Monday, April 23, 2012

More Gold

Good Mornin'

Another peach! Sunny, cool and still. Kinda nice this stuff, more like fall, really, with the cool nights, warm days and unusually calm; spring's generally way more windy. Little bit a mercy in there somewhere, where the wind tends ta suck up all our moisture; now, less snowfall, less wind, we're not losin' like we could.

And, little by little, the debris from my spring cleanin' is movin' East, away from the palace and closer to the barn; part for storage, part, the dump.

Weekends are often a curious time, the subtle shift of focus, ingrained, I suppose, the tendancy to back off just a bit, look around, take stock. I often find myself a little lost. But this mornin' I'm considerin', "how much of that ingrained stuff is well thought out and how much of it, just so happened". Either event, I suppose, I did re-surface with a small pearl and I reckin' that's a good thing. I remember a wise man once remindin' me that, in a gold mine, there's mud and gold, then with a lovin' look, askin' me, "what's your interest?".

There are parts of my life, moments, that are, no doubt about it, golden. There are moments of my life, that are kinda muddy. And, there's two points afoot, here. One, the difference 'tween "gold and mud" and two, if we suppose that gold is good, how to make more. What I'm gettin' at, is that slightly lost feelin', to me that's kinda like mud; those moments just don't seem to shine or carry the solid heft, of others, like gold. And, they aren't strictly a matter of what I'm doing, as pretty much I do the same stuff, everyday. So, I'm suggestin' it might be that "subtle shift of attitude", I mentioned up above, where I start lookin' at stuff and wonderin' "where'm I goin'?" and lookin' for answers in my head, steada my heart.

The second point, which follows, natural, "o.k., if that's the mud, and it doesn't have the shine or heft, how can I get more a those golden moments and less a the muddy ones?". Then, I gotta go back to the little story, got me off on this anyway; "what's your interest?". My interest, what I pay attention to, plain and simple.

And, I look around, I'd have ta say, "ya, he's got a point!". Look how interested I am in the horses and look how my understandin' grows, simple as can be. And, everytime I turn around, no doubt about it, there's more; more horses, more interest. So, I guess it's pretty simple and, old as time; interested in the good, remember the good. Pay attention and good'll grow; it's natural as lovin' a horse and endin' up with a herd.

Have a great day.


P.S. Thanks, always to Brandon Johnson and his wonderful camera!

1 comment:

  1. Brandon does have an amazing artist's heart with photography ... I love Golden Mustang Boy. :)

    Yes, I see it ... what you're saying. Mud in the hands of a potter is wonderful ... even out of mud a beautiful thing can be wrought ... making mud into gold ... like we were made. That's what we've all had to do many times in our lives to get to where Spirit is the most sought after "gold." That which is eternal. It's like the Creator blesses our efforts, even our confusion, and wakes up the Phoenix bird in us to rise from the ashes/mud and be in the golden light. Makes me smile from ear to ear.
    I have a small pack ... me and 2 canines ... we grew from 1 person ... I am indeed blessed! ♥
    Thanks for the good words and inspiring thoughts to ponder, Jeune!

