Friday, October 21, 2011

"Why Doya Ride?"

Good Evenin'

And, this time a year, I guess, I better get used to writin' at night. Suns up pretty early yet, but it's gettin' dark much earlier. So, behind as I am, best ta use the daylight fer "ketchup" and the dark fer writin'.

And, boy do I got that song, a friend sent me fer my birthday, stuck, in every part a me; case ya missed it, it was "the night rider's lament", by Nanci Griffith, youtube. I musta posted it all over the "virtual county", it was so beautiful. Just an old cowboy waltz, but the lyrics and the melody are, not only the sweetest I ever heard, but the song asks some questions that are just plain great! So, I'm afraid I'm plumb and happily, possessed.

You could say it's a question of "gold" and things that "glitter", as opposed to others that might have a softer shine, but might, in the long run, curiously, satisfy more truly. And that's a question, been teasin' me most a my life.

I suppose, the beauty is, gettin' older, I'm simply cavin' in; the tug a war, 'tween the part a me keeps wantin' the "glitter" and the parta me "knows better" just ain't much of a war, anymore. Knowin' better's just too much fun! And, in a way, I reckin' ya could compare it to a horse race. Maybe that jockey, been wrestlin' some, the whole way round, try ta keep that horse from blowin' all his steam, right off the bat. Now, here come the homestretch and lo, and behold, it all makes sense; ya know what ya want and ya still got legs ta go get it!

Have a great night!



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