Sunday, October 30, 2011

Where I Bank

Good Evenin'

Well, might as well maker two days ta recover. I have no idea where the day went, but I have a vague idea, it's this little gizmo, innocently poised in my mits. Yes, I discovered that it has a solitaire game; I can't believe I could fall for such a cheap trick. Anyway, tomorrow I got burros ta trim and thank god, there's a human bein' countin' on me ta be there.

Did get a horse trimmed though and let the boys out fer a bite. But, there's a chunk of the mornin' I simply cannot account for. It has been pretty nippy in the mornin's and it was Sunday; boy am I graspin' at straw.

Anyway, another peach of a day and I did get my prayer time in; sometimes, that's the stuff seems ta make a day. When I feel "lined up" and aspirin', everythin' else seems ta fall in place; magical stuff.

And, ya, ya, ayuh! Now, I remember, I did check in with my partner in crime; fella helpin' me with the book. So, there, I really did get a couple a things done. Now, if I can figure how ta skuttle that game "app", we'll be right back on track.

It all started so innocent; write a book, find a publisher, make some money, hang with the horses. Now, I got gadgets and phone calls and plans and...! And, this is where the prayer time comes in; "please keep me simple and help me remember what's important"!

Feel peace, grow in love, witness the magic, know gratitude, re-invest!

Have a nice night.



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