Saturday, April 14, 2012

Big Doin's

Good Mornin',

Well, it's a "blustery day", quoth the Pooh! And, the bunch come in; mighta been a flake, with the cool air, mighta been "the mystery"; how they seem to know, when some part a their spread needs checkin'.

Anyway, pretty funny, a small addition, two actually, all the comotion and, a course, Gramma meetin' each new arrival with her instincts; need more burros. And, Big, the old ropin' horse with the sore feet, well, sore feet be darned, "there's burros in the barnyard and nobody asked me!". Now, whether, it's his AQHA background and never havin' come across critters like that, or whether it's some territorial thing, some ancient feud thing with burros, I have no idea, but concerned, oh, my! And, then, a course, everybody feelin' that this is one grand excuse, catch the blustery, cool air, buck and kick and prance around, like something's wonderfully wrong.

But, Big's the boss, and sore feet or not, he takes his "bossin'" serious. When I first come out, first lieutenant, Tubby, was up checkin' out the burros, along with Sargeant Rustoleum, Queeny and Big Missy. Had to go out throught the woods to the pasture, spot Big, nappin' down by the low gate, with Funny and Graceful, dutifully standin' watch. The girls heard me whistle and after a little respectful stirrin' informed Big, they really could use a bite and started up the hill. Everybody quite happy for the bite, 'till Big showed up and started in with his consternation over the burros. Then, as I mentioned, everybody took the excuse, climb on the "tizzy wagon" and put on the show. Mustang boys in the background, figurin' this was all quite fantastic, lightenin' their loads, sniffin' the loads and threatenin' each other with utter destruction, as, certainly, there must be somethin' at stake. The burros takin' it all in, equally amazed and grateful, it seems, that there pen, while in the middle of all this, was big enough, so they could camp in the middle and not get too close to any of it.

Anyway, there's the news from Grateful, New Mexico and....

Have a great day!



  1. LMAO. This reminds me of recess on the elementary school playground, but with horses. This is the first time I can recall that all the characters have been in the same scene, though you've written about most of them individually in previous posts, The ones I don't remember reading about previously are Big and Tubby, which makes it even cooler, since he's the BHIC (big horse in the corral).
    Your sign-off reminded me of Garrison Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion" - good literary company to be in.

  2. It really is like kids on a playground ... :)! Much better than watching Bonanza on TV ... which I don't have because TV eats your brain if you zone in front of it too much. :) Garrison, yay Minnie Soda!
