Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Good Mornin'

And, if it ain't June, it oughta be; cicadas are out in force and, least this mornin', so far, we got that"settlin' in ta bake" thing, shapin' up.

Got to see the wild bunch, last night; hauled another tank a water, out to the middle. Might be my imagination, but it does strike me funny how I show up with my curry and they all start groomin' each other. I'll go visit, one by one, then look back and they'll be paired up, side by side, facin' opposite directions, chewin' and lickin', backs and shoulders.

I suppose, good society's like that; it's easy get caught up in our chores, for them that'd be eatin', puttin' calories away for winter. But, it's possible, a little reminder how we count on each other, a little appreciation and, all of a sudden, it gets con-tagious. And, just seein' them appreciatin' each other, sends me back to the barn with a big old smile. Thus, confirmin', I suppose, that, what goes around, does come around.

Same, same, I wonder, 'bout goin' easy on ourselves. All this activity of late, The Medicine Bend, believe it or not, seemin' to take shape, a lot of parts and pieces to examin and consider, sometimes I get worn some thin and don't consider I'm always at my best. But, just this mornin' it occurred to me how, ya just have to let go and not be too critical. A) whatever happened, happened, ya can't go back and B) it's really hard to say, right or wrong, 'cause there's so much we just don't and never will know; what we might consider to have been a big mistake, might have had all kinda positive side effects, we just couldn't see.

It's also inspiration, I figure, do my best, regular as I can, just remembering, "I only get one chance; can't never go back". Results are sometimes hard ta figure, but if my intent was right, "best", least it's easier live and let go, like that. And, I do believe, there's somethin' real powerful in that little grain a sand, 'cause I ever hope to do better, it won't be for lookin' back, but lettin' go and workin' on my best, today.

And, round and round it goes; I remember, judge myself a little less, I'm way more apt, consider my neighbor, my horse, same generosity. They relax, they do better. They feel better, they're like to see me better/kinder; 'fore ya know it, whole neighborhoods, lookin' better.

I guess it really is like plantin' seeds; easy to think life's a straight line, but earth is round. We might not be able to "go" back but, most certain, we do "come" back and one way or other, we're bound ta live with the seeds we sowed.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Way Home

Good Afternoon

And, fairly pleasant at that; up around 80 degrees and breezy.

And, lots a irons in the fire, as opposed to yesterday, which aside from the basics, feed, water, a little firewood and a half hearted go round with the boys, was pretty much a non-event; those mules, there Monday, kinda took the wind out ma sails.

But, one day down, a little extra quiet/prayer time and I woke up today, just a little fresher and opto-mistic; made some phone calls around to a few VA offices, see if I could make a connection, find out what's goin' on with veterans comin' home from overseas, as I've heard of some programs involvin' vets and horses that seem to be helpin' with their re-acclimation to civilian life.

I don't figure on The Medicine Bend Association, ever gettin' real big, or formal, if that's the right word, but one child, one veteran, might need a simple retreat for a while, fix some fence, ride a horse, check a cow; that'd be a start. And, I suppose, why I figure, start with the horse rescue; if there's horses at the bottom, like a foundation, I know the healin' can start, no fancy philosophy required.

And, I have took some ribbin' on my mission statement, even some ribbin' for thinkin' about it, but all the good books say it's important and it's not like I really done this before, so, I am apt to look and listen some, the "experts" mighta tried similar. Anyway, I still like it, even rustic, as is. In fact, maybe all the more, that very reason. I just remember, time in my life, real lost I was and I went around to all the "institutions", knockin' doors and askin' questions. Just got a lot of blank looks and talk. Serious, and I mean serious, as I was, it was plain as day, it was just talk and well meanin' as they mighta been, weren't anything a fella could really get hold of; least not one, lost like me. So, I had ta search my soul for anything that'd been solid since I was young and it was the critters. People can be all over the place; critters, the woods, that's like bedrock. So, that's where I went and that's where the healin' began.

The Navajo say, the first people, the gods, once they'd kinda got the world workin', they disappeared back into the rocks and the trees, some natives believe their ancestors come back as buffalo, provide for their children. Hard to figure, but maybe there's a rhyme and a reason and some kinda sense, that wisdom and healin' are much closer to our roots than our big ideas. And, so, whatever it's worth, my affectionate little mission statement, laughable may be, but I believe it, whole heart:

Makin' a home for old horses, 'cause even old horses know the way home; and there's kids (and soldiers) may have fogot.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

No Chairman, No Bored

Good Mornin'

Well, cool and sunny, but warmin' up fast. Wind is calm, just gentle stirrin's, so far. Woke up slow, kinda sore, wrestlin' with the mules, who are really very sweet, but some opinionated, 'bout pickin' up their feet and special, when they want 'em down. And, the owner bless, her heart, who loves 'em to death, might not have the best grasp of the "willin' communication" thing, so, we make do. And, I'm like to go back again, here, a few weeks, fine tune and finish them up; with the dry times, their feet were hard as rocks and my shoulder's still, kinda mostly, not really, very strong.

Gotta run off to the post office this mornin', pay a bill. Otherwise, see if I can collect myself, figure what's next; the owner here's due to visit end of June, which means "clean up", hay's runnin' low, fences need fixin', the bunch needs trimmin' and a new pasture for the boys'd sure, improve their lot. And, I s'pose, none of that even addresses, the Medicine Bend Association, but, upside, little chance, I'm like ta get bored, any time soon!

Have a great day!


Monday, May 28, 2012

Horse Sense

Good Mornin'

Well, believe it or not, actually had some ice on the horse tank last night. The wind shiftin', there yesterday, comin' around from the northwest, dropped our temps another notch and pushed the smoke back south.

And, that ain't all bad; blowin' like it has, little ground moisture to begin with, least these cooler temps'll keep the evaporation down to a minimum. Special, headin' into June, general, the hottest month of the year and not likely to see rain 'till July. Then again, predictin' anything, anymore is, pretty near, impossible.

Did get to play with the boys last night; workin' on Julio's feet and Ruben's fear. Amazin' conversation, any way ya look at it and conversation it is. Julio with his bad eyes tryin' to figure, what it is I want with his feet and Ruben, convinced he don't want no humans, 'hind his front quarters. And, as I often, profess, I ain't necessarily "good" at this inter-speecial conversation, but we sure have fun and I do believe I'm learnin'.

And, one way or another we are relaxin'; me more clear it's the learnin', not the clock and them, despite themselves, admittin' it is kinda fun, playin', whatever it is I'm up to and however poorly I m approach it. I was workin' with Julio in the round pen and Ruben, who's taken to watchin' us, quite a lot of late, started scratchin' on the gate, which I don't hardly fasten, and ended up in the pen with me and Julio. Now, in the past, this would have been a major blow up, as Julio don't fancy bein' around Ruben, no way, if I got a rope on him; Ruben bein' kinda dominant and Julio concerned with "free flight", when he's near by. But, this time everybody just kinda sized up the situation, looked around and waited for me to sort things out.

Hilarious, really; Ruben kinda lookin' around like, "huh, how'd I get in here?", and Julio just calmly movin' a couple a steps sideways, where he ended up behind me, thus, pendin' otherwise, unforeseen developments, safe. So, I just walked over, droppin' a few coils, for slack, open the gate a little and Ruben, as if to say, a casual "thanks", stepped around and back outside and matter of fact resumed his spectatorship.

This might all seem, quite insignificant, but for them "not" to blow at the first sign any curious development, is really huge; special with a "dumb human" somewhere in the neighborhood. As, "we might not know much, but there can be no doubt, that humans don't know anything!".

Sure, sure makes me smile!

Have a great day!


Sunday, May 27, 2012


Good Mornin'

Well, even cooler this mornin'! Has started to blow again, but doesn't feel like it's gonna blow quite so hard as yesterday; see what happens.

Otherwise the smoke did clear, where the wind has shifted, comin' out the northwest, this mornin. Afternoon, yesterday, got so bad, I even started lookin' round, make sure ther wasn't somethin', actually burnin', here close by.

But, life's like that out here; sometimes ridin' in the clay hills, you can get disoriented, wonderin' if you're lookin' at something large, far away, or small close up. Other day, walkin' to the neighbors, feed the critters, I started hearin' a buzz, when I was passin' this little grove of juniper. It'd been on my mind, the rattlesnakes'd be out soon, if they weren't already, so I stopped and looked around, turned my head this way and that, see if I could figure what and where. Then I kinda jumped, 'cause all of a sudden, it sounded like it was right next to me. Took me a day or two, similar situation, figure, "oh, the cicadas are out this year!". And, way they play, with the wind and all, that sound'll drift all over.

Or, the other day, comin' back from town, seein' those cliffs, 'cause the light had changed with the smoke. I guess, where there aren't so many people and man made structures, ya got ta keep checkin', see where y'are, what's up, did somethin' change and if everybody's still, relatively safe. Upside, I suppose, most of the time, y'end up bein' pleasantly surprised, by somethin' beautiful, you never noticed before.

So, ya see, this is why I'm a little "different"; I'm bein' nice. Ya can't live your whole life bein' freaked out about things, but ya do kinda end up in this funny state of awareness; afterall, the beautiful Cougar is also dangerous, and the dangerous rattlesnake is also beautiful. So, seems ta me, there's a curious balance, 'tween trust and attention; maybe ya trust that we can get along and you pay attention, 'cause gettin' along, does require a little respect for our differences.

Which is all quite interestin' to me, as I did wake up this mornin', thinkin' on some a the new responsibilities, might come with this new piece a ground and how ya manage them, 'out gettin' all hot headed. And, I'll just bet it's kinda similar; a combination of trust and awareness.

Time ta play with ponies!

Have a great day.

Best, always!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Man's Greek

Good Afternoon

Well, blowin' again! Hard to believe I'm actually developin' some affection for theirself, or maybe it's just this one; plumb outta the south and cool. Maybe there's some moisture in it, or maybe it's just the cool of it, but blowin' it is. Pretty much sustained, up near 40 miles an hour, CWAG! (That'd be, certified wild arse guess.)

Might keep it short today; spent yesterday figurin' a short term fix for my hay conundrums. Ended up borrowin' three-four days worth from my neighbors, 'till I can drum up some dough and a deal, get a few bales from the feed store down south. And, I sure need to haul water; with all this wind, evaporation on top a thirsty critters, even 200 gallons, only like ta last 2 days.

I was thinkin' on a related subject, just the past few days; how some folks are apt ta come up here, few weeks in the summer, look around and wonder why some of us don't seem ta make much progress. Well, if they stuck around, rest of the year, helped hold on to my tent in the wind, cut some wood when it's twenty below, waded through the mud, on the melt, waited out the monsoons and fixed a little fence, when it's ninety degrees, it just might answer their question. But, that ain't like ta happen, so, I just take it for reminder; ya know that thing about not judgin', 'till ya walked a mile. Well, just as easy for me, judge someone else and much as we're like to pretend, fact is, we are all incredibly different; what's easy for one, sure can be greek for the other.

Just the other day at the parts store, Clement, the owner was askin' about my eyes; he offered how cataracts are easily fixed and I responded that the price was, too! Then he offered how I should just find a high dollar job, for a few months and I just looked at him and smiled; I don't believe there's any way, explain, all the times in my life I tried to "make money". I don't think you'd believe me; I don't believe it! All I can say, having, truly tried and tried, every which way, for some folks, try as they might, money and the whole process, goes with it, is just plain greek.

Sides, I found a job like that, who'd take care a the horses? Livin' things aren't exactly appliances; easily turned on and off. That I understand.

Have a great day!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Just a Ride to Cuba and Back

Good Mornin'

Well, the weatherwomen must be on a roll; actually panned out kinda like they said. Blew like a banshee, there Weddin' Day, not too bad there Jester Day and here we are Fried, eh?, and here they come again.

Made the trip to Cuba, right in the middle, just as we'd hoped; day it didn't blow so bad. And, a pretty fair day, all in all. Got my chores done, ate, wrote the log, pulled my water tank out the truck, fired it up and made it the post office, five passed twelve; my neighbor waitin' patient. Had a nice drive in and did decide to splurge on a load a laundry; four pair a jeans and four shirts. Give me a leg up on summer laundry and my clothes an overdue thrashin', like those machines are accustom; real soap and all.

Had a visit here and there, some Navajo elders and kids, one celebritory cup of coffee at the Stop and Go, got my groceries, only a five minute wait for my ride and headed home, with brief stop at Gil's Auto , the Catholic Church and the gas station; my neighbors agenda.

Extremely smooth and enjoyable; me and the neighbor chattin' on this and that, horses, kids, friends, fences and pastures. I remember when we turned on to 595, offa 96, Regina Valley, crossed the divide west, got back up on our high desert valley headed north through the sage, sand and pin~on, looking off to the west, what I always thought of as hills. There's still quite some smoke in the air from the fires down south; not so much ta cause alarm, but just enough ta change the light, ever so slight. And, to my amazement, those "hills" I always imagined, off in the distance to the west, well, way the light was playin' with the smoke, they were all lit up, just so; come to find out they were cliffs! Drivven that road a thousand times, just about that time a day; never seen those cliffs, never knew how pretty they was. Never even knew they was there.

Great thing about livin' out here, little by little, come ta find out, this is connected to that; what I thought from over there, was the front side a this, turns out to be the back side of that and you really could get there from here, if you ever had a mind. All our conversations of horses and kids, friends, fences and pastures, maybe it all looks a little different, just with a ride to town, hazy spring day and maybe just a little better.

Finally made it home, a brief stop at the Cafe', borrow a drop of glue for my glasses; sat upon by accident. Threw a flake for the mustang boys, did my neighbor chores, bull, pony, goats and chicken, come back and turned the boys, out for a bite and a romp. We all get a tickle come time to go in; the boys considerin', "time for some fun". They know we'll end up in for the night, but, they can bust for a sprint back and forth, and maybe another or two, well, turnin' it in ain't all that bad, 'cause they just showed the cowboy "who's who"! And, bust they did; back and forth and forth and back. Flattenin' out like missles, slippin through trees like the wind; buckin' and prancin' back, the corral and peekin' ta see, they might do it again.

So, like ta say in the North, land a my first years on earth, it really was, a very fine day and, sure, "a good time was had!".

Here's hopin' yours, is even, best!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gone With The Wind

Good Mornin'

Well, cool, still and sunny, so far; supposed ta blow again, but maybe not quite so hard as yesterday. See, if we can't make the "town run" today, where we did put it off yesterday and the winds supposed ta come on stronger again, tomorrow. And, for anybody still wonderin' if climate change is fact or fiction, smoke, grass already at seed, dry ponds and even southern colorado pullin' on water reserves, which used to rest into July might lend cause to get off the fence.

Did get to haul another tank a water, just 'fore dark; the bunch munchin' way out yonder, middle a things, out behind Orange Rock. Orange Rock is just a knoll, but right in the middle of this knoll in the middle, just about the high point, there's a large pumpkin size and colored rock; maybe two feet around. It's covered with some kinda lichen, makes it orange, but bright orange it is and far as I know, the only one on the whole place.

Anyway, the wind blowin' like it was and horses apt ta be kinda jumpy, affected as they are by changes and character of the air on any given day, they musta caught a whim, give it up, caught the wind and rode it on in for a drink; I was skimmin' the tank with an old piece a screen, backed up to the tank, fillin' it from the truck when a crack made me jump and look, and here they come, just like the wind. Wild and full of gust, circling the grove in a large arc, buckin' and prancin', tossin' their heads, windin' on in, like so many birds; dippin' their noses, then jumpin' and spinnin', like gobblin's were surely about. It mighta been the water, but part I think it was me; critters get all jumpy like that, seems they really like company, special, company ain't quite so infected.

Anyway, they all got a drink and dark comin' on, the wind easin' just slight and a little assured for company, a rub and a check on each one, they eased off munchin'. I moved the truck a bit, the water tank full, direction of their drift and stopped again, gather some old wood I'd seen and just ta linger among, just another few.

So curious, company; maybe all by ourselves, notions of doom and chaos take hold. Maybe together we remind each other how affection endures and the wild fires are gently contained; quenched with a drink.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Prince Albert In A Can; Uncle Albert In My Horse

Good Mornin'

Well, another be you tea full mornin' and, come ta think of it, I am "tea full"; two small cups anyway. And, the breezes are stirrin' early, just as the weather lady indicated they might. Had figured to go to town, but they start blowin', way they say, might have to re-consider; tie down my tent and get up on the barn, where there's still one piece a tin gone and another like to leave, 'less I add a nail or two.

Already, got a couple of notes from a good friend with whom I trade thoughts and inspiration on this "livin' alive" question and I gotta say, it is plumb amazin'; why outta the blue they'd say what they said this mornin'. Or, how I can go to sleep with questions, that I can't even articulate and wake up with answers. Makes me think of this quote I've been stuck on, past few days; Uncle Albert.

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein

I guess, the thing becomin' more and more clear to me, the difference 'tween an "intelligent fool" and genius. Seems to me I become that "intelligent fool" when I start thinkin' it's all up to me. I start "movin' in the opposite direction, when I recognise and trust the genius of "Life". And, I suppose that takes a little courage; maybe a lot as our dear uncle suggests. Or, maybe a little just seems like a lot, 'cause we are so "un-used" to the practice.

And, what a beautiful fact! We don't and never will "own" life; it's a gift. Don't recall decidin' to be born and I don't, particular "plan" on dyin'; it just happens. So, seems to me, the genius; ain't anything we can own. Fact it's that very notion, might cut us off. But, a little courage, admit we don't own it, walk out on that hand made, home made, three rope suspension bridge and all of a sudden, there it is; things we could never imagine.

And, yup, it's fine and curious stuff; like to show just so, where nobody'd know, 'less they was really payin' attention. Those are the "miracles" just make me smile; I know it happened, but try as I might, it'd never "explain". Never, never, never! And, you just gotta shake your head and accept; "wow, it's personal, what a gift!". And, maybe ya just relax, a little bit more, real quiet, inside yourself; take another step.

Kinda similar, maybe with Ruben, one the mustang boys. He sure is slow ta trust. And there are folks promote this whole shock thing; "gotta take him back to where and how scared he may have got and take him through, out the other side". And they could be dead right. But, occurs to me, "I just don't know how that all works, who came up with, if it's all true and what Ruben may or may not have been through, or if he's exactly like any other horse, ever has been and whether that'd "fit" on him!". So, I try stuff and I watch, see, what might touch and what seems ta miss. But, maybe most of all, I look for the feel of together; it's him and it's me and however "far" we get or don't, we're together. And, that might be good as it'll ever get, all by itself; improve or not. And, maybe that becomes "genius" in and of itself; 'cause it's just so much fun! I mean what good would "genius" be, if it didn't feel good; if it were just some "notion" of perfection, way off on some horion. Ta me, genius only becomes genius 'cause it's good and I can feel it; and just maybe, see it lookin' back at me.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks, again to Brandon Johnson, Santa Fe Photography Pro

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Good Afternoon

Another sunny, breezy day, here in the land of enchantment. And, I actually washed my feet and got some clean socks on, so, we have a marked up tick in local air quality, over yesterday mornin'; supposed ta make my monthly grocery run, tomorrow, provided the oilfield fellas fix the cattleguard over at my neighbors and she can get out, 'out fallin' in the ditch.

Otherwise, made some preliminary efforts, considerin' The Medicine Bend Association, played with the mustang boys and hauled a tank out to the wild bunch; got to check for bumps, bruises and cuts. All, well!

Did have another conversation with my erstwhile editor, and no I don't really know what erstwhile means, but it does sound good and I think I am startin' to understand, why he likes the simpler stories of life out here, middle of nowhere, with my odd assortment of critters. And, just so happens I was askin' myself the very same question, past few days; had to do with opinions and explanations. We all have 'em and we can get pretty hot, someone else comes along, and doesn't like ours, or has others. Life on the other hand, critters, a course, bein' part, has a way of doin' things, enough to challenge the best.

Kinda like the new addition of Gramma and Grampa Burro, here late and our gettin' to know each other and ourselves, all over again. Got to be about ten years since we first met, me come ta trim their hooves, there where they used ta live; all we went through gettin' comfortable with the drill, their off spring that came and went, off ta live somewhere else. Then, their owners gettin' old and wantin' to travel some, thinkin' to sell 'em at the sale barn and me workin' out a deal, get their babies up to the sanctuary, bring gramma and grampa over here. And, all of a sudden, it's just me and them. And, the question arises, what that means and who we really are.

Yesterday, I went out to check on 'em in their pasture, just beyond the trees, north a the barn and I was lookin' at Stump, grampa, as I scott, nearby, mid the sage and the grass, just noticin' how he wasn't a horse and he definitely, wasn't a dog, but distinctly his own creature. He came over sniffed my outstretched hand and my leather leggins and just looked at me, as if, since I brought it up, he'd rather admit, he wasn't quite sure who I was either, as, now that he'd had a few weeks, settle in and consider the situation, I clearly wasn't his previous owner.

So, we looked and considered, a moment or two, then he went back to munchin' and I headed back to the barn; the question left open, for time and trust, we'll figure it out.

Have a nice day!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Sometimes a Cloud, Always the Sun!

Good Mornin'

Well, sounds like the heat and wind are comin' on; listen to the radio. But, so far, just a pleasant mornin'; sunny, mild with just a gentle breeze.

Might turn things around a little; keep it short this mornin'. See, if I can't start cleanin' up, thin out the crash, built up over winter, catch the "dump" truck this mornin', out by the main road. Then, haul the water tank I filled up last night, out to the wild bunch. Yesterday, "sunday" seemed to catch up on me and I did take a nap; got up and played with the mustang boys, in the curious amber light of the evenin' eclipse, but, time we finished, it was late and I left the filled up water tank for today. If I get out early enough, maybe I can trim some hooves; see how it plays on my shoulder, reluctant as it seems, return to more normal mobility.

Heard an article on the news this mornin' about Mongolia, out in the Gobi; kinda worrisome. Seems, one a these big minin' companies has found somethin' "valuable" out there and they're openin' up these pit mines. All kind a money for the locals, the kids, givin' up their custom of herdin'; alcohol consumption and fancy stores poppin' up. And, worst part, the mines suckin' up the water supply in the grasslands, already dry from the risin' temperatures. Just puzzles me, we ain't come up with some mechanism, rein in the folks, only see profit and don't consider tomorrow and the people, when they wake up to find, the mine gone, the water gone, the earth full of poison and no more grass for sheep, if they even remembered how to herd or had the health required. It's just plain short sighted. Exactly which Earth do folks figure they will live on, with all their money, after it's all been left to die, and no more food will grow.

Hope that don't seem over pessimistic, but jimminy, if any of us have a sense of fair and wise, or any awareness of history, we might oughta get used to raisin' a voice, try to balance the deal; "Hush Money" is heavy stuff.

That said, I am used to say, "have a great day" and I sure wouldn't quit today! 'Cause maybe, even more important than speakin' up, is livin' up, less we, too, forget, there really is a positive and how good, good can be.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jeune By a Nose

Good Afternoon

And, ya, this is a first; pretty much, near as I can tell. Though, it may have happened once or twice, I threw a log away, this is the first time I wrote a second; first one got "banned in boston!". Really quite hilarious. One a my best friends and "erstwhile" editor, actually had the "chutzpah", tear up the first one. And, you might not get the humor of it all, right off the bat, but he did it with such craft and good humor, I could only stand in awe and watch the pieces fly, aware that he really had a point and, that I will certainly ressurect it, one a these days, clean it up and get it in, on the "QT", as I'm not like to relinquish a point, however poorly I may have expressed it.

Anyway, him bein' as genius as he is, he did bring up somethin' gorgeous in the process and thus, my second "log" of the day. He said, "you know, in one of your logs, you talked about the horses, standin' with their noses into a breeze and in another, you mention them standin' with their butts into the wind; what's the difference?". I thought for a minute and it hit me; they're like to face a breeze, 'cause in it's gentle nature, it'll carry information, sounds and smells. A wind on the other hand, in it's more agressive nature, won't inform, so much as offend, so it gets the butt!

I don't know about you, but I was dumb foundered! I'd never thought of it, just like that. Then, I remembered workin' with the mustang boys, lately and how, after years now, of waitin' and watchin', my early efforts, clearly off the mark, we were really startin' to connect, here, recent. I put the two stories side by side and there it was; I was the wind. And, sure enough, early on, kind of aggressive. Maybe not physically, but kinda sure of myself and my assumptions and, sure enough, I got ta see a lot of butt. Here now recent, after so much waitin' and watchin', informed by their beautiful selves, assumptions aside, you could say, I'm more like a breeze; allowin' myself to be informed, more informative. And, sure enough, I'm seein' a lot more nose. Such a simple point, such a big difference; I still can't get over it and, god willin', I never will.

So, case you were shy, missin' my traditional weather report/introduction, it is a gorgeous day in Lindrith; blue skies, sunshine and ya, a gentle breeze.

Have a great day!


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fresh Air

Good Mornin'

Well, the wind quit and, I suppose, a little cooler air come in behind it, all addin' up to a very beautiful mornin'! Sunny, fresh, with some gentle breezes still stirrin'.

And, seems ta me, all this back and forth over territory, sure is exhaustin'; makes me wonder if I'll have anything left, fix it up and spend time with the ponies and kids, got the whole thing rollin' ta begin with. But, I suspect, this is a natural part of agin'; comin' up on the big "6-0", occurs ta me the body's bound to announce some changes and first off, we're bound ta figure it's the end of the line. But, the human spirit, has it's own aspirations and, that bein' part of the "forever", I figure, like water, I'm apt ta get better at adaptin'; findin' a way forward, no matter the obstacles. Maybe, it shines some light on that cute sayin', how youth and enthusiasm are no match for old age and craft. When you're young, ya might have all kinda enrgy, but maybe, not so much clarity, or focus and muscle's the easy answer. When ya get older, and realize muscle ain't the universal answer, even if ya still had 'em, and you're more aware, years of trial and error, the things that really pack meanin', yer apt ta get real creative on ways ta get where ya need ta go, one way or another. This, ta me, really the gift of age; our chance, really see and experience, first hand, when it really counts, the genius of life.

Kinda reminds me of that old story by Will James; old blind cowboy, still fixin' fence! His horse had got so used to stoppin' for broken wires, over the years, the cowboy'd saddle up and head out, knowin' the lay of the land like he did, eyes or no eyes, and just wait for his horse to stop. When the horse did stop, he'd climb off and feel along the fence, 'till he found the broken wire, patch it up and go on down the line, 'till his horse'd stop again. That's life. That's genius. That's craft and co-operation. And, my humble opinion, beats tv at the old folks home, by 1000 miles.

Another friend a mine, Old Tom Triplet, lives up in Montana, when he was young and got ta know some of the old cowboys, he's 80 somethin', he met a couple a brothers already old, figured they'd just camp down by the river, when they was too old work a full day. Well, things changin' like they do, that land was now owned by some new comers, didn't fancy two old cowboys campin' on their land, and they called the authorities. The authorities rounded up the old cowboys and took 'em off to the old folks home. Tom woke up one mornin', found one of the brothers, sleepin' on his porch; he'd broke out, the old folks home and headed for the hills. Tom, about the only fella he knew anymore and a cowboy himself, I suppose, the old timer figured Tom might take him in.

Kinda sad, but there we are; a culture don't respect the elders much. But, same time, things do change and, many of us old timers, there are anymore, I suppose, we live well and do what we can, we just might change that too. And, I believe we got help; I sure have seen some good young folk, comin' along, really seem ta have some wisdom and appreciation for good things that last. Thank Creator on that one; I believe He/She's sendin' in re-inforcements, help make a change for the better.

Have a great day!


P.S. Spirit Medicine, Lakota healing song:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Just A Toy Hammer

Good Afternoon

And, yes, once again, a little later than "oughta", but this the life of the cowboy/author/cook/foster home dreamer and, we might hope, he actually lives to delegate the majority, as the latter, were all, pretty much, cooked up to allow for the foremost. Such is life.

Woke up this mornin', once again, reminded about confusion and by contrast, clarity. Dreamnt of wrestlin' with a giant! And, while I was able to exert some influence, the fairly imbecile giant, really just kept on doin' whatever he felt like; basically an exercise in futility. Part of this may have been the half a painkiller I swallowed for I went ta bed, but most of it fit right in with my wakin' world. As, having successfully landed our little parcel of dirt, I noticed part of myself, imaginin' that I must be of some importance and could, thus, certainly influence, other future events, accordin' to MY thoughts.

So, my unruly giant! Fact is, by and large, we are along for the ride and struggle as we might, generally speakin', what will be, will be. And, a course, it ain't all cut and dry. It was me, afterall, came up with the notion of the foster home and the book to raise money, or was it? Maybe it was just a kind offer, I had the good fortune to notice and accept; all those years ago. And, though I have made some efforts, it was never, really, my idea, nor the outcome, "result" of my effort. Kinda like the dad, might wanta build somethin', gives his wee son a toy hammer, so the wee one gets to stick around, watch and learn, what it means ta be big and ta have a plan.

Anyway, this, to me the clarity; don't wrestle with "the giant", hang with "the pop"; watch, listen and learn. This is not futile, but, truly fruit full.

Have a great day!


Thursday, May 17, 2012


Good Mornin'

Just barely; still gettin' up slow. But, extra couple a phone calls late, with recent events, land deals and all, just a few more items in the pack, not a bad time to remember old Kabir; poet saint from the middle east. "Oh, lost one, be careful how you load yourself; if you are hungry, eat now, 'fore further up the road, there are no stores!".

And, I guess I was, rememberin', this mornin' as I woke up, particular hungry for quiet time and connection with the Heart place! It really is such a comforting spot. Couple a times, mid sortin' out the deal, a remote third party involved, the trustee, attitudes and rhetoric got pretty hot. Maybe, thanks to my remote location, it was much easier for me, maintain an easy goin' perspective, nevertheless, a reminder and inspiration, as I watched my friend's blood pressure shoot up into the "red zone", stay in touch! In touch with what? In touch with the Heart.

It just is the most amazin' place, that not only owns that large and timeless vision, but lends it to you, whenever you visit. Like the question of the stick, makin' it smaller without touching it, the larger stick placed beside, just by association, time spent and the lending of itself, I always return with the great relief of remembrance; what really matters, long run. The details reduced to proper dimension. All we can do is try; what happens, happens. Life will go on.

And, so, once again, behind, sort of, I'm apt to leave'r short, today, try and catch up with the critters, etc.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks again to Brandon Johnson, Photography!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Owl Song

Good Mornin'

Well, just a little fresher this mornin', inside and out. Nice, sunny mornin', gentle breees stirrin'. Woke up to the song of an owl this just outside my tent; sure made me smile. Two reasons, I suppose; one, few years back they were around, and some times, evenin' I'd call back and seems, they'd get curious. Seems like there mighta been a couple, nested near by and hatched out their chicks. One mornin', early, maybe two or three, one musta set up in the tree, just outside my tent and shot a "hoot" right in the door; lit me up like a christmas tree! Always wondered if I'd been callin' back at his/her kids and he/she came to see who it was lived in here. Left me with a powerful appreciation for the power of a "hoot", that's for darn sure.

Other reason, my smile for the owl song this mornin', the ground out back we just secured. When I first dreamed of doin' somethin' for native kids and figured maybe I could write a book, raise some dough and got started, there was a Chippewa woman, helpin' me some, get organized. She made us promise to do a ceremony, come time take the pictures, invite the ancestors, all the critters, wildlife, Mother Earth, Father sky, bless our effort and affirm our commitment honor them, in return. Well, she sent us an owl feather, which we offered, along with some sage, a poem and drum song.

So, for the owl to show up this mornin', day after our offer was accepted on the ground out back and thinkin' it mighta been one of the chicks I was callin' to, few years back, well, yes, I sure did wake up with a smile.

Last read through on the book, here directly; off to the printer, 'fore weeks end.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks to Brandon Johnson, photo from the book and poem, "First Light".

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Done Deal

Good Afternoon

And, yes I got up slow and had to check in with various associates, help re-collect and sort out the events of yesterday, discussin' the small parcel of land, here adjacent, with the "envoies" of the family, considerin' a sale.

All went fairly well, as we spent most of the day tradin' stories and just visitin', here and there clearin' up misconceptions and appraisals of the piece in question. But, long afternoon it was, unused to sittin' around as I am, then drivin' around to have an affirmative look, then catchin' up with neglected chores and returnin' to spend some time with the partner, owns this place, re-cap and re-consider events and odds of success; two fingers of whiskey, wash down our efforts.
Unaccustomed, as I am, compoundin' my slow and foggy risin'.

And, just now, 'tween last paragraph and this, come to find out, our offer accepted, thursday we'll sign the papers! Kinda short circuits the story, as I was fixin' to tell you how the "envoies" had delivered our first offer and the "Trustee" had countered quite higher. And, a storm was brewin' as one of the partners here, was lookin' ta get his back up, considerin' our good faith offer and the Trustees remote and slightly inflated "California" opinion.

But, there, the storm has blown over and all the good will, tradin' stories with the "envoies", prevailed and carried the day, 'fore I even had chance, tell a good story.

Anyway, behind as I am, maybe I'll try again tomorrow; catch my breath, soak it in', visit the ponies and see how it looks in the mornin'.

Have a great evenin'!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Rose Glow

Good Mornin'

Well, started right out thunderin', lightnin' and blowin', first thing! Now, it seems to be breakin' up and the suns peekin' through.

Don't know exactly what happened yesterday; did "commence ta bathe". Got out the horse clippers, give myself a haircut and the beginnin' of a shave, down by the barn where I got power and a mirror. And, got my top half scrubbed, from a pan on the wood stove, freshly scented with a little Murphy's Pure Vegetable Oil soap; 98% naturally derived. Cleans to a natural shine; says so right on the label.

But, that was as far as I got. Mighta been the unsettled weather, off and on showers and wind, mighta been the usual spring acclimation, but I couldn't get warm and my stomach kinda knotted up, so I just did the basics of feed and water, found some pretty dry firewood and packed it in; beans and beddin' 'fore the sky was full dark. (Actually, kinda enjoy those evenin's as it reminds me of "little", summer time, when eight o'clock bedtime meant layin' down with the sky still a rosey glow.)

Anyway, maybe, thunderstorms played out early, today'll shape up a little more steady and I'll make some headway. See what happens, but I suppose, also, this meetin' with the trustees on our little parcel, I am inclined, make sure my stillness and attitude are well set and sunny, as they regular, prove their merit and worth, whatever presents itself.

Have a great day!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Unlikely Fortune

Good Afternoon

Well, another quiet mornin' and consistent with spring in New Mexico, 'bout noon time, the warm and cool air start mixin' and discussin' who's goin' which way and whether or not a thunderstorm would help resolve matters.

Still re-cooperatin', seems to me, from the week; startin' off as it did with my journey to Albuquerque and back, then proceedin' on to the avalanche of email, sortin' out the why, how and wherefore of our little piece a dirt in the wilderness, with my extremely kind sponsor.

Spent the mornin' discussin the pros and cons with my best friend and moral counsel, childhood chum and vagabond philosopher, not to mention foster brother, from Tennesee; we always have a lively and heart warming conversation, one way or another, drawin' upon wisdom and quotes from pretty near every saint from the dawn of recorded history to the present, to support our generally random conclusions and insights. A short nap, generally, required to recover from the brunt of the enlightenment and good humor.

And, all goes well, see if I can't "commence ta bathe". Had occasion to look in a mirror the other day, freshening up at the tradin' post, and noticed, with all this activity, I may have got kinda re-miss, re-garden my personal hygiene. And, view of our an-ticipated encounter with the trustees, re-garden our parcel in the wilderness, a shave, a bath and some fresh clothes, would likely come re-commended. Thing is, when it's been a while, and a while before that, gettin' fresh can take some doin'; special out here, spring time, in the wind. The temperature can swing 10-15 degrees in a matter of minutes and ya get wet in a 20-30 mile an hour squall, the wind chill can drop that first 10-15, another 10-15 in a blink; not to mention blowin' sand and pine needles which can leave ya wonderin' why ya tried and figurin' ya might have ta try again tomorrow, 'fore the difference'll show.

So, I figure startin' 48 hours in advance of the required pre-sentability, is just plain good judgement.

And, there's still ponies, very patient ponies, I might add, needin' attention, both here in the corral and out yonder on the grass. So, as usual, and to quote a wise man, "too much candy and not enough pockets, put it all in!". I sure enjoy my life; bathin' ta business, pancakes ta ponies, back ta the barn and over again!
Just lucky, I suppose; way, way fortunate.

Have a great day!


Friday, May 11, 2012

More Flowers

Good Mornin'

And, yes, not quite so backed up! Nice simple, quiet mornin'; put the last touches on our "deal", for now, and headed out take a picture or two, of the parcel in question. Not a great shot, but fair enough for a cell phone; our little valley, future home of the Medicine Bend Association, ranch and foster home, would be the corner of pasture, just, slightly above and to the left of center, just below the tree line.

Otherwise, try and catch up with ponies and, if possible, sneak in a little quiet time with Creator; all this "activity" been keepin' me hustlin', dawn to dark, past few days and I am noticin' I could use a good visit, put things in their proper perspective. So subtle, so quiet, so easy, other things get important, but seems ta me, it's a much happier situation, whatever's goin' on, the path from my house to His/Hers, is clean and clear. Plant a few flowers, side a the path, never a bad idea; afterall, it is a love story. And, any excuse, that one should call, would pay for itself, a million times over.

Have a great day!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Plumb Aromatic

Good Aftertoon

This is gettin' to be a habit; just another spring on the Great Divide. Busy.

And, hopefully, do a little better today, than yesterday.

Did make it to the tradin' post and back, and did get the boys out, for a spell anyway. They got ta munch some and we had a good old romp, come time to head in for the night. The burros seem to be doin' pretty well; leave their gate open, anymore and they come in evenin' time. This place, likely a little wilder than their old home and now, where it's just the two a them and older, I think they figure the barnyard safe.

And, life in all it's di-mensions, book, ponies, fences and neighbors, remains fascinatin' and educational. Lots a "plates" in the air these days, but my spirit seems good for the challenge and my bodies not too far behind; my shoulder startin' to loosen up, quite some.

Try and get out, haul some water for the gang, see if I can't give them some attention; overdue for wormin' and trimmin' hooves, as they are. Bottom line, it's a wonderful life; I guess I love pretty near every part of it. And, top it off, the lilacs are not only in bloom, but just this mornin' they opened up, full perfume! How amazin' is that?

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Short and Sweet

Good Afternoon,

And, yes it's late again! But, it's spring and that's that. Weather, fences, blogs, books and business; not to mention my very patient ponies.

Had to go back an look at my email, even remember where I started out this mornin'. Upside, the weather's calmed down; blew and rained some yesterday. So far, today, sunny, mild and calm; big puffy, white clouds floatin' along, east.

And, truthfully, I suppose, might have ta leave it there; still gotta feed the nieghbor's critters, try and make the tradin' post and haul some water for the bunch out yonder.

So, hasta man~ana...

Have a great day!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Four Blind Mice

Good Mornin'

Well, the storm has passed; for the moment, I suppose, best added. It is spring and ya can't be too sure what the weather's like ta do, makin' it's way ta summer; special with things changin' like they are.

But, it sure, did blow yesterday. Did manage to get the tent tied off to a couple a trees, 'fore it left for Kansas or Colorado and get the tarp back up, in the calm before the rain; pretty much one arm, the left still in dispose. (Not sure what that means, but it sounds good.)

Really, quite nice this mornin'; cool and fresh with the rain we got. Cool enough, for a good fire, help things dry out a tad. And, ya, I'm still digestin', recent turn of events with the land and all. Really, quite amazin'; one large step like that and all of a sudden, same time, real gradual, all your thinkin' shifts to the next level and all you can figure, "there's somethin' at work here!".

I suppose that's the beauty of time and effort; and I've sure made some. Enough to KNOW, no matter how hard I try, if there ain't some kinda grace/gift/magic 'hind things, it ain't goin' nowhere.

And, I know, some folks'd disagree, whole heart and swear up and down, "ain't no such thing! I did it myself, weren't no 'gift' about it!". All I can do is smile, kindly, and consider how that might be true for them, but it never worked for me.

And this, to me, is a really important point. In this day and age of "media overload", listenin' to politicians all day long, each one tellin' us how things "should be", we just might be inclined to consider how the whole universe is about "legislation" and, see creator through the same lense; the "Grand Legislator". But what if, on the contrary, it was personal; that Creator was so "Grand", beyond our furthest ability to imagine, that he/she didn't have to legislate; one size fits all. Right here, right now, for you, for me, should we be inclined, take a walk, hold a hand, have a conversation.

See what I mean; it could be personal and Creator was workin' with each one of us accordin' to our pre-dispositions, assumptions and inclinations. It'd sure be possible, each one of us come up with a different explanation of "how it is".

Reminds me, I suppose, of the four blind men encounterin' an elephant on the road; the keeper allowin' the men, each, have a feel on the elephant, so they might understand. One come away, swearin' an elephant was like a big tree, he had found a leg. The second, feeling a ear, sure that an elephant was like a big leaf. The third, feeling the stomach, a big barrel and the fourth who only found the trunk, that an elephant was like a big rubbery tree limb. Each one correct to a point, no?

Anyway, I am amazed, and likely, oughta get back ta work, see how this all pans out.

Have a great day!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Any Which Way

Good Afternoon,

And, ya, runnin' a little late! Slept hard, probably my "horse" (body) takin' advantage of the "flat" posture, breath a little easier, after all the wincin' yesterday, with my shoulder. And, catchin' up on some correspondence; seems, wonder of wonders, we might a come up with a backer, move our horse rescue/foster home quite a large step closer to reality. Can't be too sure, but we're talkin'.

And, there's another gift! Funny part is, I'm not referring specifically to the "backer", though that, too, no doubt. But, an even larger gift, my mind, the understandin', consideration, that "it's gonna be great, however it turns out!". Kinda woke up, this on my mind. If my focus and intent is to know, love and serve my creator, then, absent me losing that focus, it's gonna be a great life! Will everything go my way? Highly unlikely. Will I succeed in all my efforts? Anybody's guess. Can I rest assured of love, grace/magic and mercy? Absolutely! Is that the important part? I won't even answer?

What an amazin' deal!

When this possibility arose, I started thinkin', "boy, this is heavy stuff!", ya know, other folks countin' on me and such. Then, voice of my heart teacher, it changed; "Trust, be clear your 'why', make effort, enjoy; nothing to fear! Worste case you learn and start over, better! It IS, all, about love and learnin'!"

So, I'll keep you appraised a developments, but I better turn my attention to the moment, as it's begun to "blow like a banshee" and my tents fixin' to re-locate!

Have a great day!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Coyote Neighbor

Good Mornin'

Well, another peach of a day; looks like. Cool, sunny and still.

Startin' to recuperate, from the grand escapade; Querque and back, one day. Might have ta re-think some a my habits and winter diet, but same thing happened last spring. Winter time, seems, I just eat whatever and as much as possible, keep the furnace crankin'. Things start ta warm up and the old carcass starts to wonder about a break; maybe some healthier fare and a little less caffeine. And, occurs to me, I might have to consider some kind a regular stretchin'; went to pull on somethin' yesterday and somethin' let go in my shoulder. Been tryin' to shake it off, since, but doggone if it don't smart. Too much computin' and correspondin', I say; not enough time, out and about, chorin' and playin' with ponies.

Anyway, little by little, we'll find a way. Is the nice side a writin' a smidge; I get ta remind myself of the bigger picture and a postive attitude. And, come ta think of it, I was rememberin' just that, other day. My heart teacher, so often remindin' me about patience and the certainty that things will change; "Things aren't goin' so good, wait a while; they'll get better. Things are great, wait a while; they'll go wrong.". And, I know that sounds funny, but it really helps me; just that clarity, that up and down, is the nature of things. My job, not to get stuck in the dump, good or bad, but to keep my eye on the long haul and opportunity I have to give and to grow and to walk with the timeless; should I, so incline.

And, truly, that helps! Seems to me that's the ultimate "jail house"; things gatherin' around and about, promisin', "this'll never change!". And, our heart starts bleedin' hope; THE MOST "vital" fluid. So, just to remember, "no, it's temporary", really, really does help.

And, I suppose that's the lesson of "Coyote"; "ya wanta make it out here, you WILL need all your wits and to use 'em wise!". And, if it's a little wisdom from an Elder, keeps me in the game, I'll take it.

Don't know if you've ever had a chance to really look at a coyote's eyes, but they are amazin'! One fall, few years back, a big stud dog was crossin' from the neighbors West over to our place, cross the county road, just north a the low gate. He sat down in the pasture, just this side of a thick and just looked out over the valley, me, the horses and dogs, all the goin's on, and I happened to have my bi-nocs. I was really quite amazed, seein' his face up close; talk about a "poker face", jimminy! Kinda smilin', which leant a squint to his eyes and an aire of non-chalance, but just behind the "aire", boy, was he aware, awake and alive; unbeleivable!

Have a great day!


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Life Under Glass

Good Mornin'

Well, a beautiful, breezy spring mornin'. Woke up slow and called my old friend Chris, recount my "journey to querque"; he listens really good, like his Mom did when we were little and asks great questions. And, slightly disco embobulated, from all the ridin' and bussin', I suppose, it helps me "come home" to myself.

There's an old joke about a slug, come into an emergency room, all beat up. When the doctors finally revived him and asked what happened, the slug recalled bein' run over by a turtle. When asked how this come to pass, the slug confessed, that he wasn't too sure, as it all happened so fast!

And, I suppose, that's kinda similar to an old cowboy, ridin' a bus to the city, these days, so a chance, talk to an old friend and remember what happened, kinda fills in the blanks. I remember, sittin' on the bus, lookin' out the window at the country side, rollin' by, wishin', a) I could feel the ground and smell the air and b) that I was ridin' one a my horses, all the others in tow, dogs too, a course, so that I could really appreciate the fact of travellin', all the little changes along the way and that my horses could share the adventure; they are a curious bunch and love a well executed adventure, much as any human!

But, it's a fast world anymore; all set up to where you won't "even notice", though I did my best, takin' pictures out the window.

Made the bank, checks all in for process, another old friend, pickin' me up, taxi me here and there. Had a great little lunch after doin' the bank; Korean-Southwest? But, hay, it was great and "two fer ten"$; merciful little and least I could do for all the kindness of my friend. Try and make it up next week. Stopped by and saw her Mom at the old folks home, then back in the car, run for the bus.

Just not used to days that long and so many different people. Everybody "in"; in cars, in busses, casinos and banks, restaurants and old folk homes. All of the world behind glass. Sure, glad to wake up here; "in" my sleepin' bag, but plumb, outdoors, voice of my pony, askin' for hay.

Have a great day!


Friday, May 4, 2012

The Weave

Good Mornin'

Well, a fine mornin'! And, I'm actually on the bus to Bernalillo; caught my ride at the post office at 7am and made the bus at 8:25.

Kinda hard leavin' the critters, but I traded the neighbors a jar a peanut butter, come by noon time, check on the bunch and I should be back by 5pm.

Quite beautiful comin' in to Cuba, early mornin' springtime; everything yet green, from the winter's snow. Valleys, all misty; floors a sparkle with diamond dew. And, the road south, always a treat; the strange blend of other worldy beauty, from the starkest red rocks to the lushest river beds.

But, ya the critters; we weave quite a rug. Make a Navajo proud! One thread pulled out, everybody knows. They all continue, I know, muchin' and wanderin', gazin' over their fences, as I gaze out the bus window; but, we all breath just a little shorter, seems ta me, waitin' on that missin' thread. Make our pattern whole.

Have a great day!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Now and Forever

Good Mornin'

And, another peach! A little breezy, no doubt, but any day you can stand up and walk around, out the wind knockin' ya down and around, it's a good day; springtime New Mexico.

Got kinda caught up on the phone this mornin' and I oughta line up my ducks, try again for Albuquerque, man~ana, but I reckin' I'm pretty well addicted to this "good mornin'" stuff.

And, I did get to read through the book again, gettin' ready to send it off to the printer. Pleasantly surprised, I'd say; I wondered after all this writin' the "web log", etc., that I might find it clumsy and lackin'. But, truth is, I liked it! Don't suppose that means much to anybody else, but I genuinely liked it.

And, yes, that is funny! I mean, shouldn't I be all worried about what other people think and whether or not it'll be successful? Maybe; but way I figure, if it's got some charm and it does say somethin', fairly accurate, to what I've lived, good enough. The rest will be, what the rest will be that!

What can I say? I've just had the good fortune of knowin' some wonderful people in my life and I guess this is the best of all they gave me; "if something's worth doin', not only is it worth doin' right, but it's worth doin', all by itself; no matter what!"

And, simultaneous, I find "today" and "forever", right there; in them, in myself and all that surrounds me. Very funny how "meanin'" really does seem to connect to some kinda "whole", where, so often, our best "logic", which would seem to connect, leaves us adrift and bemused; "how is this possible, I had it all thought out?". Well, all I can figure, life never agreed ta be what we think!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

One Drop of Nectar

Good Mornin'

Shapin' up a beautiful day.

Amazin' to me, how simple and rich life can be. I've had these mustang boys some years now. Early on, I jumped in, eager to "prove" that wild horses, were "just horses" and certain I'd have 'em "goin'" in short order. But, as life seems to get a great tickle from callin' our assumptions in to question, my early efforts, did not add up, by any stretch.

So, after, some helpin's of humble pie, I really had to back up and admit, "wow, I really need to get passed my assumptions and get to know these horses!". Which is the case with any horse, but at least double with the boys; three or four hundred years, their families in the mountains, here, little to no contact with humans. Then on top, pulled out of the woods and away from their families and subject to every freaky experience you can imagine; forest service pens, branding, shots, squeeze chutes, noise and chaos.

And, so it's been; lots of waitin' and watchin', brushin' and feedin'. Years, now; tryin' a few things, here and there. Then ya factor in personality. Julio, the most obviously damaged, when they first come in, has come along, quite some, though I'm wonderin' how deep it goes. And Ruben, the glorius young stud, seemingly, deep down, determined to have no part a this partnership thing, though, same time, very curious about how that "might" work.

So, me gettin' a little stronger, since my illness a few years back. Circumstances, lendin' questions of the future. Seems time to get in the middle and sort out somethin' workable; older, wiser and maybe, more aware of where each one really lives.

Now, there's a strain of modern horsemanship, inclined toward "doin'" things, bring about a change in a horse; just a little like some a them psy-chologists, past decades. Maybe a combination of listenin' and shock therapy. But, as "effective" as it may prove, in most cases, I do have some questions and I suppose they revolve around "doin", as the end-all-be-all of success; as long as a horse'll do what you want and not hurt you, you've arrived!

Anyway, I've been spendin' a lot of time with the boys, again, tryin' little things, but, special with Ruben, just bein' quiet and listenin'. I guess it's the "shock stuff" I have a question about. I have no doubt that it does bring about a change, but "what is won and what is lost", there's my question.

Just enough, to get him to take me serious and agree to spend some time, then in the quiet to listen, boy what a story unfolds. I guess, you could say I've got a lot of faith in the power of story; not so glamorous, maybe not so fast, but deep and unbelievably powerful, that's my inclination.

And, it is possible, it'll take some time yet; most folks figure me COMPLETELY nuts. But, even to get a hint of the depth and power of "story", a hint, the beauty of a soul, so be it.

Have a great day!


P.S. Thanks, again to Brandon Johnson for the great shot of Ruben!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Funny Forest

Good Mornin'

Well, sunny and bree-zee! Spring time in New Mexico. Can't complain, aside from a blast or two, the wind really hasn't been to bad this spring.

Didn't get too far, yesterday. As I mentioned the trip to Albuquerque, not quite pannin' out, but I did make a run to the tradin' post pick up a few groceries I mighta got on the way. Then, a course, tryin' ta squeeze that in, still get some chores done, I grabbed a "pure sugar" lunch at the tradin' post, top of the menu, came back and passed out, sleep off the sugar. Gotta wonder, exactly when I'm liked ta think those things out a little more clearly.

Otherwise, did get some wood up and worked the boys, some. Like ta get out and give the bunch some attention, but I also gotta get after the final read through on the book. One step at a time.

And, come ta think of it, and the "gifts horses bring", workin' young Ruben last night, ponderin' what a hard time he has lettin' go, trustin', reminds me, go easy on myself. Time I was little, I had quite some shocks in my life, just like Ruben, pulled out of the forest and away from his kin; all the crazies at the forest service pens, whoopin' and hollerin', clangin' and bangin', out ta prove how tough they was. And, same, same, those kinda shocks can really leave a wrinkle in the "fabric" of a mind; stick with ya your whole life, to where that "one step at a time" becomes a REALLY important reminder. That wrinkle like a scratch on an old record; a non-sensical interuption of an, otherwise predictable flow and with it, the tendancy to panic, or somehow consider that everythings happenin' all at once.
And, so, another gift; I reckin', the two of us tryin' to sort things out, both of us'll learn a lot. Find our way out of one forest and back to the other.

Have a great day!
