Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Dog's Life

Good Mornin'

Well, an early one this mornin'. Supposed to go to Albuquerque, but it might get re-scheduled, due to unforeseen circumstances; see what happens.

Funny, seems to me, one of the most common things an owner might teach his or her dog, is to stay. Yesterday, rememberin' the story of Odysseus and talkin' about "waitin' and watchin'", ya could say it's kinda similar. In order for Odysseus to "wait and watch" he must have had to "stay" with somethin' inside himself, or he'd a been all over the place; doin' stuff, tryin' stuff. I mean there were the cliffs and it was blowin' and there had to be a voice inside himself, screamin', "we're all gonna die!"; not to mention the crew, joinin' the chorus.

It's a very fine question, but, seems to me, there's a point, right there, where he must have chosen not to listen to that voice, but somethin' else; somethin' that allowed him to "wait and watch". And, dimes to dollars, in a situation like that, odds are, to be able to make a choice like that, it must have been somethin' he'd done before; maybe a choice he'd made again and again, consciously.

And, I guess, this is why this story resonnates so much for me. I feel like Life just keeps askin' me to "stay"; stay in this place where I can "wait and watch". And, such a nice touch, there was actually somethin' Odysseus did have to do, but it was very small and a matter of simple timing. I just find that huge; huge!

So, much runnin' around, huffin' and puffin' goes on every day and, funny enough, half, more like most, of it, just to impress somebody with money, convince them, we actually did somethin', so they'll give us some. What a strange piece a theatre! And, ta think that mentality, could become a habit, in such a precious situation, as a life. A show, pure imagination, all to impress. And, worste part, all to impress, someone, likely, cares very little; probably ain't even, really, payin' attention.

"What you practice, you will get good at", a wise man told me so.
And, so, I pratice "stayin'", with the one I will never impress, but seems to care a lot, and definitely pays attention.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's a very important tool to teach a dog ... I teach "wait." Wait is a hard one, in humans too ... the quivering muscles, the desire to react instead of respond. And then, I teach "come" ... come to your protector, the one who has your best interest at heart.
    Life really is an interesting bit of theatre! :D I always liked this:
    "Did you ever see an unhappy horse? Did you ever see a bird that had the blues? One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses." ~Dale Carnegie~

    Thank you for the good thoughts to ponder today, Jeune!

    Happy Trails,
