'. All I could figure, wet and greasy like it was, she mighta slid and sprained her leg.
Well, I'd never had much chance work with her, save brushin' and playin' with her feet, now and then and it'd been on my mind fer a couple a years. So, I figured, "here we go, bucky, this is the perfect opportunity, see what ya got!". Answer, not too much. Her mind was pretty well fixed on the absence a the bunch. So, I start siftin' back through pages a Tom and Ray. "O.k., let's get movin'!". I whooped and hollered, give her a start and whooped and hollered, when ever she stopped, her mind driftin' off. We ended up, far southwest corner of that pasture, another half mile out, away from the barn. Figurin' she really wasn't "that" scared a me and the bunch, sure weren't there, she turned around and waited. I went up and give her a rub, then started back, seein' if she'd follow. Nope! She'd look, but not fer long, even if I run back whenever she'd look away. "O.k., so what'd a momma do?". So, I got behind her whooped it up, give her a smack on the butt! And, even if it weren't direct, we headed home, me shooin' her, swipin' her tail, whenever she'd drift off. Three quarter, the way back, we met the bunch, comin' over the hill, everyone all excited.
So, I still have a lotta questions, 'bout this "leadership" thing, it's just so easy, think we know what that means. But, I think it's pretty clear, I sure need a place in her mind, just like her momma did, 'cause sore foot 'er no, all by yourself, just west, the divide, ain't no way a horse'll live long.
Have a great day!
P.S. Thanks again to Brandon Johnson for the photgraphy!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Best of Life
Well, a blustery day, here, New Mexico; our first dose a "like ta rain, could turn ta snow!". We generally get a few a these spells, mixed in with the balmy mild autumn days. A healthy reminder, "winters comin'" and not to fall asleep on the job.
So, plenty ta do, 'fore I even get ta progress; shore up the tent, get some wood, pick up the stuff I don't want buried fer winter. Put in my order fer hay, keep up with my horse trimmin', check on the truck, "oh, those u-joints!", then get back to fences and postin'. This cool weather'll bring out the hunters.
And, midst of it all, enjoy my life. Great thing 'bout gettin' older, the impulse, "get down to it"; every days a gift and ya sure, don't wanta take 'em fer granted.
Have a good one!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Just Breathin'
No, idea what happened today, but yup, here it is late evenin' and I'm just gettin' round to it. When I was little, they always had a basket round wooden chips, or discs, for sale by the cash register, with the words "to it" printed on one side; case some one needed ta get a round "to it".
Anyway, side from phone calls and firewood, checkin' ponies and water, linin' up another stretch a fence, most note worthy event a the day, was breathin'. Musta been the rain we got, but first thing this mornin', walkin' around the barn yard, seemed like there were currents of berries and wild flowers, pin~on and juniper, sage and cinnamon, just swirlin' around and tweekin' my nose in the happiest fashion. It was quite amazin', just breathin'!
So, like the joke a the angel askin' god what he wanted to do, after comin' up with 24 hrs, I think, I too, will call it a day!
Have a good nap!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Simple Choices
Well, it's rainin' and I was runnin' around gettin' up some firewood, as the weatherman said it might last a couple a days.
Started on another stretch a fence yesterday, hauled another tank out to the bunch and made a couple more calls, see if any more a my friends wanted "in" on the first run a books, we're linin' up. It'll help keep our price down and payoff the $850 I'll have ta borrow, for "kickoff". It's been great talkin' to old friends, now it's easier ta find folks and a chance, remind 'em, it'd be great if they want a copy, it'd be greater stay friends. The whole books about what we love, for me, the "trust and feel" a workin' with horses; how'm I gonna "lean" on a friend, by a copy. I reckin', that'd mean, a) none of it was true, or b) I must not a learned that lesson very well!
It's great! I remember a few years back, I started losin' a lotta customers, when I decided I had ta speak up for the horse. I wasn't gonna sit there and listen to folks blamin' everything on the horse or circumstance, or anything to keep from accepting responsibility for this animal they claimed to love and it's well bein'.
It was such a "moment" for me, 'cause I realized my life had just gotten, "way" simpler and happier, if not always, well funded, 'cause all I had to do was tell the truth, best I understood. I guess, it's kinda similar; likely I won't sell a million copies, but hopefully, I'll enjoy each one and still have friends, when I'm done.
Have a great day!
Monday, October 3, 2011
How 'bout that; never even crossed my mind yesterday, write somethin' for "the daily". Mighta been the "back thing"; saturday afternoon, when I let the boys out, I was whackin' a couple a sage brush, as I am like ta do. Their run isn't that big and they've already hit most a the "free" grass. So, I whack a couple a sage brush, every time I let 'em out, exposin' another couple clumps of grass. Well, for some reason, I musta whacked the wrong way, off balance or somethin' and lo, and behold, I could hardly straighten up. Yesterday, when I finally figured a way ta get outta bed, the day was kinda different, as it boiled down to "one step at a time", quite literal. Pretty funny, I suppose, as it sure makes ya consider how, normally, we get pretty far ahead a things; "this, then that, and a little more a this and...etc."
I did manage ta get in the truck and haul a tub out to the wild bunch and I did get the boys out fer their afternoon browse, but otherwise I was mostly flat, a phone call, a couple a email, only exception. But, even a different day like that, sure can educate. Just the question of how lucky we are, able to move, get out and see our loved ones, made me consider just how amazin' that is! The wild bunch linin' up for a drink, peckin' order; playin' with their noses, in the cool fresh water, happy at my happy, see them. The boys, waitin' for three o'clock, like school kids waitin' for the bell; now used ta comin' in at dark, headin' for a flake. Simply amazin'!
Anyway, quite better today; hardly thought twice, gettin' vertical. But, I wouldn't mind takin' a little a that "one step" with me, even if, they're some easier taday!
Have a great one!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Who Knew?
Well, yes, it's Saturday, as if I really care, or believe it, but it has been a taxin' week, somehow or other. I suppose it's been this last push, get the "promo" copies of the book, off the press, in the truck and on their way. Talkin' to a lot of friends, see if they're still "on", liftin' those "green backs" out of my wallet and thinkin' of all the hay they'd buy, with winter comin' on and tryin' ta keep up with fences and customers; keepin' their horses trimmed. Poor me! Reality is, too much fun and I'm just gettin' old. Maybe, it's just the times I grew up in, but that sayin', "if I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'd a takin better care of myself", sure rings true these days.
Anyway, startin' ta get some feedback, now that a few copies are actually out and I gotta say, I am stunned that folks, actually like it. Which isn't so amazin', considerin' the photographs are really quite nice, thanks to young Brandon Johnson, but they go on to actually read it and they, still like it! All I can do is laugh and figure, "ya just never know!". Thank my lucky stars and consider a sayin', quite common out here, "god takes care of fools, children and old dogs", or another favorite a mine, "even a broke clock is right, twice a day".
It's funny, both Tom and Ray, always said, "everything I learned, I learned from the horse!" and, lookin' at my situation, I can't tell exactly what I learned, but I'd have to say, " ya, god bless the critters, 'cause, learn or not, their company and simple sanity has sure made a difference ta me!".
Have a great day!