Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Time'll Tell

Good Mornin'

Well, it snowed! Won't last the day, but two or three times, what the weatherman said.

Slept like a log! There's a lady down the way, insists the government is lacin' the clouds with drugs; sedate the population. While, I wouldn't put it past 'em, I'm more inclined ta think it's simply toxins, chemicals and junk, us humans happily spread about, certain that they could never amount to any harm; I do notice when we get a little "precip" after a warm dry spell, my mental and physical systems sure seem to go haywire, then shut down, hard, for maintenance.

Anyway, needles ta say, I didn't get much done yesterday, 'cept for com-putin' and co-nectin'; bound ta go somewhere, sooner or later. Keep comin' back to the question of trust and the horses; somewhere, somehow, it will go forward and there'll be a way, expand, explore and share this with kids. There are so many in difficult circumstance, this work is so powerful, healin' and helpful, there will come a time and a way, connect the dots.

It's funny, like other things I've run into in my life that have been so huge, they are so simple, most folks won't believe it. Fallout, I suspect, from our "whiz bang" culture; so much hype and spin, everywhere, the truly important things are often dismissed as "old wives' tales", fairy tales that couldn't possibly be relevant. Upside, "so without, so within", the mal-nutrition of our "whiz bang" culture is becomin' an inescapable fact and folks are startin' ta consider, "maybe, we missed something".

Guess, I believe, this is where "perseverance" comes in; if you found somethin' and you know it's good, don't let go. Sooner or later, it's time'll come.

Have a great day!


P.S. A song from my friend Geoff:


1 comment:

  1. Wow ... very powerful to look at the photo Brandon took and listen to that song. "Those who love you will always be on your side." I like that, and it's very true.

    Things are getting into line .... such a good spirit in all of it you're doing! Maybe this fast-food world has forgotten that "simple" can satisfy deeply ... I think if you're thirsty, only plain pure water can really quench that thirst ... for body and soul. Connecting to the Animals and the Earth ... nothing manmade can compare.

    Sometimes a human being just has to re-"boot." Hope you'll be running on all cylinders when the barometric pressure rises some.

