Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No Tomorrow

Good Mornin'

Well, cool, but sunny and still; headin' for the seventies, accordin' to the radio. Definitely time, pull the sides and raise the flaps; my reptile friends do wake up hungry and I better get some light and air in here.

Sure is good ta get out and see the rest a the ranch, winter time, focus can get kinda narrow; firewood and now, with this eLectronic gizmo and the virtual world it opens to, rememberin' there are critters and fences and grass and ponds, boy that's a welcome turn of events.

Hauled a tank a water out to the drinker, middle of the spread; headin' into spring with most a the ponds dry. But, the small doses of snow, we got fairly often, have give the grass a start and there's still hope for thunderstorms, 'fore the big heat comes on June. Also, been gettin' out to the woods, up back here, hit some a my wood piles for small wood, now that temps are up into mild territory. Amazing, all the different shades a green; all the different plants and grasses, puttin' on their springtime best, even the the dirt, barks and trunks, stems and twig are rich with the moisture they still hold from the winter snows.

I suppose it's reassurin' seein' how the "garden grows" and what a "whole" it weaves; just a reminder how Life has a way and it seldom involves a lot of thinkin'. I guess you could say it just has faith in it's own genius. And there's some inspiration. There's a line from an old book about lillies and birds, how they don't "work" and I reckin' it's similar; it's not that they don't do anything, heck, there likely way busier than we could imagine, but there's an element of fret and worry, tomorrow, maybe, that they just never picked up. Maybe, a sense, that if ya just give, whatever ya got, Life will go on and it'll be good and that's a lighter load.

Maybe that's how come the birds can fly and just ta see a flower, can stop ya in you're tracks.

Have a great day!



  1. I can really "see" this landscape, poetic how you describe it. Photo question. What plant is that? The flower is beautiful, and yes, seeing it would stop me in my tracks as well.
    The deeper question is why humans fret and worry about tomorrow? In the film "Moonstruck", the main character's mother asks her daughter's fiance why men cheat, and he says, "because they fear death." Maybe most creatures don't fear death, and so have the possibility of living freely, without fear, worry, whatever. Just a thought.
    So thanks again for some online inspiration, and you have a great day as well!

  2. Ah yes, "time of the green mist in the woods" up here, as soon as the white melts :D. There are indeed more than 4 seasons. Sounds like time of the "awakening of the land" for you. :)

    Beautiful wildflower! Glad you're out and about roaming the ranch ... funny how the winter opens our eyes wider to changes. Love that verse you're talking about. Trust ... maybe the lilies of the field and birds have it instinctually, where we lost some of that instinct along the way to "civilization." It's a good thing to ponder. Appreciate the inspiration!

    Thank you, Jeune,
